Chapter one - Say Something

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Her voice was heard throughout the ark as she sang. It was another floating. This time it was a man that had stolen medicine for his ill son.

Say something I'm giving up on you

He was handcuffed and walked into the chamber by two guards.

I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you

The guards walked out, leaving the man standing in the chamber in fear.

Anywhere I would have followed you

The door to the chamber shut and sealed itself.

Say something I'm giving up on you

Those who watched the man knew what was to come.

And I

The chancellor placed his hand on the lever.

Feeling so small

He pulled it.

You're the one that I want

The door opened sucking the man out into space.

And I'm saying goodbye

The son fled from the scene. He blamed himself for his fathers death and so did his mother. Once his father was executed, his mother started drinking. She beat the child everyday until he was put into the juvenile prison for stealing food to eat. He didn't care, he preferred the sky box to his home with his abusive mother.

The juvenile prison was for the under 18 criminals. When they reached the age of 18, they had to go to court and judged to see if they would be set free or floated. Most would be floated. The chancellor was ruthless.

He followed the rules. He stopped the ark from over populating. He killed hundreds of innocent people. But he saved thousands.

...It's a fine line between good and evil and we all cross it all of the time...


Hey Guys!!
I'm new to Wattpad so please send your love ♡

The character Angel is based on Chrissy Constanza, and Against the Current's Wasteland is the 'theme song'. Say something by Great big world is also used through out.

Chapter length will vary! And there is a bit of back story so bare with me :)

I will post weekly and would love to hear your advice to make my story better!

Lots of love
Elle ♡♡

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