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Rayne Tyler-Age: 19Siblings: Collin Tyler(16)

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Rayne Tyler-
Age: 19
Collin Tyler(16)

Rayne Tyler-Age: 19Siblings: Collin Tyler(16)

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Summer Tyler(7)

Backround: Rain is a newly High School graduate, ready to take on the world

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Backround: Rain is a newly High School graduate, ready to take on the world. She wants to be a world famous dancer, but stays home, seeing as she doesn't want her mom to have to take care of two kids by herself. Her parents are divorced, with her and her 16 year old brother and 7 year old sister living with their mom. She has a Husky pup named Oliver and a white rabbit named Snowy.

 She has a Husky pup named Oliver and a white rabbit named Snowy

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Cameron White-
Age: 19
Siblings: Mercy White (18)

Backround: There's not that much known about Cameron

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Backround: There's not that much known about Cameron. He's a photographer, taking pictures of the beautiful outside world. His passion is to become a world famous photographer, maybe even a movie filmer. He works at starbucks and a couple other side jobs to help his sister, who is sick with cancer.

Side Characters:

Winter Thomas (19)

Andrew Wilson (18)

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Andrew Wilson (18)

Andrew Wilson (18)

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