
"Mr. A! Oh god, you're there! I got scared and you weren't here and I just... I just wanted to make sure you were alive!"
"Of course I am, Nalak."
"In... in my dream you had died..."
"I see."
"I'm sorry, Mr. A. I don't know what's going on with me. One minute I'm fine and the next I'm scared half to death..."
"It's your hormones added to your original fear. You'll be like this for a bit, it's perfectly natural. I'll be getting you some Nexenaf and you can take some of that."
"What's that?"
"It's like Midol for men; specifically designed for men. It'll help with the moodiness and your nightmares."
"I'm sorry, Mr. A..."
"It's alright, there's nothing to be sorry for."
"It's just all so sudden and I've just been so scared and you were gone when I woke up... I just want to be normal again." He said with a sob.
"I know, but it's not going to happen. There's nothing we can do to reverse the affects of the... albinism." I say in a soft voice. "Your hysteria and nightmares can be helped though. I know that R still has a piece of lavender on him. Where, I'm not sure, but he's holding out. I told him to throw it away so that you can find him. Maybe if you smell him you'll feel better and the Nexenaf will help with the mood swings."
"Maybe... When are you coming back?"
"I'm not sure. Did you want me to bring you something back?"
"Yeah like a bag of those chicken legs and stuff? You know, it's got all the parts you'd get from a fast food restaurant like legs, thighs, wings, breasts... and a cat."
"A cat? What for?"
"I dunno I just really want a cat."
It took me a second to realize he meant to eat.
"Nalak, I'm not getting you a cat so you can eat it."
"Aw, why not? I'm craving them so much right now."
"People don't eat cats."
"Not even a little one?"
"That's even worse. I'm not buying a cat so that you can eat it."
"What if it's dead first?"
"If it's already dead then there's no harm but I'm not going to specifically find you a cat so you can kill it and eat it."
"Then why is it okay to kill squirrels and stuff?"
"Because squirrels don't belong to people! You can't just go find a cat and eat it. What if it belonged to someone?"
"But they look so good, Mr. A..."
"Hey! Do not eat the cats! I'll get you something super special if you will just not eat the cat. Remind me to let R know to make it so you can't."
"What else would you like?"
Nalak thinks for a moment and then makes a noise.
"What meat tastes like cat?"
"I have no idea. I'll get you something as similar as I can. I'm pretty sure there's something close to it in the regular meat department..."
"Alright. Is R okay?"
"He just woke up when you called. I'll let him know you're alright and when the time is right I'll let you come with me."
"Okay... I'll see you tonight?"
He hangs up and I go to R as he is in the middle of trying to sit up. I help him and he finally gets to the position he wants, huffing and puffing in pain.
"God that hurts so bad... Was that Nalak?"
"Yeah. Oh, whenever you meet up again, please refrain him from eating cats."
R looks at me in confusion and then it dawns on him what I mean. He looks away sadly and puts his hand on his stomach.
"He's becoming more albinoish..."
"It's the way of the world, son." I say, although I think it may have to do with his pregnancy rather than the albinism in regards to the cat thing. "Just make sure you tell him not to eat them... or at least any that belong to people."
"Was he mad at me?"
"I think he got over that a while back."
The phone rings again and I sigh, getting a little angry at all these calls but I see it's Ilaen and answer it.


Dad answers his phone and I watch as he seems to smile sadly and then looks at me. He hands the phone over and says, "It's your mother."
I take the phone and put it to my ear.
"Hey, honey, how are you feeling?"
"I'm alright. Sore and Dad says I'll never be able to harbor anything again..."
"I'm sorry sweetie. I know you thought all was lost already but if we had told you the whole truth about it, you may have started getting your hopes up when your next swell would come."
"But you guys said I wouldn't have one."
"We weren't aware that still having some of the parts would make the radiation try and work as if you were still normal. If we had we would have figured something else out for you."
"Well, it's okay, I guess. I mean, I've always thought that I wasn't going to harbor any kids anyway so no harm done."
"I miss you, honey."
"I miss you too."
"Bal wants to talk to you."
I hear the phone shuffling and then settle.
"Hey, R. You doing alright?"
"Yeah. How's the baby?"
"Ugh, about ready to come out. I've never had one decide to take its ever loving time. It should have been born already..."
"I'm sure it'll come out when it's ready. You'll have to send me a picture when it's born."
"Too bad you won't be here to see it."
"I'll come back and spoil it."
Bal laughs and for some reason this feels odd. I feel like I'm talking to them for the last time. I don't know why this feeling is coming over me but...
"Hey, idiot."
The sudden gruffness throws me off and I realize that it's Matt.
"Hey, Matt."
"You need to stop being a dickhead and work this thing out with Nalak. Dad called and told us about him and what he's been going through. That guy, albino or not, is the only friend you have. Why are you being such an ass towards him?"
"I'm... not trying to..."
"Well you are. If you're so selfless, then why don't you think about what he's going through-"
"Matt, be nicer." I hear Bal say.
"No, he needs someone to shove their foot up his ass and tell him the truth." He says back to him. "Anyway, seriously think about the shit he's gone through. Dad told us about his parents and everything and even looked up how he may have turned albino. He didn't really tell us how but I figured it out on my own. He has no family anymore and is the only one left. He looks to you like the older brother he had and lost. He loves you, R. That stunt you pulled at Girvan's house was cruel and just plain mean. Be friends again... It's the least you can do for the guy."
I smile a little. "Yeah, I know. I just have to rectify a little issue, that's all."
"Well fix it and get going. Even I actually miss you."
I laugh. "Okay..."
Dad takes the phone back and asks to talk to Mom and I lay back, smiling. I didn't realize I was causing so much trouble trying not to cause trouble. I guess I'll just have to take everyone's advice and make up with Nalak somehow. The question is how do I reverse the effects of my order for him not to touch me?

****BTW - does anyone want me to put up some more mpreg stuff? It seems kinda popular on here so... just let me know!

Radioactive - Book 1: Birth 🪼Where stories live. Discover now