Chapter 1

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First Day at the Recreation Center

I am walking towards the green building at the end of the street, or this is what I am supposed to do, as I didn't know there is a green building there until a man gave me directions. Let's also consider that I hate taking directions as I believe they confuse me rather than helping me as they should, but this time I couldn't ignore them, otherwise I would be getting lost right now.

As soon as I reach it, I stand at the door and look around, quite confused. Ok, I know it shouldn't be such a surprise, but I can't help feeling this way. Anyway, I should be glad to be here and not anywhere else. Actually, I can't wait to come inside. Maybe there will be something good in there.

I come inside and expect everyone to make a huge mess, but instead there is a surreal silence. I can't explain that with better words. It just doesn't convince me. 'Is there even anyone?' I think. This situation is becoming creepy...

I walk straight the corridor and then enter the first room I see. At least there is someone inside. In fact, there is a girl who could be as tall as me. She, like me, has dark skin, black hair and dark brown eyes. Though, her hair is gently flowing down her shoulders, whereas mine is just tucked into braids.

She suddenly approaches me and says hello. We end up shaking hands. Then, she introduces herself. "Hey, welcome to Greendale Recreation Center. I am Ashley. What's your name? You look like you're new here."

"Yeah, I am new here," I answer. "By the way, nice to meet you, Ashley. My name is Lanai. Lanai Joly."

"Nice to meet you, Lanai," she replies back.

She is smiling and blushing, but in the creepy way. I don't know why, but I think there is going to be something wrong here and that she is hiding something.

"Anything ok?" I ask.

"Oh, yes. Nothing to worry about," she just answers. Nonetheless, she doesn't convince me at all. Oh. I shouldn't worry that much about what convinces me or what doesn't. I should enjoy myself.

"Oh, you should definitely get to know the others." I only notice in this moment that Ashley has restarted talking to me. I don't know if she has caught me not listening at her. The bottom line is that I wasn't at all.

"Come on!"

I follow her through the corridor and we end up in another room, this time packed with other girls. Most of them are dark-skinned, like me and Ashley, but I also notice there are some white girls, as well. I decide to wave them hello and smile.

Later on, three black girls approach Ashley and say hello to her. Great. They are ignoring me.

However, it seems that Ashley wants so badly that they get to know me better, to the point that she points at me and tells the others, "Girls, this is Lanai Joly. She's new here."

The three girls wave me hello, but nothing much happens then. I try to break the ice. "What are your names?"

One of them, who has short black hair and a pair of nice circled earrings, replies first. "My name is Caela."

"Mine is Janaiya," says another one, who, like Caela, has short black hair, but, this time, she has no earrings but a lot of piercings and wears glasses.

The third girl, who has long black hair and a fringe, speaks up as well. "And mine is Raynie."

"Nice names," I just comment. "By the way, my name is Lanai."

"Oh, you needn't repeat that," states Janaiya, giving me a quite creepy look. "Ashley already said that."

"I thought you forgot it," I try to justify myself, but Ashley is shaking her head. Perfect. I failed to win these girls' trust. Perhaps they think I'm just that kind of girl. And, no, believe me, you may not be very keen on getting to know what it means.

I don't know why, but I end up sitting on my own. I knew their friendly attitude was just a façade, and they've just proven it, especially Ashley, when she shook her head. Although I wouldn't mind be left alone for a while, Janaiya and Raynie join me, immediately followed by Caela and, lastly, Ashley.

However, they're not alone. They're followed by a girl with a much lighter skin, brown hair, freckles and what I would call beaver-like teeth. Her brown eyes are somehow striking. She looks nice, and a pleasant person to hang around with. Before I can even speak, she breaks the ice. "Hi, you are new, aren't you? My name is Jill."

"Nice to meet you, Jill. Mine is Lanai. Lanai Joly," I reply back.

"Pleased to meet you, as well," is Jill's reply. She looks so innocent, nowhere near looking like any of the other girls in the surroundings, who all have blunt looks. Ashley keeps shaking her head, whereas Janaiya, Caela and Raynie are looking at me and Jill, pretty interested in our reactions. However, while Jill is smiling, I'm not doing anything that could catch their attention.

Anyway, it seems as Raynie is unimpressed with Ashley constantly glaring at me in disapproval. "Please quit looking at her like that," she says in fact. "You're putting her in an uncomfortable situation." Although it seems she has listened to her carefully, Ashley ignores her reprimand. I don't know what's going on with that girl. Maybe she doesn't like me at all.

Also, why is she changing attitudes? Before, she was all rainbows and unicorns. Now, it seems she doesn't want me around. Maybe, I know why. She fears I may steal her friends' attention from her. By the way, I could never do so. Firstly, I've never had any true and long-lasting friends in my life; secondly, I'm not so mean-hearted to do that to a girl I've just known.

When I think things couldn't go any worse, I realize I'm wrong. In fact, I'm hearing a loud noise and a girl screaming, "Who the fuck do you think you are, bitch? Back off! It's me who leads here, okay?"

Wanting to know what's exactly going on, I decide to follow that voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2016 ⏰

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