The Calm Before The Storm

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Y/N sat in a tree, fast asleep, as Eren watched the clouds for below lying down on the grass. Mikasa slowly walked up to were the two were sleeping. When she got there Eren jolted awake and scream a little which woke Y/N, she hissed at Eren before jumping out the tree landed next to Mikasa, "Morning Mikasa!" Y/N said sleepily, "It's the afternoon, Y/N." Mikasa said in her normal monotone voice, "What?!" both Eren and Y/N shouted, "Mum was wondering where you where, dinner's ready." Mikasa started walking away and Y/N was jumping with joy, "Food!" she shouted as Eren laughed at his sisters immature behaviour, "Is there anything you love more than sleeping and eating?" Eren asked as Y/N laughed and pulled Eren and Mikasa into hug, "Yeah! You two!" Y/N said. After a moment of silence, Y/N and Eren burst out laughing as Mikasa smiled with a little giggle, Y/N stopped laughing and sniffed as a fimarlier sent past her, "Hey, Armin near here. Do you guys want to go see him before we go home?" Y/N asked as the other two nodded and started following her to where Armin was.

 The three soon saw Armin sat in a meadow of grass reading a book, "Armin!" Eren and Y/N shouted startling the blond boy, "O-oh, hey guys!" He shouted back as the ran closer to him, "Watcha' reading?" Y/N asked sitting down on a patch of dry grass, "let me guess. The outside world?" Eren asked teasingly, Armin nodded shyly, "Y-Yes...".


After a while, Eren and Mikasa went home as Y/N walked Armin home for some unknown reason. Y/N and Armin talked a little until they reached Armin's house, Y/N walked up to his front door with him, "Well, I'll see you tomorrow. Bye Armin." Y/N started walking away but something stopped her, Y/N turned around to see Armin held in her wrist, "Armin...?" He suddenly realised what he was doing and stared stuttering no sense, Y/N giggled at Armin and walked closer to him and kissed him cheek lightly, Armin stood frozen as a deep shade of red covered his cheeks, "Goodnight, Armin!" Y/N shouted running of into the night, Armin gently touched where Y/N kissed him and couldn't stop smiling.

Y/N got bored walked and decided to running along the rooftops, she claimed the nears house up to the roof top. The wind picked up a little blowing her H/L H/C behind her, she no longer cared if everyone saw her cat ears or tail.
She ran from roof to roof making little to no noise, she jumped a small gap between two house and carried on running, she soon saw her house and saw Eren staring out the window and at the stars that littered the night sky. Y/N jumped onto her roof a sat down and looked at the stars, "What took you so long, Y/N?" Eren asked as he saw her jump on to the roof, he moved out the way and let Y/N clime in though the window. Y/N walked over to her bed and saw Mikasa fast asleep, she lied down on her F/C bed, "I told you... I walked Armin home..." before Eren could say anything, Y/N fell into a deep sleep.

-Time skip-

Y/N slowly woke up to the smell of pancakes and berries, she sat up in her bed and looked around the room, Eren and Mikasa weren't in their bed so they must be downstairs eating. Y/N walked over to her closet and put on a white knee length dress, with a S/F/C jumper and her F/C scarf with some black flats. Slowly Y/N made her way downstairs to see Carla clean the kitchen, "Morning sweetie." Carla said as she saw Y/N sit down at the table, Carla placed a plate with three pancakes and a couple of berries in front of Y/N as she started to eat it,  "Eren and Mikasa are out collecting sticks. Can you go and get them please?" Carla asked as she took the now empty plate and places it in the sink, it is amazed Carla on how fast Y/N ate, "Yeah.. I'll be back soon. Bye mum!" Y/N said walking out the door, Carla smiled and went back to cleaning.

Y/N saw Eren and Mikasa at the tree she was asleep in yesterday, "Oi! EREN! MIKASA!" Y/N shouted as she saw them, "Y/N!" Eren shouted back to her, "Come on! The Scouts should be back soon!" Eren grabbed Y/N's arm and started dragged her as Mikasa ran behind them.

Soon, the three passed one of the gates were some of The Garrison would be, normally they were drunk. As three passed they saw one very familiar face, "Why if it isn't Eren, Mikasa and Y/N!" the three looked up to see Hannes, "Hello Mr.Hannes." the three muttered at the same time. They spent a few minutes talking before Eren got angry and Mikasa and Y/N ended up dragging him away.

As the three walked and talked a bell being rang went though the small district, Eren grabbed Y/N and Mikasa and started running again. When the three got near the gate the could see the Scouts walking thought, Eren and Y/N stood on top one of the creates as Eren watched them with amazement as Y/N was curious about them still, as the two stared at the Scouts, the Commander of the Scouts looked over at the two, he felt shame as Eren watched in amazement but soon he was the one looking at Y/N with curiosity as to why she had ears on top of her head but he quickly looked away from them, Eren frowned and Y/N raised an eyebrow questionably at him but did nothing about it. After a few over them passed, one of the men in front the two started saying that why should they waste money not them, Eren grabbed one of the sticks he had on him and hit the man on the back of the head with it, Y/N quickly grabbed Eren and ran away with him as Mikasa followed.

The three soon arrived home, both Carla and Grisha were home which was very rare. The three sat down and started eating before, "Eren and Y/N want to join the Survey Corps." Mikasa butted out, "Mikasa!!" Eren and Y/N shouted in unison, Carla got up and pitched both Eren and Y/N ears, Y/N hissed as Eren winced, "No child of my is going to be titan food!" she shouted towards them, "Grisha!" Grisha looked at both of them and said nothing but got up and walked towards the door, "I've got to go..." "Grisha!" Carla shouted again as him pulled out a small key that hung around his neck, "When I get back I'll let you look inside the basement." And with that he left. Carla looked at Eren and Y/N before Y/N ran out the house with Eren not far behind her, Carla ran to see were they were going, "Mikasa please look after them." Mikasa nodded and ran after the two.

Y/N was running on the roof tops with Eren still on the ground with Mikasa not far behind him. Y/N saw Armin getting beaten up by other kids and went to help him, "-cause your brains the size of a walnut!" was all the Y/N heard Armin say before one of them went to punch Armin in the face, "I wouldn't do that if I was you." Y/N said calmly, the bully turned to face Y/N and laugh, "Why if it isn't the stray cat herself." The other two laughed with him as Y/N's ear twitched, "Said that again... I dare you." Y/N said in a dangerously low voice, the three stopped laughing and started shaking a little, "W-wh-hy.... Run!" was all the bully said before running for his dear life, Y/N laughed a little and went to help Armin up, "Thanks Y/N..." He muttered as Eren and Mikasa came running around the corner, "You alright Armin?" Eren asked panting a little from the running, "I'm OK."

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