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Jotaro and the gang were all driving in a car to Egypt when SUDDENLY JOSEPH who was driving FELL ASLEEEP OH MY GOD heS SUPPOSED TO BE DRIVING WHAT THE HELL anyway Polnareff and Avdol wait is he "dead" still or what nah ill just make him not dead anyway THEY WERE ALL SLEEPING and Jotaro and Kakyoi were awake and they were like "awww shit dawg what are we gonna do" like they daid it at the same time Kakyoin was like "woah how did you know what i was gonna say?????" and Jotaro was like "Yar ay Yar ay Daz ay" and Kakyoin was like "what are we gonna do?" and Jotaro was like "What do you think idiot... we are gon crazh..." and Kakyoin sCREAMED AND WAS LIKE "JOTARO THANKS FOR BEING CAPTAIN OBVIOUS BUT CAN YOU PLEASE SAVE THE DAY?!!?!!?!???1!" amd Kotaro was like "but i want this to be a hot make outs" and Kakyoin was like "cant we do that AFTER" and Jotaro was like "hot make outs and then I save the day." and Kakyoin...

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Jotaro wants to make out with Kakyoin Where stories live. Discover now