White Rabbit

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Oh and just to let you dudes/dudettes know that I somewhat got the idea for this from RWBY and something else that I can't remember... Sorry!

What? The song IS called 'White Rabbit and I though it would be funny... It has nothing to do with the story what so ever.. Well not yet. (Some what spoiler, I guess?•~•)

Anyways on with the story!

----- White Rabbit -----

There once lived a group of humans called 'Faunus'. Faunus were humanoid people with physical animal traits. Some types are more common then others.

Human and Faunus have being at an enteral war. One day, the king ordered for every Faunus to be killed or handed to the Military. One Faunus with the traits a Heir rebel ageist this and tried to kill the king.

This Faunus was soon called the 'White Rabbit' amongst the Faunus for being the only one with Rabbit traits. Soon enough the king heard about the 'White Rabbit' and sent a search party to kill them.

After years of searching and killing, no human could find the 'White Rabbit' and soon, they stopped searching.

It was said that the 'White Rabbit' joined the Military in hopes to make peace with humans, but things only got worse.

After severing years in the Military, the 'White Rabbit' was finally caught and scented to death.

The king wanted to kill the 'White Rabbit' himself, and so he did. Before he killed the 'White Rabbit' he asked if they had one lest request, to which the 'White Rabbit' replied, 'Stop killing me people. You can do anything to them, just don't kill them.'

Not long after the 'White Rabbit' death did the humans stop killing the Faunus, but with only little lest then 200 of them still alive, they were made to be the king sevents until he died.

To this day, the Faunus are kept as the kings sevents and away from the rest of humanity, only a few of the Faunus were lucky enough to get away from the king, but if they were found, they would be sentence to death for disobeying the king.

It was said that before the 'White Rabbit' died, they had a child, a daughter, which was kept away from the king and most other Faunus.

Not much is known about the 'White Rabbit' daughter, other than she was given physical traits of a common animal and not a rabbit, so that she would be harder to find.

----- End -----

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