** ☆♡ Bayleigh ♡☆ **

Start from the beginning

Alpha Walter straightened up and said damn right you're not suing, I'd have to throw you out of the pack if you did. Bayleigh screamed sharply until they stopped threatening each other and she said this is between Casey and me, now shut up, all of you.

She breathed deep as she was injected with a pain medication and Doctor Brent huffed and said that should take care of you. Bayleigh slid off the table and walked over to Alpha Walter.

She had to tilt her head way up and asked do I look like I'm a fighter? Compared to everyone at school, I'm the shortest girl in all my classes. I'm not tall or as bulky as Casey so when she hits me, it bloody well hurts. Go online, and see for yourself as she's posted every beat down on me. Casey's laughing as she describes in detail what she was feeling when she hits someone who can't defend themselves.

Bayleigh said give me your phone. He passed it over and she used it to find the first video Casey posted online. Bayleigh cringed as she played it for Alpha Walter who watched it in horror as he recognized his niece's voice.

She asked the doctor for his phone and soon pulled up the second posted video and said now don't ever tell me again that your precious Casey wouldn't ever intentionally hurt another living thing.

Use your computer so you can watch all the others she's posted. Watch her face as she loves every second of it. She gloats over those god darned videos.

And now I'm suspended for causing a fight, one in which I didn't start or ever want. I fought back today because as you see, she's bigger than me and trained to fight. I'm tired of having my face hurting so bad it's hard for me to sleep at night.

So when my parents say the next time Casey attacks me they will sue, you understand that they honestly are fed up with her bullying me. They see the aftereffects, you have only seen this one.

The Doctor huffed as he finished watching another and said bloody hell, that was rough. Bayleigh limped out of the room, still hurting and tired as hell, wanting out of there.

The Doctor yelled at her to come back, seeing her limp and asked what happened to her leg? She took a deep breath and said today Casey was wearing boots, and she kicked me in the hip. It will heal.

He ordered her back and soon she was stripped down and she winced at his poking her bruises once again. He swore as did Alpha Walter because there was an actual lump, as her hip was black and swollen like it had been bleeding under the skin.

Her mother teared up and said check her ribs, she came home with a couple of cracked ribs just last week. The Doctor soon x-rayed just about her whole freaking body as her father mentioned other beat downs that she'd taken.

Bayleigh soon fell asleep as the pain medication took effect. The Doctor grunted seeing her sleep and said I don't understand, you should have brought her in sooner.

Marianne and Jason both huffed and Jason said we tried but Bayleigh didn't want to come. None of them noticed when Alpha to be Wyatt walked in with his nose in the air, smelling.

Alpha Walter was the first to see Wyatt as he scented him and turned to catch his son's eyes flash to his wolf's as Wyatt caught sight of the near naked body of Bayleigh.

He tried to mind link him, but Wyatt's wolf was blocking him as he moved fast to get to Bayleigh and growled before grabbing the sheet and covering her from everyone's sight.

Wyatt ordered everyone out, snarling. When his son shifted, Alpha Walter pulled the Doctor and told Marianne and Jason to leave too, adding his son's wolf had taken over.

When they moved out of the room, they watched from the open doorway as Wyatt whimpered until he jumped up on the table and laid down, putting his head over Bayleigh's chest.

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