Chapter 2

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I am currently sat in detention... I hate Axl. I hope my parents aren't waiting in the car outside otherwise they would be waiting for another hour of so. I was sat silently by myself at a table because none of my friends ever got detention, like ever. Well, I never really got detention, if I do it is always caused by Axl.

"Iris, you can leave." I heard someone mention. I looked at saw the detention teacher, he was stood, waiting for me to leave.

"Its been an hour already?" I asked, I am so surprised it flew by! He just nodded and I looked in the car park for my parents. I wasn't at all surprised when I realised they must have left. I began walking home, it was getting a little dark but I tried to make sure that didn't bother me.

Even though I was walking with earphones in, everytime I thought I heard something, I would immediately look behind me. Nothing would be there, it is just me being paranoid...


I safely made it home, thank the heavens. My parents were sat watching TV, just eating some chips.

"Where were you?" My mom asked, I just chuckled a little.

"I got put in detention." I said, she nodded and my dad didn't pay attention.

"Just don't let it happen again." She said as she smiled sweetly at me, I nodded and walked to my room.

I walked in and saw something wrapped in Christmas paper on my bed.

"It's nowhere near Christmas, why are you giving me presents?" I asked as I walked back to the living room.

"It wasn't us, a boy dropped it off and said that you'd like it." My mom explained, not letting her eyes stray from the TV.

"Okay..." I said suspiciously and walked back to my room.

I unwrapped it and saw a teddy bear, it had a note on that said 'press here' in sprawly writing. I pressed it and saw tiny writing right at the bottom. I looked closely and it said 'Gotcha'.

I stared at the bear right before it exploded into a ball of cotton everywhere. I screamed as the bang made me jump and my parents came running in.

"What happened?!" My mom asked me, my dad was laughing a little and I just asked them to get out so I could clean up. I heard a well known chuckle erupt from below my window. I looked out and saw Axl, he was laughing so hard I thought he might wet himself.

"AXL! YOU JERK THAT COULD HAVE KILLED ME!" I screamed as he ran away.

I know it couldn't have actually killed me but I just needed something to yell. I sighed loudly and laid on my bed filled with stuffing from the bear. I eventually fell asleep, it felt like I was on a cloud.

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