Chapter 11

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3rd person omniscient POV

Renzo saw the silhouette disappear and he knew it was coming his way. "Restrain Tobirama." He ordered the surrounding clan members.

"What why?" Tobirama was about to pick a fight when harshirama's wood pillars sprouted from the ground and tied themselves around him.

"You saw him too right" harshirama turned his attention to renzo.

"Yes and I doubt it's good news. Fall back, only high ranks are allowed to be here at the moment." The surrounding troops bowed slightly and joined the main infantry resting on the other side of the field.

The only ones who remained were Tobirama, Hashirama, and Renzo. He waited patiently, and when it finally arrived everyone turned their attention to the trees.

Madara walked out with Akira in his arms. Renzo was about to talk when he noticed Akira. She wasn't moving and she wouldn't allow madara to carry her in a place like this.

It then hit Renzo. His face went pale and his stomach began to turn. He kept his wails within him
and made his way towards madara. "Why are you carrying my fiance?" Tobirama roared as he saw madara.

No one said anything. Renzo looked down and saw her; She was white, had horrid injuries, and was clearly not breathing. Madara handed her over and Renzo quickly fell to the floor with her in arms.

"Uchiha!" Tobirama roared louder and it caught some attention from the infantry. Hashirama stood silently next to him.

"Akira..." Renzo placed his hand on top of the puncture. When he pulled his hand away, it was red with blood. "" as his voice cracked he started to shake and Madara backed away.

"Madara!" Izuna appeared from the trees a few moments later. "Where the hell wer-" he stopped mid sentence when he saw the blood on his armor. "Are you inju-" he stopped yet again when he noticed Madara staring.

"Uchiha what have you done to her!" Tobirama started to break through the wood chains. Madara looked up and made eye contact with hashirama. By his look alone madara knew he didnt suspect him. And with that he felt confident enough to tell what happened.

"I found her after she had been slashed. She said it was someone who looked identical to me and she fell in their trap. I talked with her briefly before..." madara looked back down at renzo and akira.

He had begun to cry softly and cradled her closely. He understood his pain, but his pain was greater: he could have prevented all of this, but he hadnt.

"Before what Madara." Hashirama spoke up for everyone.

"She knew she wouldn't make it and asked me to kill her. All I can tell you is she died with a smile." What happened next was a blur.

Madara was violently pulled back by Izuna while wooden splinters flew through the air. A loud yell was heard as Tobirama charged towards him after breaking away from his chains. He ran from a failed attempt of restraint by Hashirama who now looked ahead in horror.

"You killed her!" Tobirama was about to strike when Renzo stepped in and blocked the attack. His jutsu was forcefully directed to the right of Madara and destroyed several hundred yards of forest.

The sheer force alone threw everyone a few feet back, including akira's lifeless body. Renzo caught her and turned his attention quickly to the troops as he slid to a stop.

Most were staring in disbelief while others were getting ready for an attack. "Enough." Hashirama restrained tobirama more forcefully this time.

"We need to keep this hidden, if they find out they might revolt." Renzo proposed. He motioned for his troops to calm down, and they did, but it was obvious they were suspicious.

"How exactly do you keep a death hidden, especially if it's a major person?" Izuna finally finished a sentence and turned his attention to Renzo.

"That's the trouble, I don't know. I can't really tell father, his big mouth will get me and madara killed. Or in a worse case senario it'll eat at him like mother's death did. I can't tell the maids, I don't want to bear their wails or gossip."  Renzo looked down and brushed dirt off her.

"Skipping over that for now, what about her burial-" Hashirama was violently cut off.

"Over my dead body, we aren't going to bury her yet." Madara stood up and walked towards Renzo. "We have to keep her hidden, she might have traces of the person who did this." Madara made his way over to Renzo, "i have a proposal."

Tobirama tried to intervene but Hashirama slammed his head in the ground, "for once listen and be quiet."

"I can make it a priority, no, the priority for the uchiha researchers to find any trace of who may have done this. All I need is to be trusted with her for the time being. You won't have to hide her, there's no risk of anyone finding her, and we could get revenge."

Renzo was silent for a while before speaking up, "i guess, I have no other choice that's as good as yours." He gave akira one last hug and began to hand her over to madara.

"You can't possibly listen to that uchiha!" Tobirama turned his head to the side and fought off hashirama, "im her fiancee I should decide what happens with her and I say give her to the senju researchers!"

Renzo stopped and looked at tobirama. He considered it but remembered what he had done to her before she died. His face twisted into anger and completely handed her over to Madara. "I trust the uchiha more"

"I dont blame you Renzo, but please so take into account the relations between our clans. You do need our support." Hashirama said seriously. He lifted his foot off tobirama, but kept him tied down.

Renzo stood up quickly "Is that a threat Hashirama?"

"Not at all, just making sure you know what position you're in right now." Hashirama waved his hands and tried to pass it off as nothing.

"The uchiha will do their best to make sure this gets solved." Madara bowed slightly to Renzo and disappeared back into the trees with Izuna.

What an idiot. Madara thought as he made it back to the uchiha compound and izuna to the uchiha troops.

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