Chapter Three

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When Dean woke up with water splashing all over his face. He head hurt and he could not move. He looked around the room to see that all of the shades where closed and the door was locked. There was salt around the door and windows. The girl had taken her jacket off, and saw that she had a large cut on her arm. She had her hair pulled back in a bun, and hand a silver knife in her hand.

“Hold still” She said, and placed a the knife on Dean's skin. She made a small cut on the back of his hand. Dean did not move, and when nothing happened she yelled “Damn it”

“Something wrong” Dean asked.

“Don't talk to me” She muttered. She started walking around the room for a couple of minutes. Then asked. “Are you human?”

“Yes” Dean said.

“What do the angles want with you?”

“Hell if I know....wait, how do you know that?” Dean asked. She completely disregarded his question.

“Do you know a person named Sam?”

“How the hell do you know Sam?!” Dean began to get worried about this girl.

She sat down on the bed. “Does anyone know you are here?”

“No...” Which was a lie. Bobby knew that he was here. Then as if the old man was trying to get him in trouble...he phone started to ring. The girl raised her eyebrows and walked over to the phone and answered.

“Hello?” She said. “No, he is busy at the moment” … “My name is Nova” … “I am a friend of Dean's” … “Oh he is a bit tied up at the time” … “No you listen to me! I am the one pointing a gun at your boyfriend had her, so you will do what I say” … “Sure”

She placed the phone on Dean's ear. “Hello”

“What the hell is going on” Bobby yelled and Dean explained what had happened this afternoon.

Bobby's replied “YOU LET A GIRL KIDNAP YOU”

“She had a gun on my Bobby. What do you want me to do. And to be perfectly clear we don't even know if she is a 'girl'”

“Not let her point the gun it the first place!” Bobby said. “So, is she a witch, a shifter, what?”

“I have not got that fare yet” And before Dean could finish the girl said “Times up!” then hung up the phone. She throw it on the bed, the lifting up the gun slapping it off of Dean's face. Dean could taste blood in his mouth. 'How could a girl hit that hard' he thought to himself.

“What was that for?” he yelled.

“You lied” she said. “Now if I ask you a question, you will answer truthfully”... “So why are you following me?”


Dean had said nothing after a moment or two so I repeated the question.

“Why! Why are you following me!”

“I thought you were a case...” Dean said.

“A case...” Then it hit her like a slap to the face. “Your a hunter?”

“Yes” He said. “Aren’t you?”

“No” I said. Why was a hunter following me? He thought I was a case? I could see why he thought I was a hunter. It had not been the first time I had to deal with them.

“Then what are you” He asked me.

“I am on the run” I said. “I am human if that is what you are asking.”

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