Chapter 5

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Earliana's P.O.V

Heh....That blue banded turtle sure is handsome! And orange one is sooo cute! The red one seems musculine and the Violet one seemed nerdy!

I hope i can meet them again!

I wonder where they live....considering the blue one asked me why im not scared of them....the people here must be scared of them...Such poor creatures!

Speaking of which , i think im gonna stay here for awhile...

But where am i gonna stay?!

Dumb me!

I should have asked them something!


Maybe i'll make a house using magic perhaps?

Thats truly dumb but.....



Well...its worth the shot!

Lets find a vacant spot first!

/After 2 hours of finding a vacant spot/

Hmm....that looks good!

after 2 frustrating hours , i have finally found a vacant looked abandoned but that will do!

"Alright!Lets start!"

I readied my wand then casted a spell which brings wood.

Alright!The wood is here!

Now a levitating spell!

"Levitatio Siculom!"I casted.

With that ,  i concentrated on levitating the wood and it worked!

I placed the wood to the center then got out another wood.

Then so on!

/After 2 hours/

Done! The house looks good!Only painting!

/After 1 hour of painting/

YESS!I've done it! Good work Earliana!

But....Is this really ok?

Maybe i'd leave and this house would be abandon!

Maybe i'll cast a barrier around it so in that way , if intruders come , i'll be alerted!And a anti -aging spell too!And a invisible spell!


I readied my wand.

But...What if i combine all three spells?

Yeah! That'd be quicker!

I once again readied my wand the spoke:

"Barieragya visabtisulo!"

At my command , a blueish wind flowed through my wand then did its work.


(A/N:Here what the house looks like and i know it sounds weird that Earliana MADE a house but that thought sprang to my mind and it never left! so yeahhh...DEAL WITH IT!)


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2016 ⏰

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