Chapter 35: One Step Closer

Start from the beginning

(Niall's POV)

Together they face the altar, now ready to exchange vows and bind themselves together as one.

I am so happy for my best friend. Okay so maybe we aren't really meant for each other. But that doesn't stop me from caring about her. To be honest, she's the very first girl I've ever loved so much and no feeling could ever compare to the way I felt for her.

Sometimes, the last thing you want to be is being just friends, being limited to looking into their eyes, seeing the miracle and dream you can't have.

"I now pronounce you, man and wife. You may kiss the bride." The priest gave his final blessing and closed his bible.

The room was overflowing with love as Harry Edward Styles slowly lifts the veil covering Abbie's face, eager to kiss his wife for the first time. Their faces moved towards each other, inches shorter, and closer.

"I love you." Harry whispered. It was loud for me to hear since I was just behind them.

"I love you." She whispered back.

(Abbie's POV)

To be honest, all I did was smile the entire day. Harry never let me go from his grip. He seemed so protective and possessive and I love it. I love him. I love us. Our family.

The twins will be celebrating their birthday next month and we're planning to take them with us to the Philippines where we decided to spend our Christmas vacation. It would be nice to visit my parents' rest house which stood up in a hill.

"What is she doing here?" Harry entangled his fingers with mine and held my hand tightly. I looked to his direction and saw the girl I've been a die hard fan of, despite of her attempt to sleel with my babe.

"Uhh.. I kinda invited her." I admit, wiggling my eyebrows.

He pulled me so close that our noses were touching now. "Do you really hate her that much that you want her to witness me.." Harry kissed me shortly and softly. "..kiss.." Kissed me again. "" Then again. "..wife?" And again. God these butterflies are going nuts!

"Yes and also something else." I groan at the loss of contact. He chuckled and kissed my forehead. We sat back on our table, mom being on my left side.

The sound of a spoon lightly hitting a wine glass silenced everyone. Dinner was done and I'm sure the folks are craving for the dance floor.

"Well, I guess it's time for us to share something for the newly weds!" Louis announces through the microphone. "And I'll be going first."

Louis sat, literally sat in his tux, on the center stage as he held the mic across his chin. "All I have to say is that I knew right from the start. I knew that someday, these two will eventually find their way towards each other. Finally, they did. It wasn't okay to see Harry sad and whatsoever whenever he sees Abbie with another guy. I always told him to fight for it- for the one he loves. Though at that moment, he actually fought with Niall.." Gasps were heard through out the room and I could feel Harry's large hand move to my lap. " worries everyone! Nothing serious. We're all good now. Anyways, because of these two, I myself have learned to be strong too. I've finally gained the courage tell my girl.." Louis bent on one knee and pulled something out his pocket. I looked at Eleanor who now had two hands covering her mouth but I could tell she was smiling. "..Eleanor, I'm so sorry this took so long so I'm gonna make this quick. Will you marry me?"

Eli ran up to Tommo and hugged him. Everyone screamed and shouted for joy and I was shaking Harry by the sleeve of his coat. He was laughing and I was too.

Next in line was Eleanor, Perrie and Danielle. Then came Liam and Zayn. I was waiting for Niall but it seemed like he didn't want to talk. Uncle Edgar was next, followed by Gemma and my brother who just embarrassed us. Then it was my mom who mostly cried than say her speech. Aunt Anne was next and she cried too, a little less than my mom.

"Hey guys!" I say as it was my turn to take the stage. Harry was sitting just across me and it made me feel safe. "First of all, I would like to thank everyone for coming, despite the far distances to your home. Second of all, I'd like to thank my amazayn, brilliam, fabolouis, phenominiall and extraordinharry best friends for always being there..." I heard whistles and I was sure that was Niall. "..then I like to thank God for being the reason why im here right now, now married to my best friend, the father of our twins over there.." I pointed to Dani and Liam who held our children up on their chest. "So I'll just go straight to the point. I'm only me when I'm with you. I love you so much baby. To be honest, I really want to sing right now. But I don't want to ruin the weather so here's Taylor Swift everybody!" I hopped down the stage for Ms. Swift to take over. Everyone was shocked and stood up from their seats to jam with the music. I went up to Harry and he quickly gave me a kiss, which I'll never get tired of.

"Friday night beneath the stars,

In a field behind your yard,

You and I are paintin' pictures in the sky.

And sometimes we don't say a thing

just listen to the crickets sing.

Everything I need is right here by my side.

And I know everything about you,

I don't wanna live without you...

Was it weird to be jumping up abd down while Taylor sang? Well I guess not because everybody was doing the same thing.

"So it's my turn now. Hey guys! Cute as a button every single one of you!" Harry jokes, posing like Marcel from their old music video. "I love you baby. As much as I love our kids." He points to me and the baby girl I was carrying. The other one was with mom and she's still taking in the moment of becoming a grand mother. "We can finally have that happily ever after huh? So since this song reminded me so much about you, I'll be asking the boys to sing it with me so i can finally have my very first slow dance with my wife." He got down the stage as the boys climbed up.

The song started and their voices may have matured, but the emotion in the song was still there.

And instead of Harry having the solo in the end, Zayn had to do it.

I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth

But if It's true, it's you, it's you they add up to

I'm in love with you

And all these little things

"To infinity and beyond, Mrs. Styles?"

"To infinity and beyo-"

"Wait! I still have something to share though." Niall confidently raised his hand, making everyone laugh. "Hello?" He taps the mic and a loud sound wave envelopes the room. "Sorry!" He cleared his throat and started speaking.

"I've lived with these guys here for more than 6 years. And those years were enough for me to realize how lucky I am to witness these two unwillingly fall in love and eventually find each other in the end.."

All the guests, even us, were just frozen still as we witness Niall say his dearing speech.

" see, a guy and a girl can be just friends. But at one point or another, they will fall for each other. Maybe temporarily, maybe too late, or maybe forever. I may have been the one that's temporary, but Harry, I'm so happy you're the one who gets to keep her forever.."

Harry caught the tear drop that fell straight on my cheeks. Niall looked at me and gave me the brightest smile I ever saw on him.

"...and that's the friendly reality."


Okay so it's just like how Harry imagined in Chapter 15 :')

Epilogue is up next!

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