7. We Never Seem to Find the Time

Start from the beginning

"I've missed you too," I replied, hugging him back. "You look great with a nose ring." I pretended to poke his nose but he stopped me by holding my wrists together and poking my tummy instead.

"Come with me. The boys wants to see you."

"Why is Steven not here? Didn't he wanted to see me?" I asked, partly joking. I was a bit disappointed Steven wasn't around.

"He wasn't feeling very well. He wanted to come, trust me," Saul assured. "I've come to see you because you weren't returning my calls since morning."

"Sorry. I was in the BeerHouse this morning and I went straight to school after."

"Change in your working schedule?"

"Yeah. Something like that. The boss knows I have classes to attend so he had everything arranged for me." How should I say this but I quite took over Mac's position as the blooming manager. I never expected a promotion but Mac had been A.W.O.L for months and his disappearance was for the better. Less drunks and druggies had been coming thanks to the management led by Mr. Allen himself. Also I accepted the offer because it meant that I wouldn't be obliged to go to the BeerHouse regularly.

"Gear up. We're going to the Troubadour. They're probably waiting for you." Saul said, putting on a black top hat.

"Okay, Uncle Sam." I gave him a salute and hurried to my room.

"You know what, never mind. You look fine just the way you are, we gotta go."

"Just let me get this," I said to myself as I got my polaroid and put it inside my sling bag before saying the goodbye's.

"I hate to leave you alone, Jon..." I whispered, caressing his face. As usual he didn't answer but just looked back at me with his pretty face. "But I'll be back tomorrow I sw---"

"What the hell is Bon Jovi doing on your wall?" Thank you for ruining the moment.

"Nothing. I was just about to water the plants before we go." I made an excuse and left. He didn't need to see me in my fan girl mode.

We left for the club and I was surprised to see how differently modest the guys were while they waited for us-- no drinking contests, nor shoving their tongues down their girls' throats.

"Hey guys! Long time no see!" I exclaimed.

Not that I was assuming it but Steven was the first to practically run to me, sweeping me off my feet. I felt giddy but I had to hide that feeling.

"I missed you so much, Em-Em," he said smiling.

"I know you do, Stevie. I missed you too."

I went to the guys to say hello and I hugged them all too, including Axl.

"No use if I'm gonna ask how y'all have been because everywhere I go all I hear is, 'Oh my gosh! Guns n' Roses! They're so good I could just marry the whole band!'" I said in a overly-squeaky voice.

Saul rolled his eyes while Izzy and Steven laughed. Axl raised a brow but I could see him smirking. Duff asked me, "Who's your favorite then?" He grinned like a Cheshire Cat and dramatically flipped his hair as if I was to say that he's my favorite.

"I honestly like y'all. Besides it would be pretty unfair if I picked only one?"

"Don't be discreet, Em.. I knew you'd choose me over these dumbfuckers." Sometimes Steven could be so ridiculously conceited.

"Fuck you, Popcorn!" they all said to Steven.

I gave a timid, yes-I-kinda-like-you-but-I'm-too-shy-to-admit kind of smile.

A group of three girls came to our table. They wore a typical night-out attire and make up.

"Hi. My friends and I just wanna say thank you for the show you did at the Rainbow last week. We really enjoyed it," the blonde said smiling.

"Well that's what we do, honey. We make sure that you'll always enjoy," Axl winked at the blonde.

The two other girls giggled as Duff and Izzy walked up to them.

"Lemme get ya a drink luv," Izzy said to the brunette.

"Ya wanna get out of here?" Duff asked the other.

Soon the three pairs were out of sight. I was seated between Saul and Steven while sharing a bottle of gin. It was our perfect time to catch up with one another. I wish we could be like this happen more often. It was hard to find time to be with them because everyone was starting to get busy like ants. Saul told me about the recording sessions they were doing for an EP that was scheduled to be released before the end of the year.

"You'll get me a free copy of the record, right?" I teased. "Or should I buy it just like everybody else?"

"Because you're so special, I'll get one only for you," Steven cupped my face and puckered, "in exchange for a kiss."

"Anything for my favorite men," I said and kissed Steven on the cheek. I was about to do the same to Saul but he looked at me funnily.

"Favorite men my ass," he chuckled, while lighting a cigarette. "I saw you drooling over Bon Jovi earlier.

"So? Am I not allowed to have a crush on rock stars?" I said defensively.

"Em-Em, we're rock stars too, ain't we Slash?" Steven said.

"Yes, you are. You two have always been my rocker buddies since high school." I said, making Steven smile.

"Yeah, whatever." Saul got up and and sucked on his cigarette. "I'll see y'all in the house later," he huffed the smoke out.

"Can I just take one drag?" I asked.

Saul nodded, put his cigarette between my lips and then left us.

"I never saw you smoke before," Steven remarked.

"I do it whenever I'm feeling antsy or tired," I flicked the cigarette over the ashtray. "I can stop if it's bothering you..."

"Doesn't bother me, still you shouldn't. Smoking ruins your innocent-looking face," he grinned.

"Looks can be very deceiving," I sighed, put out the cigarette and quickly kissed him.

Steven kissed me back with his thumb on my chin. "Girl, we gotta save some for later," he said after a few seconds.

I rested my head on the crook of his neck, his fluffy blond hair not bothering me at all. Steven's arm draped around my waist as he pulled me close that I was nearly sitting between his legs.

My eyes were getting heavier. "You're staying with me tonight, Em-Em," I heard him say.

Young and Reckless (A Guns N' Roses Fan-fiction)Where stories live. Discover now