Chapter 6

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"So are you going to tell me or will I have to wait 84 years?" I asked Chloe as I waited for her answer on what was going on with Faye.
"So just before Math, she told me that she never really liked you. I thought she messaged you - that's what she told me anyway."

To say the least I was dumbfounded. She messaged me like 6 months ago saying that she loved being friends because we're so close. What bullshit.
I just signed and waited until English to talk to her, maybe I'll check my phone in the bathroom before I do though.


I entered the empty bathroom, having Chloe make an excuse up for me in English I knew she would have my back. I felt around my bag for it, suddenly feeling the cold surface.

I turned it on and watched the apple sign glow, this is taking forever. Eventually my phone turned on and there was a message from Faye waiting to be answered.

To: Iris
From: Faye

Listen Iris, I just wanted you to know that I never liked you anyway. Don't act like there is no reason for me to because you know damn well what you did.

I sighed, what did I possibly do?


I made my way up to English, slowly walking thinking of what I was going to say.  Maybe I won't mention it, after all there is enough drama going on in Romeo and Juliet which is the book we're studying.

I arrived and my teacher nodded before allowing me to sit down. I took my seat next to Chloe and saw Faye sat at the other side of her.
"So Samantha," Faye started, I could tell by the tone of her voice she was already spreading things about me.

"Let's say me and you are sat at a table, and Chloe walk over. It gets really quiet because she's trying to manipulate us. Would you still be friends with her?" Samantha shook her head. What a bitch Faye is... She just substituted Samantha's name for Chloe's and Chloe's name for mine.

"Faye if your going to say shit like that just say it properly." I stated, clearly annoyed.
"Fine. Me and Chloe will be sat at a table happily talking until you come along. Then everything gets all quiet because all you do is manipulate us." My jaw dropped.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, is she out of her mind?
"You're just like Tybalt from the play all you do is get people to do things for your own good!"

I looked around and everyone was staring at me.
"I think you got us the wrong way around. All YOU do anymore is hand with Darrin - nobody else. This is only happening because you know that you have been a complete prick and you're trying to sort it out with Chloe."

I stormed out of the room, bringing my bags with me. The teacher from my lesson followed me out and gave me a detention.
"Fine I don't care anymore!" I said and continued walking.


I skipped detention. I wanted to walk home with Chloe instead. She said that she had no idea what Faye was talking about.
"Did you know that Axl tried to follow you out but our teacher wouldn't let him?" I shook my head.

There was a knock at the front door, my parents had gone out for groceries about an hour ago and still had and hours worth of shopping to do yet.

I opened the door and found Axl stood there.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I asked
"I came to see how you are after what happened." He stated. I nodded and opened the door to let him in.

He sat on the sofa and I sat next to him.
"How did it all start?" He asked.
"Faye is just so - I don't even know how to explain. She is really annoying right now and I just want to scream and hit something" he nodded and ushered me to carry on.

"But then again, I don't know why she didn't like me. I really thought that me, Chloe and Faye got along but I guess I'm just too stupid to see that." I only just realised I was crying when Axl ran his thumb across my cheek and started to hug me.

That only made me cry more and I realised what really happened.

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