Iruka Umino x Reader [Baby daddy story]

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How You Two Met

 Fall was coming to a quick close in the Leaf Village and the air was becoming more and more frigid. People were now wearing their heavier clothes and you could easily see your breath form in the air when you spoke. The trees might as well be bare piles of sticks now that the leaves that once made them vibrant and beautiful were stripped away. Winter was a mixture of beauty and a pain in the ass. It's nice to look at it, and the holidays are lovely, but it just got so damn cold. But all that aside, you were one of the few people who legitimately enjoyed the season. You loved the way the snowflakes danced as they slowly fell from the clouds and you loved how peaceful the snowy nights made you feel as you stared out your bedroom window at the luscious, white landscape. 

You hurried your way out the front door of your apartment and locked it behind you. 

You were carrying a shoulder bag with school materials in it; folders, notebooks, writing utensils, etc. Along with that, you were also carrying your pouch of kunai knives and shuriken. Today was your first day of being an instructor's assistant at the ninja academy and you were anxious to get there on time to give a good impression; not just to your supervisor, but to the students as well. You minced across the snow-covered ground, being careful not to slip and fall on any black ice. As you continued on your way, you were greeted by Kakashi Sensei. He was walking by himself while simultaneously reading one of the 'Make Out Paradise' installments. 

"Hey there, (Y/N). You look like you're in a hurry. Where are you headed this morning?" Kakashi asked cheerfully with a closed eye smile. 

"Hi, Kakashi! I'm doing well. I'm just on my way to the academy. It's my first day as an assistant instructor. I was hoping to be there right on time so I could make a good first impression" you replied with the same closed eye smile. 

"Oh yeah? Well, I'm sure you'll do great. I'll let you be on your way, then" Kakashi said with while waving goodbye. 

You waved back and began your hike again. It was certainly cold this morning and you had forgotten to wear your gloves. Your hands were numb from the frigid air piercing your skin. When you saw the academy around the corner, you picked up the pace and were almost in a full sprint. You had reached the school and opened the front doors, longing for a place to warm up. You took a deep breath, closed your eyes, and then let out a sigh. You looked up to the clock. You were supposed to be here at 8:00am, but the clock read 7:50am, so you had ten minutes to kill. 

"I made it in time to set my things up before class starts. Perfect" mentally congratulating yourself. 

You began walking down the hall to find your assigned classroom; room 177. This was where you'd be spending the next year teaching incoming students to become the next generation of ninja. Opening the classroom door slowly, you took a wide look around. There was a large chalkboard on the wall, and a sea of chairs with long tables extending across them. It looked like this was going to be an average-sized class; about 20 students. You also saw 2 chairs- one for you and one for your supervisor. You weren't sure which one belonged to you, so you just took the one on the right. 

You slid off your shoulder bag and placed it on the ground, leaning it up against the desk leg. Reaching inside the bag, you got out your teaching materials and organized them neatly onto the desk, being careful to leave room for the other teacher's belongings. Your attention turned to the classroom window. The snow was now falling slowly from the sky and it set a peaceful atmosphere. Now mesmerized by the weather outside, you were completely unaware that one Iruka Umino had entered the classroom. 

"Hello there! You must be (Y/N), my assigned aide" Iruka chirped. 

How It Happened

It was getting closer and closer to the last day of school and the students had all grown and matured so much in the past year. You were now an official academy instructor and had your own classes to teach. This year, your class was well on their way to becoming official Chunin and you couldn't be more excited for them. It was Friday and you decided to stay after hours to grade final exams. It was now the evening and it was getting dark outside. 

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