In the Dark

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(Her point of view)

I jerk awake, panting in a cold sweat. Oh my gods!

As I frantically pivot my head around, I see that it is still dark out. Dawn has yet to arrive, but I can tell that it is close. For there is a faint gray line dancing across the ocean's edge that meets with the skyline.

I turn to find that Daegan is still fast asleep beside me. My heart immediately feels as if a knife has pierced its very shredded center. Daegan....oh my dear gods.....

All that I can see as I take in his sleeping form is his Father. Sethos......

He is going to be devastated when he finds out. To find out that his own Father was such a horrible, demonic being. It may likely cause for him to go completely mad......Oh my gods....How am I going to tell him?

My angelic mother's face suddenly resurfaces as her words replay in my mind. "Come to the temple."

I feel a slight bit of relief as I remember this. She will be the one that tells him of his true heritage. It will be her, not me. But will not make it any easier for him to handle. He is going to absolutely go insane....Oh how I truly dread this.....

But I must not delay. I have to wake him up and go find Link. She had said that there was much more information that needed divulged. What could she have meant? What is it that she knows?

I roll over and grasp his shoulder, bracing myself for him to jerk in his usual panicked state when awoken so abruptly.

"Daegan...." He groans a bit before shifting.

"Daegan, Sweetheart, wake up.....I need you to wake up now..." His head flies over in my direction as he moves up to a sitting position in a flash.

"What?! What is it?" His arms reach for me in a protective manner before wrapping around my body. And as his widened eyes meet with my own, I almost feel sick to my stomach. For there in the liquid brown of their comforting shade, I am once again reminded of whom they are identical to. Oh my gods.....Daegan.... How my heart breaks for you.

"What is it, Christine?"

I gulp down the bulging lump in my throat as I attempt to whisper.

"Calm down, Darling. I am alright, but there is an emergency. I need you to get dressed and come with me to the temple immediately." His eyes widen even further in fear.

"Why? What has happened?" he asks, tightening his hold on me.

"I will explain soon, Daegan, but we cannot delay. Come." With that, I jump out of his arms and make for my closet. As I grab some clothes, I can hear him scurrying about as he dresses himself.

I throw on my rounds attire. Black leggings, riding boots, and a dark green tunic. Then, I reach behind my head and quickly pull my hair into a long, single braid. Once I am finished, I return to my room and head for Liv's bedside. I lean down and press a light kiss to her temple before whispering that I love her and that I will be back soon. After moving back in Daegan's direction, I find that he is completely dressed and ready. His long, black cloak drapes from his broad shoulders, complimenting his strong and tall figure so handsomely. Normally, I would find this attractive, but now all I can see when I look at him is......Oh my gods.....this is going to be so horrible.

"You ready?" I ask in a squeaky tone. He turns to face me, raising an eyebrow at the unusual sound that emits from my vocal chords. voice is much too weak. Anyone could easily tell that I am shaken. I must not give anything away......Not yet anyway....

Overcoming the Darkness (A Loki Love Story) Book 4 of Darkness SeriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora