"I would be ok if I wasn't stuck in a forcefield with you." Sophie spat. "Aww don't be like that. Look if it makes you feel better, I'll block out the view, see." The forcefield turned pure white, which made it impossible to see what was happening on the other side. That didn't make Sophie feel any better.

"Look. Sir Astin was the only one who believed in me and I owe him a huge favor. So I'll let you go but I won't promise the others will." Ruy whispered. Sophie looked to him in disbelief. "I don't believe you." She mumbled. "Oh really? If I tell you that Sir Astin was the one who told me about the Neverseen in the first place and tried to recruit me to the Black Swan." Ruy spat. Sophie stared to him.

"I'm only doing this for Astin. Not for you or the world's sake. For Astin. Now give this to Biana. It will give her enough energy to be able to move. Ruy pulled a vial of brown liquid from his pocket and landed it to Sophie. Before she could protest, Biana grabbed it out of her hand and chugged it. The liquid gave Biana a little twinkle in her eye and she started to shake.

"Woah, what is this stuff?" She was able to say. "Human coffee. Elves aren't used to the consumption of that much sugar so it gives a little kickstart. It's pretty good when you get used to it. Anyways leave. Run down the path next to the purple leaf tree. It leads you another clearing. You should manage to get enough sunlight for a light leap. I'll stay here and act like you hurt me seriously." Ruy said hurriedly as he started to clear the forcefield.

What Sophie and Biana saw on the other side was horrifying. Fitz had a cut on his forehead and was bleeding heavily. The gash on his forearm had reopened and blood was trailing down his arm. Keefe had it better, he had two black eyes, a busted lip and his cape had been torn. Even though for their injuries, they were still fighting at a scary speed.

Linh was on the ground with a viable bubble of Frissyn around her as Fintan attempted to try and burn her. He was screaming incoherently and using different types of fires. Dex was standing in the middle of the field with a meddler in his hand and looking around for Alvar. Tam and Brant hadn't moved an inch.

"Ok when I fall, you run." Ruy whispered into Sophie's ear. He positioned himself at the end of the forcefield. "What are you going to do?" Sophie asked. Ruy smiled. "This." Ruy kicked the forcefield with all his strength and a crunching sound rang out. He fell to the floor, clutching his leg. The forcefield disappeared. Sophie put her arm around Biana. "Run." Ruy said and they took off.

With Biana's injury they couldn't go really fast but they both use their telekinesis to keep pressure off Biana's legs. They ran down the path next to the purple leaf tree, hoping none of the Neverseen would jump out and catch them. After a couple minutes they made it to a clearing. It was very bright and full of red roses.

Sophie reached for her home crystal, which was surprisingly still in her skirt pocket and held it to the light. She had a firm grip on Biana and tried to have enough concentration to leap the both of them but as the light started to take them away, Biana was pulled away from her. She turned as Alvar reappeared behind them, holding Biana. He waved to her and said, "Tell my parents I said hello.", as Sophie was whisked away by the light.

Finally a full chapter published.

Anyways, I'm planning to make changes to my writing style because I honestly get confused at what I write honestly and I want to make it easier for people to read.

I'm also going to start doing sneak peeks of next chapters because I take too long to write one. I'm going to do a sneak of chapter 8 under this. So woo! Please tell me what you think about it.

Sneak peek of Chapter 8 -

"Sophie fell to her knees as soon as the light felt her, clutching her home crystal in her hand. Tears streamed down her eyes as she replayed what just happened in her head again.

This couldn't be happening. First Keefe, then Alvar, now Biana. Sweet, caring Biana. Sophie let out a scream that sounded like bloody murder and hit the ground hard with her fist. Soon Sandor, Grady and Edaline ran up to her.

Sophie, what's wrong, they said.

Why are you screaming, they said.

But Sophie didn't want to reply so she kept screaming and hitting the ground with her fist.

Soon four figures appeared from the light.

"GET ELWIN NOW!", one of them hollered.

Sophie immediately recognized the voice and stopped screaming. She turned around to see Fitz and Tam holding Linh by her arms, her leg horribly disfigured and the skin was bubbling.

Dex was the only one who seemed to notice Sophie straight away. He walked up to her and helped her to her feet. Sophie hugged him tightly, buried her face in his shoulder and sobbed quietly.

Dex tried to say something but Sophie couldn't hear it right.

"What did you say?", She muttered into his shoulder, her voice hoarse from screaming.

"I said where's Biana?" He said quietly.

Sophie didn't want to reply to that but she felt Fitz's glare from behind her back.

"Sh-sh-she...", Sophie started to shake, trying to not lose herself.

She sniffed and looked up to Dex's periwinkle eyes. She gulped and continued.

"She was taken." She said quietly.

"She was taken by Alvar." Sophie busted out crying."

Poor Sophie. 😢

What do you think about my new writing style?

(Not that different - Serenity)

I'll try to get chapter 8 completely done by Friday.

Keeper of the Lost Cities: ForgettenUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum