"What?" I asked when I couldn't take it anymore.

"We heard that you like Kate." Cara whispered making my eyes went round and my head automatically turned to Jake.

"What!? I didn't told anyone! We were together remember?" He said defensively then I heard them cheered and I saw Kate blushing.

I rolled my eyes while scratching my forehead. Someone heard us at the cafeteria.


After class, Jake and I were walking to the exit gate when Ace's car stopped beside me and the peassenger seat openned. I only stared at it.

"Inside." Ace said.

"Me?" Jake said pointing himself and Ace frowned at him.

"No, I mean Bryan." Ace said and I didn't know if he knows my name since it was the first time he mentioned it. I patted Jake's shoulder before I opened the back seat and sat there leaving the passenger seat open.

I didn't like sitting beside him. Ace glared at me and I looked away at him as he reached to shut the passenger seat's door. I secretly smiled when the car suddenly accelerated and then abruptly stop making me gasped as my head bumped on the backrest of the seat in front of me.

"You!" I exclaimed and glared at the rear view mirror when I saw Ace wearing a lopsided grin on his face. He didn't even smile at Dennis so it was the first time I saw him smile and it made me feel happy. "Bastard!" I said trying to hid my smile only to realized that I shouldn't have said it. Ace's smile faded and went back to being stolid.

Shit! I ruined it. It was my chance to ask him but I ruined the atmosphere. I leaned my head on the back of the passenger seat while chewing my lower lip.

Of all your vocabulary of curse words, why bastard was to be the one you decided to say! Asshole!

It was a silent drive to Dennis' school and when Dennis joined the ride, it was only him who kept on chatting and blabbing about what happened that day in his class inside the car while I was silently confessing my sins at the back seat.

When we arrived at the house, I made sure Ace's not going somewhere to get himself wasted again. I watched him went inside the house and walked to the kitchen. I was at the end of the stairs leaning my hips on the railing as I watched Ace went outside the kitchen then looked at me suspiciously as he climb the stairs up to his room.

I went up to my room after him and changed clothes before I went down to the kitchen and prepare for dinner. Minutes after I finished cooking, dad exactly arrived who directly sat at his place of the table.

"Hi, dad." I greeted.

"Hi! Smells good." Dad said while removing his coat and threw it to the counter.

I smiled. "I'll go call them." I walked out of the kitchen, climbing the stairs. Dennis will never go down his room no matter how you shout so I always went and knock at his door to inform him and so was Ace.

I went to Dennis' room first knocking it twice before he opened the door and went outside passing me. I grabbed the back of the collar of his shirt stopping him from taking another step forward.

"Ouch! What?" Dennis whined.

"You call him." I said motioning my head and eyes to Ace's room. Dennis slapped my hand and ran down the stairs to the kitchen, giggling. "Hey!" I called and growled when I looked at Ace's room.

I exhaled through my mouth while walking to his room. It's not as if it's the first time I'm knocking at his door! I raised and knock a few times and the door instantly flew open displaying Ace with only in his boxerbrief. My eyes went down to his chest, scanning him. I shook my head when I realized that it was so wrong.

"Um..." I pointed my thumb to the kitchen. "Dinner's ready, Ace."

"Okay." He said. "I'll be there in a minute." I nodded before I went back to the kitchen.


"So." Dad said in the middle of dinner making us all glanced at him. "I'll be away for a week. The usual business trip."

"What?" I said surprised. "When?"

"Tomorrow evening." He said. "It was an abrupt one and I'm leaving you—" dad looked at me "—my car."

"Really?" It was the first time dad left his car to my care. Dad nodded.

"And Ace—" I glanced at Ace who looked at dad "—I'll be away for a long time and since you're the oldest, I want you to keep you and your brothers safe."

"Okay, dad." Ace said briefly.


The thing about me and Kate haven't faded yet after that day. They kept on pushing us and I could see a little bit of irritation in her eyes. I didn't like it either! When we got home from school, dad wasn't there anymore. He just leave a note on the refrigerator and when it was the time for dinner, I just noticed that Ace wasn't in his room. I ran downstairs and went to the window yanking the curtains, his car was gone. I didn't even heard him leaving!

"Shit!" I cursed.

Not this time! I don't know where to find him and I couldn't tell dad, he will surely fly back here. I tried calling Ace but it seemed like his phone was turned off. He knew I would call him.

All I did was wait for him in the living room. I just woke up when I heard Ace's car outside. I didn't know I already fell asleep waiting. Glancing to my watch, it was eleven fifty-one in the evening.

I stood up and open the door just to see Ace standing outside in his drunken state again. I could smell the alcohol. I didn't know why he was doing that to himself. "Where the hell were you!?" I pulled his arm but he yanked it back.

"None of your damn business." He said in an unclear voice and walked to the stairs. I just stared at him as he slowly climb the stairs until he reached the top and walked to his room shutting it loudly.

Ace was back so I went to my room because I suddenly felt so sleepy, it was already midnight. When I entered my room, I didn't bothered to open the lights, I didn't even remembered how did I climb the bed and fell asleep immediately. Then I rememberedI forgot to lock the door. What could happen anyway.


Something was tickling me. I raised my hand to scratch it away but I couldn't move it away. There was something restricting it. I opened my eyes and I saw a silhouette of someone on top of me! A burglar! I could smell a mixed of muscular scent and alcohol. Shit, it's Ace. His hands were clasped to mine firmly.

"Ace, what are you doing here in my room!?" I tried to move my hands but he was pinning it strongly. I gasped when he just fucking kissed my neck. "What the fuck!" I exclaimed and thrashed. I felt a shiver ran down my spine when he licked and sucked me everywhere his lips could touched.

"I like it when you're resisting me." He whispered on my ear and I jolted when he just bit it.

The hell! Did he just mistook me as his bed partner?


I HATE YOU... But I Lied ✔️Where stories live. Discover now