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It's recess time and all students rushed to the canteen. This included Jihyo and Yein.

"Jihyo yaa... did you buy banana milk again?? Don't you get bored drinking it every day? Try another flavor..." Yein said while paying for her food. Jihyo looked at her unemotionally. In her head, she wondered if it was wrong to drink banana milk every day.

"How about you? Are you going to drink the strawberry milk again today?" Jihyo turned to ask Yein who she noticed has been drinking the same flavor milk every day too.

 "You are right. We are drinking the same thing every day." Yein chuckled by herself and it was Jihyo's turned to pay for her food.

They sat down on the empty table they found near the entrance. Suddenly, loud noise coming from outside the canteen and everyone's attention was on the canteen's entrance. A running steps, they were in rushed to go somewhere, a few shouts and laughs were heard. The footsteps getting near as if the source is about to enter the canteen.

"What happened out there?" Yein asked as she tried to comprehend the unseen situation.

"Maybe some unnecessary thing," Jihyo replied with her usual uninterested voice and Yein nodded as she sat down on her table and dug in her food.

"But, I'm curious," Yein said as she ate her food and her eyes still on the entrance .

"Then go check it!" Jihyo suggested to Yein also eating her food like it was the only interesting thing that exists in this world.

"Well, as you said, it's unnecessary." They shrugged it off and just keep eating.

Two boys entered the canteen running and only stopped when they realized they were in the middle of it. They were panting hard as if there's something chasing over them. Then, another boy came into the canteen and chased the two. They were running all around the canteen making a ruckus and grabbing attention from all the students in the canteen. As they were running without carelessly, not caring about other people, the boy who was chasing over his friend tripped and fell on Jihyo.

Jihyo was shocked as her banana milked spilled on the floor and a loud bumped she felt on her shoulder. The other two boys were also shocked as they observed their friend deal with the situation instead of helping him.

"Excuse me!!" Jihyo shouted. 

The boy was shocked too but there was a smile that remained on his face as he was too overwhelmed playing with his friends. He still panting as their eyes locked. Then, he stood up and apologize. 

"I'm so sorry. I'm really sorry. Put all the blames on my friend. They made me chase them!" A hint of laughed remained on his voice.

"But you are the one who fell on me!" Jihyo said sternly.

"I have apologized, right? Park Jihyo." Everyone could see that the boy was reading the girl's nametag as obviously they didn't know each other.

"So what Hong Jisoo? It's still your responsible!" Jihyo also read his nametag and she was fuming with anger. She didn't care about the other students who have been talking about them, talking about her. All she cared about is that boy has disrespected her peaceful lunch.

"That's unfair! You read my name tag!!"

"As if you didn't read mine!"

"Wait, responsible for what!!?? T-that milk!??" He said and all of the sudden burst in laughter. He might think that he owned this world. Which he did not but, he does own the school though practically it was his dad. To everyone's surprised, Jihyo did not know about that fact. All the students included Yein were shocked that Jihyo dared to shout at him.

"Yaa!! Choi Hansol!! It's your responsibility... on this MILK. Hahahahahaha...." He continued laughing hard after stressing the word 'milk' on purpose and slightly put the blame on his friend as he thought those were not a big deal. Neither the milk or blaming his friend.

Jihyo had reached her limit and she just burst in anger. She took Yein's milk and poured it on the boy. His friends were shocked as well as him. 

There's a moment of silence before his friend burst into even more laughter. 

"Yaa!! Hong Jisoo!! Hahahaha...strawberry Jisoo..." the one who named Choi Hansol laughed so hard that people thought he might die from it. His other friend did the same too and then they just left leaving their friend inside the canteen.

"Is that fine with you? Because I'm not satisfied yet, Hong Jisoo-ssi." Jihyo looked at the boy and their eyes locked once again.

The boy smirked, getting Jihyo worked up even more. She crumpled the milk box.

"You should start calling me Joshua from now on." With that, the boy named Joshua left the canteen catching up with his friends.

Jihyo was confused for a moment. When she was about to yell back, Yein pulled Jihyo making her sat down. "Look!" She whispered to Jihyo while pointing around the canteen. Everyone;s attention was on Jihyo. 

"What's wrong with them?" Jihyo asked in a slow tone and annoyed tone. She hates the attention she was getting.

"First, let's get out from here," Yein dragged Jihyo out from the canteen. It was easy to run away since they sat right by the entrance. Though, they still managed to hear a few comments in their way out.

'Who's that girl?'

'I've never seen her before.'

'Pretty hot-headed, isn't she?'

'Is she a new student?'

'Can't believe that she just poured milk on Joshua.'


They arrived at the class.

"Jihyo? Are you alright?" Yein sincerely felt worry seeing Jihyo getting lost in her own world. Thanks to her, Jihyo back to reality.

"I'm okay." She replied shortly like usual.

"Yaa!! You shouldn't be laughing at me anymore!" A boy shouted, the voice coming from outside the class and both Yein and Jihyo looked out from the window to the corridor.

"Why should we stop??" Another voice asked with a laugh.

As the boys passed by the class, it was them from the canteen before. Jihyo clenched her fist as she held a grudge on that boy called Joshua.

"You are the funniest thing to happen today."Their other friend said also with his laugh. The Joshua boy has changed his clothed into P.E shirt and his hair was wet, might be because he washed them off just now trying to get rid of the strawberry's smell.

"You're going to die! The two of you!"

"We? Die together? How sweet." His friend purred and the two started running again leaving Joshua behind.

"Yaa!! Choi Hansol!! Kim Mingyu!!" And the laughing sage continued. Yein shook her head as her eyes set on the Choi Hansol boy. She was smiling uncontrollably.

"It's because of him!! Everything happens today is because of him!" Jihyo shouted making Yein shocked in the process.

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