Blake? Is that you?

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Levis P.O.V:

I woke up and heard the sound of a door closing, I brushed it off and got out of my bed, I looked around for a clean shirt and some pants. I went into my bathroom to change and wash but stop when I heard my bedroom door being opened, "Oi, Levi! Where you at?" someone said, I stood still and listen to them, "You taking a shit?" they said, "I know your in the bathroom, Levi." I sighed and finished getting changed before opening the door to see Y/N leaning against the wall, "What do you want brat?" I asked annoyed, "Wanted to know where you were." Y/N replied, "Why?" I asked walking into my office to see a cup of tea on my desk, "Levi, its 1pm." Y/N said as she walking into my office and towards the door, "What?" I looked up to see my office door open and Y/N gone.

Y/N P.O.V:

After finding Levi I went outside to see Eren and Blake training together, I walked over to them, "Sup bitches!!" I said, "Hi Y/N." Eren said, "Afternoon Y/N." Blake said. I talked to them for awhile then left. I was going to go back inside but I could smell something weird. I didn't recognise the sent so I followed it.

-Time skip-

I was in the middle of the woods and it was getting dark, but I still followed the sent. I could faintly see an orangery glow that must have been coming from a fire. I slowly walked towards it, but stop when I heard a twig snap, I looked around and saw nothing so I carried on my way to the fire.

When I got closer I saw a group of about five people sitting around a large fire, with what looked like a piece of meat being cooked but it didn't smell like cow or pig or any other animal. I was being as quiet as possible in listening in on their conversation.

"So many more did you think there are?" "I don't know, about hundred odd." "Really?! That's so many!" "Oi! Be quiet or someone will hear us!" "Sorry..." "Anyways where would th-" "Oi! Do you smell that?" "Yeah, I smell a faunus." "A cat as well."

I panicked but before I could move a felt a large pair of arms tightly wrap around my waist and arms. I when to scream but had a piece of cloth go over my mouth. "Would you look at her?" one of them said, another one walked up to me and stoked the side of my face, I cringed, "She's pretty." I tried to kick them but it failed, "You know what to do." I felt my legs being kicked making me kneel, but soon my face was pushed into the ground, I tried screaming but nothing happened, I heard one of them walking up to me, "Cat ears and a tail." I felt something stab my tail, making me scream.

I felt tears in the corners of my eyes, I wanted to scream but was stopped by the squawking of a bird, Blake? Is that her?, "What the-" someone said but started to scream. I couldn't see anything. I heard them all scream but eventually they stopped. I could also smell blood.

I felt someone gently roll me onto my back, I looked up to see blood covered Blake, she looked worried, "Are you ok? Are you hurt?" she asked removing the cloth from my mouth, "I'm okay.." I said back, I went to sit up but black dotted clouds my vision before when into darkness.

Blake's P.O.V:

I finally found Y/N and trying my best to save her, I attacked the people who where attacking Y/N but when I finally got to Y/N, she passed out. I picked her up carefully and opened my wings and started to fly back to the castle.

When I got back I saw Eren and told him what happened, he thanked me for saving his sister before going to the infirmary with Y/N.

I decided to go and tell Corporal Levi about Y/N considering he was the one who told me to finally Y/N. I wounded why?

I walked to the Corporal office and knocked on the door, "Name and business." Corporal asked, "It's Black and it's about Y/N." I said, there was a small moment of silent before he told me I could enter.

I opened the door and walked towards his desk, I saluted the Corporal, "What is it brat?" He asked, "I found Y/N sir, She's in the infirmary with Eren sir." I said, he nodded, "Is that all brat?" he asked, I nodded, "You're dismissed." I left the Corporals office and walked down to the infirmary to make sure Y/N is alright.

-Time skip-

When I got to the infirmary, Y/N was still passed out and Eren was asleep in a chair next to Y/N. I decide to go to bed and not disturb them. When I got back to my room I realise I still had blood on me so I had a quick shower then got some sleep.

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