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The road seemed like it would never end. My legs ached from carrying the support of myself and my back pack. I hadn't eaten in two days and I was almost out of water. The glowing sun pressed into my skin making me groan. The heat was unbearable.

I stopped and took off my backpack to rip off my shirt. There was a fine definition between where my shirt once was on my skin and the skin that was exposed. I couldn't tell if it was because I was getting tan or if I was just covered in dirt. Either way, I couldn't care less how I looked. I couldn't remember the last time I actually bathed and I could feel that my cheeks were very sun burnt.

I stuffed my dirt and blood stained shirt into my backpack and I continued walking down the road. In the distance I could see a bigger clearing that looked like a small town. I immediately picked up my pace, using the rest of my energy to see what was up there.

Once I reached the clearing, I was disappointed to see that it was only a gas station with a small shop. I walked into the shop to see almost all of it completely cleared out. I walked down the few aisle to find nothing but a small bag of mixed nuts. I sighed and grabbed the bag, knowing that it wouldn't hold me over for long. I hopped over the counter where the cash registers were and found a pack of cigarettes on the ground. I happily grabbed them and walked out of the 'not-so-convenient' store.

I sat out in front of the store giving my legs a break and I opened the almost embarrassingly small bag of nuts and began eating them. I pulled my pocket knife out and set it beside me. I pulled off my backpack and placed it in front of me, in between my legs. I unzipped my bag and looked for my journal, the only thing that kept me sane.

Ever since Jenna passed away, I was left alone with my thoughts. One day I came across a journal and it became my outlet and the closest thing to social interaction I could get, besides a few wandering biters that really only wanted to eat me.

I began writing anything and everything that was on my mind, from the sad bag of nuts, to the pack of cigarettes, to even my dirt/tan line. And then I thought about her. The women that brought me so much joy for years. Her lively smile and ocean eyes. The way she would laugh so hard that she would squeeze her eyes shut and throw her head back. How her hair would shine so brightly in the su-

My writing came to a halt as a gunshot rang through the surrounding trees. Without thinking, I shoved everything into my bag and began running into the forest. I could hear my blood pumping in my ears and my breathing quickened.

"Hey!" Someone shouted at me from behind. In no way was the tone welcoming. I took a quick glance to see a tall man with dark hair with a gun in his hand. I continued running until I caught a sight of a man with a messy mohawk standing in front of me, also with a gun. He smirked when he saw me and started running towards me. I stopped unsure of what to do as another man to the right of me also started running closer.  I started to back away to my left until I felt something cold press against the side of my head. Someone grabbed my hair and turned my head so I was looking at them. My mouth hung ajar as my brain begged for more oxygen. I reached into my back pocket, digging for my knife. I looked up to the man that had a grip on my hair and he laughed at me before throwing me to the ground and cocking his gun.

"Dump out your bag," He pointed to the ground with his gun. "Now." My shaking hands reached for my knife again and I pulled it out and flicked it open, quickly slashing the tall man's leg.

"You fucking bitch!" he pulled the trigger, missing me and hitting my bag.

"Woah Dallon, don't kill the man." the man with the mohawk spoke.

"He stabbed me!" the man named Dallon whined. I tried to scramble up but I was held down by a blonde haired man stepping on my arm with a blood covered boot and taking the knife out of my hand.

"You've lasted this long out here with...this?" he flicked the knife open and laughed at it before throwing it into his pocket. a man with tattoos up his arms ripped my bag away from me and dumped it onto the ground, exposing the very few possessions I had. He search through the pile with the mohawk man while Dallon climbed right on top of me and put his gun to my forehead.

"Give me one fucking reason not to kill you right now." My whole body shook and my eyes looked back and forth between his, trying to find something to say.

"He doesn't have it. He has nothing." the guy with arm tattoos spoke while kicking my now empty backpack. Dallon immediately got off of me and yanked me off the ground and spoke in my ear.

"You're fucking lucky, brat." he shoved me away and I collapsed against the mohawk man. "Josh, make sure the kid doesn't have a damn heart attack and get him back to the truck." The mohawk man gripped my forearm and began walking away from Dallon. "And Mikey, go with that twat, make sure he doesn't make any stupid decisions." I looked back to see the blonde man start walking with us. I struggled to get out of Josh's grip.

"P-please! L-let go of me!" I cried.

"Struggling is only going to make it worse." Josh sighed out as his grip tightened on my arm. A lingering biter was heard in the distance. Josh stopped walking, starting to pull out his gun.

"I got it!" Mikey shouted running towards it and taking out my knife from his pocket. Josh's grip loosened on my arm as the blonde ran farther away.

"We are taking you to some place safe. You'll be fed and you'll have somewhere to stay." Josh stated. I couldn't speak back. there was a lump in my throat from me trying not to cry. Josh pulled me through the forest until a black pick-up truck came into view. Josh opened the door and pulled out a zip-tie before grabbing both of my wrists and tying them together. "I'm sorry" was the last thing the mohawk man said before shoving me into the back and hopping in the drivers seat, waiting for the others to emerge from the forest.

Genocide | JoshlerWhere stories live. Discover now