Part 15

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Once the arrived at Logan place, Logan took Louise bag and led her to his room " i hope you don't mind sleeping in the same room" said Logan nervously " it fine but i don't know where you're gonna sleep" said Louise as she went a lay down on Logan bed " don't you mean where you're gonna being sleeping" said Logan as he crossed his arm " nope" said Louise stand up and looking around then see turned to Logan " am hungry feed me" said Louise walking towards Logan " come on" said Logan putting his arms around Louise shoulder blushing, to his surprise Louise didn't smack his hand away. " Logan have his hand around me, should i smack it away" thought Louise blushing, once they got the kitchen Logan told Louise to sit and that he would cook, Louise wasn't to sure about his cooking but anything was better then Linda's cooking.  Once night came it was time for bed " am gonna use your bathroom" said Louise grabbing her bag with her and leaving the room " yea thats fine" said Logan nervously as he sat on his bed, moments later Logan heard the shower running " she's really taken a shower" thought Logan as he couldn't help but cover his face as he blush he also couldn't help but remember Louise body curves " theres something wrong with me its Louise for god sake" thought Logan. Over to Louise, Louise turned on the shower head and got inside " i can't believe Logan is in the other room" thought Louise as she stood under the water, 10 mins later Louise finished taking a shower when she came out to grab her towel but couldn't find it " don't tell me i left it in Logan room" thought Louise "Logan" screamed Louise, Logan heard something and got up " Louise" thought Logan when he got up and headed towards the bathroom " did you call" said Logan on the other side of the door " i forgot my towel can please get it for me" said Louise " towel" said Logan " yea" said Louise, Logan placed his hand on the door " Louise is naked behind this door" thought Logan blushing " so are you gonna get it or what " said Louise " yea give me a min" said Logan as he left heading towards his bedroom " towel towel there it is" thought Logan when he picked up Louise towel but couldn't help but smell it " it smell like her" said Logan smiling like an idiot " Logan" screamed Louise " coming" screamed Logan back. Logan headed back and stood in front of the door " Louise here" said Logan knocking on the door Louise opened the door a little and peeped her head outside extending her arm to grab the towel, Logan could help but see Louise with her wet hair so he looked more down and got a little peep of her side breast Logan *gulp*" ay earth to Logan" said Louise blushing " wa wa what" said Logan " what the hell are you staring at" said Louise " theres nothing to stare at" said Logan as he throw her the towel and walked away " wa what" said Louise as she wrapped the towel on her body and tackle Logan to the floor " what was that" said Louise on top of Logan. Logan grab her waist and flipped her around her so Logan was on of Louise but when he did that Louise towel came undone so Louise was on the floor naked. They both blushed Logan just stare at Louise body " am so sorry" said Logan finally breaking the silence in the hallway, Louise covered her face and turned to her side so that Logan wouldn't see her red " Louise" said Logan softly when he saw Louise ears red Logan reached out and pulled one of Louise hand away and saw her whole face red Logan lend in and whispered on Louise ear " is this the first time someone seeing you naked Lou~~ise" said Logan watching Louise reaction, her face got even redder Logan lift Louise chin up and lend in for a kiss but there was a Knock on the door

.......... TO BE CONTINUED 

Bob's Burger  Why does it have to be you  (Louise X Logan)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant