Drunken Bitter Love

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Tori and I were having the best of times, though we were basically in danger. The time skipped off to when we were headed straight for little garden. I decided that if we all got drunk, we'd be set for the next day. So I had made my way to Tori asking, "Want to get drunk and talk to the cook?" She stared blankly at me and replied, "When was the last time we actually got drunk?" "Um.... A few months ago we got drunk with Miles Jai and Daz Black to do a drunken people play yandere simulator right?" She nodded thoughtfully before answering, "Then let's get drunk my friend." I laughed and replied, "Go ask Sanji for Sake, I'll get Zoro and Luffy to join." She nodded with me and we both ran off in the opposite direction. I made it to the top deck and found Zoro working out. Muscles... No shirt... Shit. I walked closer and closed my eyes saying, "Zoro, want to get crazy drunk with Tori and I for no reason at all?" I couldn't tell what his actions were until some warn hands touched mine and he pulled my hands down curiously asking, "Why are you closing your eyes?" It made me think of an innocent cinnamon bun and I squealed in my head. I regained all sanity and replied, "I... Don't want to watch you work out shirtless because... The scar you've got scares the shit out of me." I lied right through my shark teeth. He chuckled and replied, "Sure, let's get drunk." I smile and ran down the steps. Clumsy Bren didn't watch where I was going and I fell. I tripped over the third step only to be caught by Zoro. He had grabbed my arm from behind and held me there loosely. I stood up straight, his hand still wrapped around my arm, and said, "Thanks. Wouldn't want my ugly face to get smothered in hideousness." He titled his head and I ran off in a state of fangirling. HE WAS STILL FUCKING SHIRTLESS I TELL YOU.

*Tori's POV*
Ah, She forgot about Usopt. I walked through the kitchen doors searching for Sanji. Damn, he's so hard to find but when you don't need him he's in your face with flowers and kisses and food and shit. I turned my head to the sink to see him washing dishes. "Yo... Swirly brow. I need like, a lot of Sake", I announced. He turned swiftly and asked in the most weirdest voice, "Why do you need Sake my dear?" I winced and replied in fake happiness, "To get brutally drunk with you, Zoro, Maka, and Usopt. Oh, and Luffy." Sanji smiled and put a cigarette in his mouth, before lighting it and he began smoking. I yelled out, " Like NOW MR FLIRT." He pointed to a corner with about 20 bottles. Without thinking, I grabbed them. Luckily, I remembered to call Breanna Maka. I walked out and grunted, "Come on Sanji." He laughed and followed. Breanna came running with Luffy both of them yelling, "SAKE SAKE SAKE SAKE!" Just as I was about to set it down that damn duck came charging through me. The bottles flew in the air. Nice time to use Devil Fruits. I stretched my arms all the way in the air and grabbed them, embracing then back into my grasp. I smiled sheepishly knowing Bre would have something to say. Zoro was down here by now, with no shirt on. Breanna turned to greet him but quickly ran, hiding behind Sanji and I. Fan girl 101, Never go near your favorite character when they're shirtless. I set the sake down and "Maka" asked, "Let's play truth or dare, how about it?"

*Time Skip Maka's POV*

"Shit, you're cute", I said staring at Zoro. He was asleep but I was confessing everything to him under the influence of sake. I continued, "Like, you took like a turtle and I personally love turtles. Which means yas bitch, Zoro I love you. Do you know how much fanfiction I wrote about you?! I drew a... Picture of you and Maka on a bed chilling and turned it into a fucking sex scene with us two. I read so many Zoro x Readers on Wattpad. I have followed people roleplaying as you on so Much social media. Also, Your butt looks nice and juicy." One of Zoro's eyes sprung open as he yelled angrily, "CAN I THROW HER OVER BOARD?!" I laughed at the pictures flooding my head before saying in my best Luffy voice, "Walk the plank Chima!" Then I fell over and all went black.

*Tori's POV*

"You need Life Alert... I think I got some tweezers in my backpack do you know what those are? I can hook you UP! GET RID OF THOSE DAMN CURLS. Ah, we could also hook you up, start cooking pizza... Creating soda. Yeah, because your food is terrible in the real world. Yep yep yep", I was completely drunk. I turned around to here the words, "CAN I THROW HER OVER BOARD?!" I turned where I heard it and saw Breanna giggling before falling to the ground. "FOUR DOWN TWO TO GO", I screamed glaring at Zoro. I thought he was down already. He stood up and grabbed Maka saying, "I'm just gonna take HSE to a bed or something, seems rude to leave her there." "OH YOU DEVLALIPPED A SOOFT SPAT FIR CHIMAR DIDN'T YA", I slurred thinking I'd lose. Suddenly Breanna shot up yelling, "PEDOLHILE PEDOPHILE! ZORO HELP SOMEONE'S KIDNAPPING ME!" She looked up and saw that it was Zoro. Zoro and I were clearly shocked that she had woken up too soon but I was glad her reflexes would save her if she was asleep and someone was actually kidnappings her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2016 ⏰

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