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You know, Harry being in the whole Dunkirk movie thing is motivating me to L.E.A.R.N. Not only does One Direction teach you to be yourself, they make you learn.

So school starts in two weeks.. Yay.

Okay, so only a few people gave names and I have a couple of my own.

Wesley, Blake, Theo, Onix, London, Oscar, Hunter, Wyatt, Leland, Logan, Nathan and Dylan.

I'm thinking... You choose:

(One comment equals 2 votes: can vote for more than one: can comment as many times as you want: in a week I'll announce the winner)

Onix Blake Styles

Hunter Logan Styles

Theo Wyatt Styles

London Wesley Styles

Oscar Leland Styles

Nathan Dylan Styles


itsharrybruh: Lou I'm at the hotel

itsharrybruh: where are you

itsharrybruh: Louis

itsharrybruh: answer me

itsharrybruh: baby I'm worried

louisfantasies: and I'm lost

louisfantasies: I took a wrong turn and now I don't know where I am

itsharrybruh: are there any shops near you?

louisfantasies: there's a Nike shop

louisfantasies: ooh they have adidas

itsharrybruh: go in that shop

itsharrybruh: I'll come find you

louisfantasies: I'm already in the shop

Itsharrybruh: I'm on my way...hopefully

louisfantasies: okay

Bruh: The Original Version (A Larry Text Story)Where stories live. Discover now