Nandini who till now had been avoiding Manik looked up at him skeptically. Before she could protest, navya, who still considered Manik and nandini as friends, unaware of the recent events, quietly got up and walked to another seat.

Manik quickly sat beside nandini. All the eyes in the class were set upon them. Though Manik didn't give a damn to it, but nandini felt really uncomfortable. Moreover, she couldn't sit with Manik after all that happened between them. So she got up to leave but Manik held her wrist and pulled her to him. She lost her balance and ended up landing in Manik's lap. She looked at Manik with widened eyes while he just smirked and held her close by her waist tightly.

"Leave me." She protested.

"Ahaan.. Either sit beside me or l will be happy with you in my lap." Manik said huskily while caressing her waist. She shivered with his touch. Manik was at once stunned with the effect he had on her but soon it turned to a big proud smile.

Composing herself, nandini looked around. Everyone was watching them with curious eyes. Finally accepting her defeat, she turned to him.

"Okay fine. Leave me. I will sit beside you." She said gritting her teeth in anger.

"Oh no. I would have preferred you in my lap. But it's okay. You can sit beside me. Anyways you are too heavy. I don't think I could have managed such a heavy weight on my legs for a long time." He said faking pain and left her.

She instantly got off his lap and sat beside him. Her anger reaching a new level due to his heavy comment.

"Really.. Have you ever looked at yourself. With the size of a dinasour, you are calling me heavy." She retorted.

Manik chuckled at her comment.
"Oh my god nandu. You look too cute while angry. Look at you. You are even redder than a tomato." He said laughing and pulling her cheeks.

She was hell furious now. She shrugged his hands off her and glared at him. But before she could say anything, the teacher entered the class and she had to shut her mouth.

All this while, the scene between the duo was even watched by fab4 sitting at the other end of the class. While Cabir was happy, dhruv and mukti were curious, aliya was fuming in anger.

Though, this wasn't the first time Manik was with a girl. Girls always used to hover around him and he himself was a big flirt. The whole college knew about his reputation of sleeping around with girls and leaving them the next day. Even aliya knew about this very well. But today's scenario was different.

This was the first time Manik himself walked to a girl and sat beside her in the class. The usual smirk on his face while flirting with the girls was replaced by a huge smile. And a girl walking away and Manik pulling her to sit with him was something very new. For he had an attitude and would never take any girl's tantrums. He was used to them throwing themselves at him.

All this was very well noticed by fab4. And aliya who till now had been dreaming to be that one girl Manik would behave different with couldn't stand this sight. She couldn't stand nandini replacing her. Though she failed to understand the fact that the place she was dreaming of was never hers. She without even knowing nandini's name was jealous of her. She was hating her without any valid reason.

On the other hand Manik was continuously poking nandini by one way or the other. She being irritated, finally turned to him.

"What's your problem Manik?" She asked in a whisper.

"I am getting bored nandu. Talk to me." He replied making a cute puppy face.

"I have to study. And why did you attend the class if you get bored? And why the hell did you sit with me?"

"How can you be so rude nandu? Now that everything is sorted between us, so we are friends right. So I just wanted to spend some time with my fraaand." He replied dramatically.

Before she could reply, the teacher's voice snapped them out of their conversation.

"Both of you can please continue your important discussion outside the class. I will prefer teaching those who are interested without any disturbance." The teacher said in a cold tone.

"But sir.." Before nandini could protest, Manik stood up and cut her off.

"Thank you so much sir. I appreciate your concerns. The discussion is actually very important." He said with full attitude. The class laughed while nandini was shocked at his shamelessness.

Manik held her hand and dragged her out of the class. As they reached outside, nandini jerked her hand off.

"What's wrong with you Manik? Because of you I was thrown out of the class." She shouted at him.

"Oh cmon. It was just a class. Big deal. And you can do this much for your friend nandu." He replied in a careless tone.

"First thing.. Its nandini. Not nandu. Only my friends can call me that and you are not one of them." She said in a cold tone.

"I will call you however I like. Because I am your friend. Everything is sorted now. So what's the problem?"

"Manik if you have forgotten then let me remind you that I said I will prefer being a stranger."

"And why so?"

"I am not sleeping with you. So back off."

"Who said I want to sleep with you? With a girl like you around, one could do anything but sleep." He said dreamily.

She gasped at his statement.
"Such a pervert you are." She said with disgust.

"Look who is talking. I at least undress girls while they are conscious. Unlike you who have fun undressing hot guys while they are unconscious." He said with a smirk.

Listening this, she turned a dark shade of crimson and started looking here and there while Manik gave himself a victorious smile on shutting her up.

"So tell me nandu.. How much fun it was? You must have had a hard time owing to my hotness. Or don't tell me that you couldn't control your desires and something happened." He said faking surprise in his voice.

Nandini was hell embarrassed now, her cheeks burning with heat. But composing herself, she replied.
"In your dreams Mr. Malhotra. You are just impossible." With this she walked away.

Manik chuckled and jogged to catch up with her.
"Okay fine. Chuck it. But what's the problem in being friends. I promise I will not try to have sex with you till the time you don't want it." He said once he reached her.

"That will never happen." She retorted.

"Never say never. So friends?" He asked her. She looked at him narrowing her eyes.

"If you don't want to sleep with me, then why do you want to be my friend? I don't think you befriend girls. You just f**k them."

"Miss murthy I never said I don't want to sleep with you. Ofcorse I do and that too from the very moment I saw you. But I won't do that without your consent. Because you are different. And I would love to befriend this different girl." He replied honestly.

"But the intention behind this friendship is still same." She said.

"That depends on your self control. If you are able to control yourself, then we continue as friends. And if you can't, you know then. I will not try anything myself."

"I can never lose my control."

"That we will see. So friends?" Manik forwarded his hand. Nandini thought for a moment and then finally shook hands with him.

"Friends." She said with a smile.

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