Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

My four days off had passed by slowly, each day I thought about Liam. I don't know why, but I sort of missed him, even though he was an ass to me. Monica had visited the one day and helped me put my new necklace on, after that, I couldn't stop smiling at it. This simple necklace meant so much to me and Liam knew that. I knew I had to talk to him, even though I only worked there for a month, I don't want us being strangers again. I had came here to start a new life, to escape my past, but that isn't happening. The only thing I can do now is fix what I had broken, and that meant my relationship with Liam. He was one of my closest friends in middle school and I'd be damned if I let him go again.

I nervously got ready for my new job, I knew Monica's friend was nice, but I still wanted to be as professional as I could. Monica had explained to me that her friend is very open to everyone, you could know her for an hour and she would end up telling you her life story. She was extremely outgoing and didn't care about anyone else's opinion of her. I had to admire her for that, I would always care about everyone's opinion. Sometimes, I will still compare myself to other women, trying to figure out why I don't look as pretty as them. I shook the thoughts from my head as I grabbed my purse and walked out.

I stepped into the cafe, wincing a bit at the pain that shot through my ribs. Since my ribs aren't healed yet, my new boss told me that I would be sitting at the cash register for the day. Luckily, she understands my problem and my shift is only a few hours long. Mr. Yale was giving me my full paycheck still, even though I can't work two jobs for a little while. To say I was extremely grateful for the people in my life would be an understatement. I owed them more than I could even afford.

"Hi, Miss. Sylver?" I asked.

The woman spun around and smiled, "You must be Avalon."

"Yeah, thank you for giving me this job. You don't know how much it means to me."

She smiled and gently hugged me, "I've been through the same thing as you, luckily, he didn't come after me once I divorced his ass."

"You married him?" I gasped.

"Yes, unfortunately it was an arranged marriage. After I left him, my parents refused to speak to me. They would just tell me that I was lying to them, that my ex-husband wasn't capable of such things. That is, until he admitted to it and two of his mistresses called the police on him."

"What happened?"

She sighed, "My parents tried apologizing to me, but I was hurt. They abandoned me like it was nothing. Like I never mattered to them. However, I did eventually forgive them, but to this day, it's awkward between us."

After our little heart to heart talk, I immediately got down to business. I was shocked by how busy it was today, I was afraid we were going to run out of hot chocolate before noon. I was handing a customer their change when I spotted him outside, shivering like mad and talking on the phone. I bit my lip, my eyes darted to the hot chocolate as I debated on giving him a free cup. I finally gave in and quickly made his favorite before walking outside.

He looked up as I stood in front of him, a soft smile on my face and his hot chocolate in my hand. He seemed nervous as he stared at me, his eyes mirroring his shock. He finished talking to whoever and slipped his phone into his pocket, when he looked back at me, I could feel myself blushing.

"I, uh, I saw you. You seemed cold, so, I made this for you." I explained, trying to keep myself calm.

He glanced at the beverage before slowly grabbing it, once it was in his hand, he wrapped his other hand around it. He swallowed, his eyes scanned the area around us, it was his way of escaping eye contact.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2016 ⏰

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