Lee Malia Imagine

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"What the fuck?" You gasp as you see Lee's ex Deni all over him (No hate btw I love Deni 💕)
"Y/N! Babe it's not how it looks!" Lee madly yells and harshly pushes Deni's slim body off of his and over to you. You ignore Lee but turn your attention to Deni
"What do you think you're doing to my fiancé?" The scary voice you have now adapted is seriously making Deni nervous, and what does she do? Run out with her friends away from the two of you. Your harsh look now focuses on a very angry looking Lee, who at the same time looks like he's about to burst into tears.
"Home. Now."
You soften your voice slightly but still sternly drive the two of you home.
Both sat on the sofa, the painful silence is interrupted by Blue's barking.
"Shush Blue." Lee pats the sofa and your little dog lays next to him.
"Explain Lee, please."
The silence continues for a moment, despite you asking for an explanation.
"Lee!" Your voice cracks as his head shoots up, looking you right in your eyes.
"I told you... She forced herself onto me, I swear, you literally walked in at the wrong moment," Lee rambles with a hint of frustration in his voice.
"Why the fuck would I cheat on you? We're engaged, Deni is long gone s-she
just happened to be there tonight." Now it was Lee's voice to crack, as some tears filled his pained eyes.
His head slowly sinks into his hands, gentle sobs filling the room.
Unable to say anything, you gently bring your hand to his hair and play with the floppy strands, gradually pulling his head to your warm chest
- in which he squeezes you really tight as soon as he's close
"I forgive you, Darling." You whisper, just loud enough for him to hear.
The embrace tightens even more along with a trail of soothing kisses all around your temple.
"I love you, never distrust me."

And so you never did ❤️

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