The Bastard Daughter : A Supernatural FanFiction

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.I would like to make a couple notes before I start the story...

One- This is one of my first story to the public. So I really don't know what you want. I am just writing what I would like to read.

Two- I am an Adult writer. So this story will involve Sexual Contact... but I like to make it clear that I do not write porn.

Three- I am a growing writer. There will be mistakes and I would love it if you could point them out. I only want to get better. So people tell me what I am doing wrong.

I am starting this story around the fourth and fifth season of SupernaturalThis is going to be a Castiel (AT THE MOMENT IS IS KIND OF CENTERED AROUND SAM) fanfic. Now there is a whole other person in this fanfic that will be the love interest for Cass. SO it will be different from the show, but I will do my best to stick to the details as possible.

I also have an Andy Biersack fanfic called Done For You and I will have a couple other non-fanfics posted soon too. And for the people that don't know who Black Veil Brides are....then shame on you. I am warning you, I wrote that fanfic for my little cousin sooooo, it's pretty cheesy 

 Anyway. I hope you enjoy.


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