Athan waited for her reaction and she was satisfied when Autumn's face was a mix of disgust and suppressed giggles. Autumn shook her head bewildered. "You two are horrible..."

Athan decided to disagree. "No we're not. Not much, at least we managed to prevent anyone from getting hurt. I just feel sorry for the owner of the circus though. Anne would've rescued her business if there weren't too many bystanders."

"Did you do anything to repay her for the damages? I know one thing for sure your family was influential and rich." Autumn asked interestedly.

"Yeah, no. I didn't tell my mom, I'd never. She will kill me for sure if she finds out that it was us who caused the fire and riot that night. That news trend lasted for a month!"

"I can imagine what your dad would say. Considering he was the mayor." Autumn giggled.

For a second, Athan was confused how Autumn attained that information. But then maybe one of the others filled her up since she never wanted to bring up the subject of her dad. Simply, Athan just nodded. "He was the mayor long time ago at the time. My family remained influential though since father made a lot of good and powerful friends within his seat." She decided to turn the subject away from her family. Opening about Anne already made her uncomfortable, she's not yet ready to speak about one of her weaknesses. That the person her, Thyone, Jareth and her older brother called 'Dad' traded their individual lives to the enemies. Athan know it was for a good cause but still, he could've looked for another way than condemning his own children to suffer an eternity of life.

Autumn noticed so she remained attentive as she let Athan lead her story. "So..." The vampire said and unconsciously scratched her nape while her emerald eyes scanned the room. "Yeah..."

Autumn noticed the mood change of Athan. Acting quickly she tried to encourage her again. "Then? What happened? Can you share something about when you proposed to her?"

"Ah, yeah... We were 19 when I proposed at the peak of the hill during sunset... And then," Athan paused, her mood getting worse every passing second. All the reveries she had few moments ago were starting to turn into a nostalgic trance. "and then the next day," She continued, "I took her to the beach in another state to celebrate...something like that." Athan said just above a whisper, Autumn grew more attentive and patient as she listened. "I was able to reserve us a private area with a nice house. We spent the whole night swimming and laughing, building sandcastles at night. After we had dinner, I remember it was past three am. We sat in the sand, the ocean created a beautiful ambiance as we faced the moon over the horizon... I grabbed the bottle of wine between us, poured us a glass and after we finished...she kissed my lips." Athan's eyes fluttered close as if she was feeling the same lips at the moment. For her, she sat on the beach and she could still hear the waves. "It was the night she compared my eyes to the moon."

Autumn watched her closely, her own eyes begin to water.

"She told me, other than my beautiful soul, in me, she saw the most soothing green eyes..." Athan's face crunched up, stopping herself from tearing up. "That--that like the moon, even at the darkest of time, just one glance and my eyes will give her light. That I was her guide and I made her feel like she's in a haven when I look at her in that certain way. That she can never let me go because without me, without her moon, she will be lost forever."

Autumn started to sob lowly, not wanting to disrupt Athan. She wasn't crying because she was jealous, but because everything Anne said was true. Athan was that captivating. When she first saw the vampire in the hallway, her stern look and cold voice made her body shake, she was intimidated. But her eyes, oh her beautiful emerald blue eyes, it was something. Athan's look invaded her thoughts through out the day and when the abrupt kiss happened...that's when Athan owned her. It was creepy, sudden , completely and ridiculously out of tempo, but it wasn't scary. Athan's kiss made her feel good and back then she was just too stubborn to admit that she liked it and that she longed for that kiss to happen again.

"And then I cried." Athan said, chuckling through her tears. "I cried all night in her arms, telling her the things I love about her and the reasons why I might have fallen for her. But after all the reasons I've said, I don't think there really is a valid one that can explain why I love Anne. Why I think she deserve all the best things in life..." The vampire rubbed her eyes, a weak smile tugging her lips. "Maybe because she was Anne...maybe because she was simply herself and that she and I were made for each other..." Athan was lost, her feelings swallowed her that she had no time to filter her words. Autumn's sobs intensified because of the words she heard.

Athan was telling the truth that for her, Anne is her soulmate. And Autumn, maybe she was just someone that resembles Anne that is why Athan loved her... Autumn remained silent for she could sense Athan wasn't finished.

"Then I lost her..." Athan mindlessly stretched the neck hole of her shirt to wipe some tears. "It was the last night I got to enjoy her company... After that she was busy and I was patient because I know it was important to her that she become her strongest self for her coming of age. I watched her hurt herself and destroy things...but I still think she's beautiful... And then she died." Athan said the last words full of venom, the heel of her palm pushing against her forehead as if looking for some comfort from it. "She fucking died!"

Autumn hugged her, both of them crying and non of them can keep a guarded wall. Autumn's tears drenching the clothed shoulder of Athan.

The vampire didn't stop expressing her anger and pain. "She was killed! In front of me! She died....she died Autumn... In front of my very fucking own eyes... I couldn't do anything! No one could fight against them.... We were weak! I was weak!" her head hung low as if embarrassed to show her face. She wanted to disappear from humiliation because she wasn't able so protect Anne like she swore she would. "They killed her...they killed her...they killed her... In front of me, Autumn... You can't even imagine how painful it is. She had no choice! They took her away from me!!!" Athan growled but Autumn remained beside her, arms getting tighter as she pleaded internally for the vampire to rise back to stability.

"Shhh...Athan...I'm here for you, you won't have to go through that again."

"Hell yes I won't!" Athan snapped angrily. Autumn was slightly shook although knowing the rage wasn't directed to her. "I can't go through that again Autumn, please. I won't be able to get through the same thing..." Athan faced her, both their cheeks stained with fresh tears, her hands caressed the nape of Autumn. "Please. I can't lose you..."

Autumn shook her head slowly looking straight in Athan's eyes. All the wonders of the world matched the window of the vampire's soul. "You won't, ever... I'm staying Athan, I'm here." Autumn cupped her cheek as Athan pulled their faces closer, planting a tender kiss with over flowing emotions.

When they pulled apart, Autumn's face tinted red as their gazes became more intense. Autumn was decided, she's not leaving Athan anymore. She won't let her suffer the same thing of longing for someone. Until Anne comes back, she will make Athan the happiest and try to make up for the past heartbreaks and griefs. It didn't matter to her how much it will break her when she will finally have to let Athan go and be with Anne, herself is the least of her concern. Too many people had been involved in this secret world full of mystery, risking's about time she do something for someone even if that meant breaking her own heart. She can do it, it was for Athan.

Athan loves her, and she will love her back with all the time she have until Athan can be together with Anne again... That way, Athan wouldn't be too damaged since Anne will help her through it. Anne is her soulmate anyway. And based on her stories, they make a great couple and maybe soon they can finally have the marriage that was postponed for centuries.

It's just about time.

It will hurt, that's for sure. But at least for once, Autumn will be able to save someone. Someone special. Someone that meant the world to her. She will save Athan from tremendous amount of emotional wreck, she will save her from a traumatizing heart ache. The green eyed beautiful creep who left her with an abrupt kiss.


Hoho how are you guys? Who do you think should have athan, hmm? Mybe itll help me decide...jokes its already decided. Poor autumn tho :/ sorry i know i i wasnt able to give these kinds of chapter justice its just most of the time i dont feel shit so... Hope u like it still :) i love it when u guys give feed back, thanks!

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