"Yeah, whatever you say. You should-" Before Daya can voice her opinion. Flaca abruptly cuts her off, voicing her own interest.

"Is that her daughter?"


Flaca's heart swoons upon learning the new information, her lips curving upwards into a huge grin. "She's adorable." Her eyes darting between Maritza and her daughter.

"Are you referring to Juliana or Maritza?" Daya teasingly asks and when Flaca doesn't respond, she glances at her knowingly. "Before you so rudely interrupted me, I was going to say you should go over there. By the looks of it she can use your help."

Flaca and Daya watch the mother-daughter duo argue with each other, talking about something enervating as Maritza runs her hand through her hair. Soon, Daya takes the rope from Flaca's hands, questioning with a confused "Weren't you supposed to put this up awhile ago?"

"Yeah but I got distracted." Tearing her eyes away from Maritza, Flaca focuses on Daya.

Daya hums with an amusing and elongated "Mhm." "I wonder why, now go on." Nudging Flaca into Maritza's direction.

Maritza runs her hand through her hair in frustration. Her daughter was indeed as stubborn as her. Taking a deep breath, attempting to cool down from the growing exasperation, Maritza looks up to her mother for guidance. Finding a "you got this" look, Maritza nods in return, understanding that her mother wants her to be able to control the situation.

"Grandma and I just want to talk for a little bit. Then you and I can go play, okay?"

"No, play now!"

"Juliana, will you please just listen to me." Trying to hold back the tears that threaten to fall from her eyes from being frustrated, Maritza puts her head in her hands.

"Hey Mar, are you okay?" The young Latina feels a comforting hand on her shoulder, knowing who it is, a small smile tugs at her lips.

"I'm fine." Lifting her head up from her hands she finds Flaca smiling at her kindly, failing miserably at trying to hold back her smile, she smiles back. Her building anxiety subsequently ended by the girl with beautiful brown eyes and a warming smile.

"Aren't you going to introduce us?" With Juliana at her side, her mother interrupts the stare-down between the two brunettes.

"Mom, this is-"

"Marisol." With a smile she steps forward offering a handshake but instead she gets a hug and two kisses plaster on each cheek in return. Adding in, "But you can call me Flaca if you'd like."

"Caca?" Juliana giggles.

"And what's your name?" Flaca lets out a heartfelt laugh as she bends down to Juliana's height. Trying to coax the girl out from behind her grandma's leg as the girl became shy when Flaca arrived.

"Flaca that is my daughter, Juliana, and my mother, Claudia."

"It's nice to meet you both." Flaca smiles at the two. "Now, I wanted to go play some of the games they have set up but I have no one to go with. Would you like to go with me Maritza?"

"I'll go!" Juliana buts in.

The taller Latina turns her head and winks at Maritza. With no words having to be said, the duo nods at one another, understanding what the other one is thinking.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2017 ⏰

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