The Howls Of The Night. { Werewolf/Human Love Story. } Chapter Twenty One.

Start from the beginning

By the time Makenna was back at us, it was fifty five seconds. “How’d I do this time?”, she asked breathless. Alpha Dylan showed her the time and she smiled, “Three seconds less. Now,” she said, taking the water bottle from my and taking a drink. “No more. I like being active, but running was never my thing.”,

“Fine,” Alpha Dylan said. “Now to start climbing anyways.”, he said and Makenna has this horror look on her face.


“Your insane.”, Makenna said to Alpha Dylan when he told her to climb a tree. We were in the woods and he just told her to climb up a tree. Wolves are flexible and can climb like a cheetah actually.

He chuckled, “No, I’m not. You said you wanted to feel more like a wolf, well, climbing a wolf thing. Now, climb.”,

“Let me ask you one question.”, she said. “Are you looking for a way to break my neck cause that’ll happen if I try to get my butt up there. Remember what happen in gym class almost a month ago?”,

“Yes,” he said, placing an arm on her shoulder. “But Shawn caught you and if you fall, you’ll have to wolves with face reflexes to catch you.”,

She scowled at him, “I’m blaming you if I fall to my mom.”,

He chuckled, “Deal.”,

Her lips pressed tightly together as they moved to one side as she turned to face the tree, “One problem.”, she said.

“What?”, we asked.

“I wont be able to lift my big butt up there.”, she said and my eyes couldn’t help but drift to her butt. Her butt was pretty big, but in a good way. Hmm, I could just imagine her in tight boy shorts.

Alpha Dylan smacked me upside the head and I winced, moving my eyes to the ground. He went up next to her and bent down, “Here, put one foot on my hands and I’ll lift you.”,

Her cheeks blushed, “N-no, I’m a little to…heavy.”, she said, her hands going to her tiny bump of a belly.

I rolled my eyes, “Makenna, you’re not fat. You’re just built like that. I think your gorgeous just like that and I care that your healthy.”,

“And if I can tackle a two hundred and fifty pound man, I can easily lift you.”, Alpha Dylan said. “Now come on, your procrastinating.”,

She sighed, “Fine.”, she said, putting one foot on his hands and she grabbed the closest branch. He helped her up and she easily got on the branch and sat. “Okay, I did it! Time to get done—“, she said when she was about to hop off, but Alpha Dylan chuckled and grabbed her right knee, stopping her.

“I don’t think so, go higher. Trust me, it’ll be fine.”,

She groaned, “Fine.”,

She got up and slowly starting climbing. We watched her, but I couldn’t stop thinking about Saturday. I can’t believe a war with Nike going to happen and it’s all my fault. But any wolf would have done the same thing when it comes to his or her mate. It’s not an opinion, it’s a fact.

I looked at Alpha Dylan, “Sorry about Saturday, it’s all my fault.”,

He sighed deeply and looked at me, “No, Shawn, it isn’t. This war was going to happen anyways no matter what. Even, I wouldn’t have given Makenna up. I got it handle, though. I’m discussing with Michgan and few of the eastern packs for back up. It’ll be hard and it’s going to cost a lot of money, but I got it. But I will say you just became enemies with Beta Kaleb and can probably never step foot in New York.”, he said, chuckling.

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