"Shouldn't he be in college doing something with his life?"

"He's taking a gap year."

"He's taking a gap year." I mocked her.

"Now you're being childish. Are you jealous?" A smirk slowly formed on her face.

"No." I lied.

"You don't have to be worried about Bryant, he's just a friend." She assured.

"I want a whole empty seat between both of you." I said sternly.

"If that will make you feel better."

"It will."

"Well I have to go, I'll talk to you later." She made kissy faces at the screen before hanging up.

"Love you too." I mumbled, tossing my phone on the bed.


Bryant sat in one of chairs in the back and I sat away from him like Demitri wanted. I find it stupid, but anything to shut him up.

"Demitri?" Bryant snickered when he saw I left a seat empty between us. We got here during the trailers, the most unnecessary part.

"Yup." I shook my head.

"I know you see me walking and you just going to keep you feet up." I heard Julie's loud mouth.

She pushed the man's leg down and sat next to me.

"I thought you weren't coming."

"I can do it later?" She shrugged.

"Do what?"

"Nothing." She quickly said.

"Is Kylee coming?"

"She's in the car." Julie stuffed popcorn in her mouth.

"Doing what?" I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Pfft, the hell if I know." She shrugged.

I noticed the hickies on her neck and it all began to click.

"You and Kylee..." I trailed off, smirking.

Kylee sat in the other seat next to me, "Hey, ReRe."

"Mm, your shirt is inside out."

"Damn, I didn't know you got down like that JuJu." Bryant said.

"Shut up, Brian." She mushed his face.

"So you're bi or..."

"I guess so." She shrugged.

"When did this happen?" I pointed between them.

"Uhh, the beginning of summer." Kylee laughed nervously.

"You kept this from me for three months?"

"Julie wanted to keep it a secret." She pointed at Julie.

I pursed my lips, "So this your girlfriend now?"

"Yup. All mines." Kylee said proudly.

"Y'all gonna kiss?" Bryant asked making Julie suck her teeth.

"Shut your ass up." Kylee threw popcorn at him.

"Can't blame me for asking."


"Mommy." Hunter walked into my room. "When is Demitri coming back?"

"November." I said.

Over the summer Hunter grew a liking to Demitri. It took a lot, but Demitri made an effort to get Hunter to like him. Now that he's gone, that's all Hunter asks about.

"That's so long." He climbed up on my bed.

"I know, I miss him."

"Me too."

"What happened to Tyler?" He asked.

"He went somewhere to get help." He went somewhere to get major help, professional help.

A month after he was sent away, he was always sending me letters. But I never opened them. I just throw all of them in a box. I'm going to read them one day because I want to know why he really did all of those things to us. There has to be more than 'he's just crazy'.

"I never liked him anyways. You should date Demitri instead." He told me.

I was a little taken back by his statement, "And why should I?"

"Because he loves you, he told me before he left." He said as he played in my hair.

"What else he tell you?"

"I cant tell you." He pretended to zip his lips.

I laughed, "Why not?"

"Because I promised not to tell you." He replied in a duh tone.

"Okay." I simply said.

I'll find out. I always do.




Kylee and Julie?

What else do you think Demitri told Hunter?

Excuse mistakes.

Mismatch |Book 1|Where stories live. Discover now