*** Merlene Nyx ***

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Merlene Nyx

Bond Severing

Time nearly stood still as Merlene watched out her bedroom window looking over towards the pack house's back yard.

Being her room was on the top most floor, she had an excellent view once the huge tree that was removed not too long ago was out of the way. It was dead anyways and a threat to falling down in the next heavy wind.

She couldn't hear what was going on, but she could see a pack meeting was being held. She being only 14 had not heard her wolf in her head yet so she couldn't hear like others. Unlike her cousins she lived with who were all older and initiated pack members.

She was sent here to her aunt Becca and uncle Jon's home because of difficulties she was having with certain members of the pack her family were members of.

She was packed up and taken away without her being told. She had been taken to the pack house and the Doctor supposedly examined her. He injected her when brought in unconscious, to keep her knocked out and she was kept that way when she was taken away.

She had no idea that was even happening and only told once she woke at her Aunt and Uncle's house. Her memories of what happened to her even days later were still a complete blank. She still had no idea what happened, and her family hadn't contacted her at all. They may have contacted her Aunt and Uncle, but she hadn't been told and her memory was a completely blank slate after being threateningly confronted and then knocked out from behind.

When she woke here, she was confronted by her Aunt and Uncle and was told she was sent there to them as she couldn't stay home.

It saddened her, but now she was at least no longer bullied, threatened and hurt by others. She hoped anyways as she hadn't been let out of the house since she arrived days ago.


Two weeks later, Merlene was in utter and total shock. She blinked wildly up at the pack Doctor named Ethel in disbelief as she laid on the exam table. She stuttered what? Dr Ethel grunted and said I need to do an ultrasound, you're pregnant.

Merlene shook her head and asked how? I never.... Dr Ethel grunted at her in disbelief and said you are pregnant Merlene and it's why you were sent away. She looked pale and in total shock but Dr Ethel wasn't fooled and clamped her lips closed.

Merlene was then bound to the exam table as she kept trying to get up, as she totally denied what occurred and was happening.

She was pale as a ghost as the ultrasound was performed and on screen was the result, the shocking proof. Merlene blinked and gasped as on screen showed she was indeed pregnant.

Dr Ethel printed the picture from the screen and wheeled Merlene back into the exam room without a single word from Merlene.

Once back in the exam room, her Aunt walked in and was handed the ultrasound picture. Merlene sniffled and asked what happened? There was no way I had sex with anyone. I can remember everything before that day I was surrounded at school by my tormentors and knocked out cold from behind.

It was at lunchtime, I had something to eat in the cafeteria and headed to the Library to work on an assignment. They ganged up and surrounded me and I was struck in the back of the head.

When I woke up I was here. So please tell me, how I ended up pregnant. Her aunt grunted and said your parents told me you were acting out at school. Started dressing differently and came home smelling like others.

Merlene was shocked once more and said they told you I was acting up? That I smelled like others? I was being bullied, threatened and struck out at by members of the pack. I of course changed by what was happening to me. I started wearing all black clothes as they were starting to torment me about what I wore.

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