Part 17

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It was Saturday afternoon but it wasn't like any other sunny day, it was pouring outside when Louise woke up and notice Logan was sleeping next to her " i don't want to see anymore" thought Louise as she began to get teary again. Louise got up from Logan bed and began to pack her bag making sure she didn't miss anything when she notice that it was raining " are the heavens sad as am" thought Louise placing her hand on the window, she turned around and just like that she just left. Half an hour later Logan began to wake up when he turned and notice that Louise was no longer in bed " Louise" said Logan as he sat up looking around his room " maybe she's in the bathroom" thought Logan when he got up and walked onto the hallway, he made his way to the bathroom and saw that the door was opened " Louise" said Logan then he turned and walked down stairs and saw no Louise around " did she go out" thought Logan who went back up stairs and notice that her bag was no longer there " don't tell me that she went back home maybe no!!!!!! don't tell me she hear conversion from yesterday" said Logan face palming himself hard. Logan go dressed fast and left to Louise house when he notice it was raining. Over to Louise, Louise made it home and was soaked from head to toe she throw her bag on the couch and decided on locking everything so that if Logan were to look for her then he wouldn't be able to get in " am so stupid" said Louise wiping her tears away as she made her way to her bedroom once inside she went and looked for some clothes to change into then made her way to the bathroom. Louise turned the shower head on and got inside moment later a sound of thunder and lighting came down Louise was surprised when she looked out the window inside the shower and saw blue lights " not again" said Louise trying to finish quickly but slipped on a soap bar " AAAAAAAHHHHHH" screamed Louise when she fell but lucky she landed on her hands "ouch" said Louise as she got up and try to be careful not to fall again. Louise try to raised her hands to wash out the soap in her hair " ouch" said Louise when she notice that one of her wrist was hurting " ohhh great just my luck" thought Louise. Louise mange to finish washing her hair and got out of the shower " can't this day get any worst" said Louise when the power went out " just peachy" thought Louise as she headed out toward the hall covered with only her towel but as she walked towards the kitchen she heard a noise.

............... TO BE CONTINUED  

Bob's Burger  Why does it have to be you  (Louise X Logan)Where stories live. Discover now