Please Take Me To Space And Back~ {Chapter 5}

Start from the beginning

First period went by extremely fast, but as it got closer to lunch, my palms get excessively sweaty, and the time seemed to be dragged out by hours. I noticed in all my classes, all the gilrs talked about "The 5 boys" andas I listened closer, I relized they were talking about Louis and Ni's group. Apparently they had their own little fan club and everything. The lunch bell eventually rang and it suddenly reminded me of the sound of church bells ringing out when someone was to or already has died. I was blanketing myself in thought when suddenly a pair of thin arms wrapped around me. I let out an 'oomph" and laughed, thinking it was Anna. But then a scent hit me and the last person I would think to have there arms around me yelled, "YOU GIT! YOU DIDN'T ANSWER MY CALLS!" I whipped around and looked into the chocolatey brown eyes of my closest friend, Katlynne. "K-KATEY!" I screeched like an eagle, pulling her into a bone-crushing hug which she matched with her own and nearly squeezed the life out of me. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" I was blubbering like an idiot as I hugged my friend I hadn't seen since 8th grade. "I'VE BEEN HERE, DUH! THIS IS WHERE I MOVED WAY BACK WHEN!"

We finally calmed down enough to talk and I realized that she was right. She moved here when she left. I must of been too upset and caught up in myself to realize it. "Soooo, you've been here longer than I have. Any cute guys?" I asked her cheekily as we walked into the lunch room. "Well, there's this guy named Ni-" "ELLIOTT! ELLLLL! ELILILILILI!" I heard the Irish boy sing-songing from across the room, causing me to laugh loudly. I then realized my best friend was dragging me into a corner. "WAH- KATLYNNE." She stopped and looked me dead in the eye. "You two, you're not.... that, are you?" She asked with a scarily even tone. "If by 'that' you mean dating, no. But we are quite good friends. I don't know how." I say, seeing the relief wash over her face. "Oh, and I have two other friends, Anna and Zurich, I think you'll like them. "That's fine, just DON'T start anything with Niall....because I like him." She said as more of a threat than anything else. I laughed and hugged her tight. "I MISSED YOU KATTTEEEEE-LYNNEEEEEE"

We walked causally back to the table; Niall singing to us the entire time, Anna and Zurich pretending to play instruments and jamming with him, the three new faces smiling and laughing, and Louis: staring at me. I feel like it should of made me uncomfortable, but his gaze warmed me. It made me feel comfortable, so I openly stared back at him. I gave a small smile which he returned in his own way, a smirk tugging his lips and he looked off, as if he lost interest in our staring competition. "YAAAAAY, YOU'RE HERE!" Zur said and threw his arms around me, holding me like a protective mama bear. "ZURICH, GET OFF OUR DAUGHTER AND I MEAN NOW." Anna added in a scary mob voice, practically throwing Zur off of me and fawning over me as if he had just beat me.

"So glad you could join us." Niall said to me, But when I looked over he was staring at Katlynne with a pink dusting his cheeks and he was absently pushing his tongue at his bottom lip in apprehension.  Katlynne was staring back at him and I saw her nervously push hair back, small giggles rippling through her. "Oh, Niall, That's Katlynne. Katlynne, that's Niall." I said the last part with a smirk, thinking 'but you already know that. Veeeery well." I was finally released as Anna and Zurich went over to Katlynne, probably excited to make new friends. As they began talking, Niall directed me closer to the table, taking me closer to the boys.

My breath caught as I realized they were all devastatingly attractive. "This is Harry." The boy with dark curly locks turned at the sound of his name, his eyes raking over me and then a smile graced his lips. "Heeey." He said in a gravely voice that was undeniably attractive. He had gorgeous green eyes, dark curly hair, and the sweetest dimples I'd ever seen. yet he was covered in tattoos like the rest of his friends and was sporting a nose ring. I grinned at his beanie, seeing that Louis had the same one.

