Chapter Twelve- Iris-Ithil

Start from the beginning

"Couples are allowed several nights a month in private rooms, which are located at the end of the hall," he said, pointing to the final arch that marked the end of the T shaped hall. "I trust that won't be a concern but if it is, talk to Uhron, the head of the Guard."

Godric immediately felt his face grow hot and, judging by the strawberry-like color of Mira's that nearly succeeded in matching her hair, he was not alone. "You're correct," He answered more than a little awkwardly. 

The young watchman smiled gratefully. "Good, well, now that that's over with, you may find your quarters. There is no specified manner, just find an open bed. There will be a lockbox for your things at the foot of it. Be sure not to forget where you are at, by the way. That will be your bed for some time, from the sound of it."

Godric nodded his thanks. Aeis smiled and turned to Mira, offering her a small bow, and headed out toward Rae-Oiron, his footsteps fading like the flickering torchlight.

Once his steps had become distant enough, Mira gently grabbed Godric's arm and pulled him to a corner of the room, away from the prying eyes of the bored guards that still stood at their posts.

Before he could say anything, she wrapped him in a fierce hug for a second. Pulling away gently, she looked up at him with wild eyes.

"What's going on?" She whispered.

He shook his head. "Too much. First Ennor and now this?" He said, waving his arm toward Rae-Orion and the rest of the city. "

"That's not all," she said quietly. "Did you hear Caeros? If we thought you were in danger before, where are we now? It sounded like half the men in that room were ready to stick you in your sleep!"

"Thanks for that," he said.

She sighed weakly. "I didn't mean it like that, it's just..."

"I know," he said, cutting her off. "Either way, we need to watch each other's backs. As long as Ennor is for us, we should be safe, at least for now." Inadvertently, his face contorted into a sharp glare.

"What's wrong?" Mira asked intently.

"It's just that I shouldn't have the sword in the first place," he answered. "My father never should have taken it. He was a coward when these people most needed courage."

Mira brushed a lock of red hair out of her face and placed a small hand on his shoulder. "Godric, your father may have been many things, but he was not a coward."

The boy sighed heavily. "What else am I to believe? It's the only thing that makes sense. He must have taken the sword and fled to Dunn, which makes him a coward, a murderer, and a thief."

"No," said Mira. "I can't help but believe there is more to it than that." Not likely, he thought

Eager to change the subject, a thought popped into his head. "Why did you ask Aeis about the Orshi when we were in Naevir?"

Mira glanced down at her feet. "Do you remember back at Threst? When the Dragon attacked?" Godric was hesitant to answer. It was only this morning, of course I remember.

"Yes," he answered hesitantly.

"When I summoned that light....." she shook her head, but looked up at him desperately. "I don't know. I just can't figure out what happened. It's not normal, Godric. It isn't a good thing."

"What are you talking about," he asked, confused. "You saved us. That's a very good thing."

She shook her head again. "No, you don't understand. In the Ancient Days the Orshi were some of the few who could defeat Dragons by themselves, other than Ecthion himself. They could manipulate light and darkness and fire and shadow... They were incredibly powerful, Godric!" She looked at her hands fearfully like they might suddenly clamp around his throat and choke him or burst into flames. "I've read about the Orshi," she said, hefting her book. "They were not good people, Godric. They tortured and tormented and murdered hundreds of innocent people and no one knew why. I could.... I might...." She dropped her book and covered her face in her hands.

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