Chapter 2: Oliver

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A/N if you haven't noticed, Ive changed the theme a little. Instead of Rayne wanting to be a model, she wants to be a famous dancer.

Rayne's POV

I woke in bed of my apartment and looked at my clock.


How is even possible for someone to wake up this early in the morning. I looked to my right and see Oliver, my white Husky, sleeping soundly on his side of the bed. I get up slowly so I don't wake him and head to my bathroom.

I use the bathroom and take a 15 minute shower and go to my mirror and do a fishtail braid in my hair. I walk back to my bedroom and pick out an outfit for the day. I get my Feelings Change sweater, light blue jeans, and my all black All-Stars. I find my white beanie and wake up Oliver.

I lead Oliver down the stairs and fill up his food bowl with dog food. I make myself some Froot Loops and eat while I watch some Adventure Time. After I finish my cereal and pick up Olly's leash and latch it to his collar.

We walk out the door and walk to the park. Once we get there, I bend down to let Oliver off his leash but he runs and makes me fall to my face.

"Oliver! Come back here!" I yell after him. I get up and chase him, seeing him licking a cute brown haired boy's face, who looks around my age.

"Oh my gosh. I am so sorry. He isn't usually like this." I tell the boy bending down to their position on the ground.

"It's okay. I love dogs." He stands up and sticks out his hand.
"Im Cameron. Nice to meet you..."
"Rayne ", I say taking is hand and shaking it as I stand up as well.
"Well Miss Rayne, it was nice to meet you but I have to get going."                                                                 "See you around, Cameron". I tell him as he pets Oliver and walks in the opposite direction.

"Oliver, that was mean but you let me meet a cute boy. Sure, I may never see him again, but you are forgiven. Now, let's continue our walk."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2017 ⏰

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