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I was outside of BIGHIT. Where dreams were coming true. At lease hopefully Jin's dreams came true. Waiting for someone to open the door for me I day dreamed about how Jin and I were gonna be holding hands and kissing when the priest says "You may now kiss the bride." My heart fluttered and I jumped up and down.
"Are you Gina Martinez?" The lady said. Lying I said yes. Since I stole my mothers' paper degree I was just going to go by Gina for a while until I got the chance to tell them to call me Jane. The lady let me in and took me up an elevator. I looked over at the lady and realized she had amazing curves. I rolled my eyes.
"So do you see like... see bts all the time?" I asked.
"Yes. I do." She replied. WEARING THAT?
"Hm. What about... Jin?"
"I'm pretty sure Jin is apart of BTS isn't he?"
"Why wouldn't he I said." Rethinking if I had missed an article about him leaving BTS.
"Well he's apart of BTS which means I see him." She looked over at me and stared. This rude women with the nice curves is looking at me like I am a problem. I think I might have to check her so she doesn't think she can treat me like this. Really. Who does she think I am!? But the only reason she stared at me was because the elevator was open. She had her hand out. Her hand was telling me that it was my turn to get off. I looked out the elevator and looked back and her and have her a fake smile. Entering not a hall leading to an office but the elevator leading to an huge office. The office had a lot of windows and space.
"Oh are you Gina Martinez?" A nice women said smiling. I smiled and walked toward her pointing at a chair waiting for her to say I can sit down. She nodded and I sat down. "So your looking for managing one of our artist?" The lady said smiling.
"Uh... Ye-s. Actually BTS." I said
"Oh I'm afraid they actually have managers. Any other groups." WHAAAATT. THEY ALREAY HAVE MANAGERS!? WHO CAN BE A MORE QUALIFIED MANAGER THAN ME?
"I actually have a degree and is qualified to watch over BTS." I said quickly handing her the degree paper. Hoping to God she didn't find out. She took the paper and typed something into the computer.
"Wow! What a nice college you went to." She said. "Actually I'll have to see what I can do." Really? The degree worked!? I don't think she looked at the graduation year or what kind of degree it was. She didn't look that smart to me.
"Thank you so much! I'd be honored to be the manager to BTS." I smiled putting my hand out to shake her hand. She asked me a few more questions and thanked me for coming.
When I got back to the apartment I was happy. I cheered and danced. I prayed that good things would come my way.
About three days later I got a call from BIGHIT saying I had got the job. Since there was already two managers I got to be the managers of two members of my choice. I chose Jin and Jimin. I danced all day and went to sleep early so that the morning would come sooner. Jin here I come!

Hey! Chapters will soon become longer and this story is dedicated to CallMeUsagiChan shes Jane and she's crazy for Jin! XD please check out my stories Always Thinking of Kim Mi Cha (About HOBI from BTS) and my story 'Be my wife' (About TOP from BigBang)
Thank you

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