Chapter 7

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As I stood up from hugging Axl, I made my way to get a drink of water, Axl following me.

"Thank you." I said to him.

"Don't worry about it." He replied. I downed the water and put my glass in the sink.

"You know when you asked when I was ever happy with you?" I asked him, he nodded.

"This is one of those moments." I told him. He smiled and hugged me once more before walking  to the door.

"Your parents will be home soon, I'm guessing anyway. So I need to go before they get back. We don't need you to be in anymore trouble than you already are." He said. I smiled and waved goodbye as he walked out.

I went to my room and got my phone out of my pocket. I saw a message from Chloe.

To: Iris

Just messaging to let you know that I don't think you are manipulating me, and that I will always be your friend - no matter what.

To: Chloe <3

Thanks, Chloe. Guess what just happened!

I sent the message and waited for a reply.

To: Iris


I smiled while typing.

To: Chloe <3

Axl came round and he comforted me about what happened.

I put my phone on my bed next to me while I laid down and thought about what just happened.

To: Iris

You're falling for him aren't you?

I thought about it, and I came to a conclusion.

To: Chloe <3



I woke up, ready for school again but fortunately today is the last day! Then me and Chloe will be going to Indiana East State! I got in my mom's car and waited for her to drop me off. As she was driving she began to speak.

"So, me and your father were talking and we decided that you're not grounded anymore. But we don't like you being with Axl." I nodded, just happy that I'm not grounded anymore.

"Ok." I said, it wouldn't be a real break up so I wasn't really fussed. Didn't matter to me.

She stopped the car as we arrived and I got out after saying bye. I walked in the school and everyone seemed to be staring at me. I just walked to my locker and put in my code, 2-9-5-4. Chloe came up to me and gave me a wrapped present, I smiled and grabbed it.

"Thank you!" I said, I got Chloe's out of my locker. I just got her some Perfume and a new Mac makeup set. It was in a black bag, ready for her to open.

I opened mine and saw that she got me two things; one was a photo album and the other was a set with perfume, body spray and shower gel. I smiled and hugged her before waiting for her to open hers.

She finally took a peek inside and squealed when she saw the things that she asked her parents for ages ago but they never got her them.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I laughed and hugged her as she jumped up and down.

Faye walked passed and gave Chloe a present. She looked at me and carried on walking, I waited for Chloe to check what she had been given but she looked at me like she wanted permission to open it.

"It's fine, go ahead." I said, she smiled at me and opened it. It was a tiny teddy bear that said 'Best Friends'. She scoffed as she saw it and I laughed at her reaction. She looked at it and threw it in the bin that was next to us.

"She was never my best friend anyway" She said, we walked down the hall towards our first lesson - Math.


When we arrived at the class, Faye was still sat at the other side of the class while me and Chloe sat in our usual places. I saw Axl walk in and he sat in front of me as always. He turned around.

"You okay?" He asked me.

I nodded, smiling at him as he smiled back.

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