"It's nice to meet you, Harry." I offer him my hand and he gives another dimpled smile, making me realize that's probably why so many girls were captivated by him. "Okay, okay, this is Liam." Niall rolled his eyes at Harry who now pouted. Liam gave a warm smile and he instantly reminded me of a puppy. A very, very, attractive puppy. He had lighter hair than Harry which was quaffed up. He had sweet chocolatey brown eyes, which were a few shades darker than Katlynne's. I took note of one tattoo that really caught my eye. It was hard to decipher from all the other tattoo's but I finally saw it said "Everything I've ever wanted, but nothing that I'll ever need." I thought it was a quite meaningful tattoo and i made a note to try and get to know Liam better. "Liam, you're in a few of my classes, aren't you?" I ask slowly, hoping I'm not wrong. "Yeah, three actually. You're the pretty girl who usually tries to not stand out." He smirks and I inwardly hit my head on the table. "Y-yeah...heheh....that'd be me!" I say, awkwardly being dragged down the line by Niall. "Sit by me tomorrow!" He adds, giving me another warm smile. I grin back and nod. "I will!"

"And last, this is Zayn." I took a sharp inhale as I looked at this boy. He was a whole new level of hot. He had deep smoldering eyes, Black hair with a bold streak through it, and a jaw line that was shap as a knife. He saw me ogling and raised an eyebrow. being in a complete state of silence, I tried to save myself. "YOUR JAWLINE IS OFFENSIVE. IT COULD CUT SOMEBODY. I blurted, causing a silence to fall over everyone. Right when I was about to go die in a corner or something, everyone burst out laughing with the exception of  Louis who was scowling and Zayn who wasn't on the verge of tears from laughing like everyone else, but was laughing lightly. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize." He said playfully, his voice catching me off guard. It was smooth and low, one of those voices you could count on to lull you to sleep during a storm. "I-I'm El." I offered a clammy hand and smiled shakily. "He took it and shook slowly, not tearing his eyes from me until Louis made quite a big deal of standing up.

I had avoided looking at Louis up to this point, because as I realized, he quite affected how I act, and me acting anymore like an idiot than I already had was probably a bad idea. "I'm going outside." he pulled the same tight smile he gave our teacher the first day I met him which made my mouth go dry and my heart to sink. I don't know why but I felt overly upset that Louis was faking a smile. I watched him briskly go outside and then turned to everyone. "I'm going to go after him. I have to ask him about...something." I fail miserably at covering and then jog after him, seeing him the courtyard. "LOUIS!" I pipe up, waving my hand when he turns and narrows his eyes at me. I give a confused look which he rolls his eyes at. "I-I kinda wanted to talk..." I say quietly once I catch up to him. "About what?" He says coldly, and then adds "wouldn't you rather talk to Zayn?" I frown again and feel him chipping away at my heart. "Why would you say that?..." I ask, running my hand through my bangs unsteadily. He's quiet for a long moment and I decide to pull us out of the awkward silence. "Why do you think I would want to talk to Zayn more than you?"

"It's not important, Elliott." The wat he says my name causes small ripples to go down my back, but I shake them off and cross my arms. "If I tell you a secret, you have to tell me why you hav such a vendeda against me talking to Zayn." We stare at eachother for a moment before he smiles; a smile that I can't help but notice reaches his eyes unlike the last one. "Fine." He says with a light chuckle, leaning against the railing of the terrace. I take a deep breath. "Everything I told you at the party?... it was all true. I really haven't had any friends besides Katlynne up until now, and I'm really grateful." I decide to ignore the part where I may-or-may-not have been planning on kissing him, and he didn't seem to remember that. "I get it... I haven't had many real friends in my life either. They all wanted something to gain from me one way or another." He says the last bit quietly, looking out on the garden below. I feel a pang of sympathy for him and suddenly want to hug him, but I settle for leaning against his shoulder with mine.

"So, why don't you want Zayn and I talking? Did he do or say something?" I see his smile falter but he sighs and then looks at me, the smile growing wider, causing my stomach to clentch. It was a breath taking smile, and I couldn't help but smile back and laugh a bit. "Whaaat? C'mon tell me!" I giggle, nudging him further. "I said I would tell you, I didn't say when." He laughed at this and began walking inside. His smile grew more. Mine dropped into a scowl. "WHAT?! THAT COULD BE SOOO LOOONG FROM NOW! WHEN I'M 70 AND LIVING IN ANTARCTICA RAISING PENGUINS!" I shout at him. He laughs harder and furrows his brows. "Rh-raising penguins?" I can't help but laugh and nod my head vigorously. "Well we'll just have to see. See you in class..." there's a brief pause and then he adds "Ellie." My whole world stops. Not even my parents called me that. This was new, and for some reason it made my face grow hot. I mumbled it to myself as I'm walking to my next class. "He called me Ellie."

Just can't let her go {Punk Louis Tomlinson fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now