Ground Unti to Lab......

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"Let's go, we need to check on EWR to see if he's doing well," EDR said.

They all headed to the ER to check on EWR, only to see that the robot is covered in some kind of liquid.

"Is this some kind of joke, what the hell happened here," Ruin said. "Scanning liquid......hmmm, it's what you said EDR, slime," Prophet said. "How can this stuff be here when the ER was closed shut, could it possibly be.......oh no," EDR said. "What's wrong doc," Ruin said. "The experimented human was here, and it looks like she absorbed some of EWR's energy, his system battery reserved to safety protocalls, thank goodness I installed a safety protocall," EDR said. "EDR, system levels are low," EWR said. "He's still alive, good......what happened here," EDR said. "Activating voice recording," EWR said

The war robot played back what the experimented human said.

"Voice recording ending," EWR said. "Oh no, looks like she wants us all dead for what the scientist did to her," EDR said. "That's crap, why would she want to kill us if we weren't involved.....wait, did you do something to her?," Ruin questioned. "Sadly yes,"EDR said. "I'm afraid she's after me," EDR. And you didn't tell us any of this crap doc, why," Ruin said. "It's best if don't hide anything now Doctor, we are brothers and sisters, do not hide anything from us," Prophet said. "The government asked me to take action and help this project out, I couldn't refuse because the government was helping me out on my prototype, EWR," EDR said. "So your saying EWR is supported by the government," Spectre said. "Yes," EDR replied. "The government asked me to create a DNI like what you guys just have, they asked me to make sure this DNI was in good condition, and so I did, I created the DNI, I went to were she was going to be experimented on, we places it on her neck to her lower spine, connecting to her whole body, but that's when everything went to hell, scientist started noticing a rapid temperature increase in her body, her flesh was turning into slime, the guard told us to get out of the building and to stay away from the building, I knew they weren't going to survive, I had no choice but to leave," EDR said. "All hell went loose because of you doc," Ruin said. "Give him a break, Ruin," Battery said. "The best shot we got right now is to contact CEO and ask for hell," EDR said. "You must be joking right," Firebreaker said. "You know how they are, they will exterminate the experimented human being," Outrider said. "I know, but I'll try to persuade them to keep this thing alive," EDR said. "Alright here goes nothing.......CEO, this is ground control to CEO, do you copy,"EDR said. "Copy, what do you need," a voice said. "We need ground control units and UAVs on the AO stat,"EDR said. "What's your reason," the voice said. "We've got an experimented human on the lose around our AO," EDR said. "Roger, we are sending GI units and UAV around your AO," the voice said. "Roger, ground control out," EDR said. "Now what," Ruin said. "We wait and hopefully don't get attacked...........

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