Bobbys house

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~Sam's POV~ 

(Y\N) had just drove off and the next thing I know I was thrown into the car and we were speeding down the road. " Dean what are you doing!?" I say while putting on my seatbelt.

" Did you see it Sammy!? She winked at me! And I think I like (Y\N)!..." Dean said with a huge smile on his face.

I sigh and look over at dean "Dean I can tell just by meeting (Y\N) that she isn't a one night stand girl...and that's what you do with every girl." I say being honest.

I can see (Y\N)'s car it was just like our car but it was red. "Sam I told you that I actually like (Y\N) and I meant it she isn't going to be just a one night stand Sammy she is going to be my girlfriend." I thought to myself 'Wow Dean just told me how he felt...he opened up to me maybe he was serious...maybe (Y\N) won't be so bad after all. I smile and we ride the next hour in silence. We see (Y\N) pull into a drive way we park three houses down and park in a field. 

~Deans POV~ 
We are parked in a field and I get the strangest feeling of deja vu I swear I had been here before. I look over at Sam and then I get out of the car. We walk to the house we saw (Y\N) pull into and then it hits me" Sam this is Bobby's house." I say and then I wonder how dose(Y\N) know Bobby?

We go over and knock in the door and Bobby answers the door and says" What do you two idgits want?"

"We just wanted to see (Y\-" Sam cuts me off and says we just wanted to see you."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I really hope you like the  story and if you don't I'm sorry but remember this is my first book so if you liked it YAY!!

My Lover (Dean X Reader Smut)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora