"With All of My Heart"

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(Daegan's point of view)

I am all but running as I make my way up the winding tower stairs. I cannot get to her fast enough....

As I finally approach her chamber doors, I halt only long enough to straighten out my cloak and tunic. I want to make myself as presentable for her as possible. After a few tugs on my clothing, I reach up and lightly tap on the door, internally praying that she is not upset that I am so late in my return. Only seconds after knocking, I hear faint footsteps drawing nearer through the other side of the door's thick wood. Then, they are opened, thus leaving me facing the most beautiful being I have ever seen. Burning green eyes stare right at me, shimmering beneath the evening's prosperous glow. She is smiling so exquisitely at me that my heart forgets how to beat. Good gods, Christine. How do you continue to do this to me? How can you be so damn beautiful?

But as I stare at her, I quickly notice that she is not dressed for dinner. In fact, she is still in her gown from earlier this morning when I saw her at breakfast. Did she not plan on attending dinner as per the norm?

And as I study her remarkable features more deeply, I cannot help but notice that her cheeks are slightly a tad more flushed than normal. The tender skin beneath her eyes are a tad bit swollen.....Has she been crying?

I am about to ask if she is alright, when her mouth opens to speak.

"Daegan," Her gentle voice whispers, sending for the befuddled emotions from earlier to fly far away.

"I was beginning to worry. It isn't like you to be late in your return to me," she says in a low but loving tone.

"I'm so sorry that I caused for your worry, my Dove, but-," I am instantly silenced at she lunges forward and plunges her mouth into my own. It takes me by surprise, but I am completely overjoyed that she yearns for me this way. Our kiss is slow and intimate, filled with feeling and overpowering emotion. As our tongues twirl together, I am once again lost in the heavenly taste of her mouth. The sensations pouring from her rapturing lips capture me mercilessly, sending for me to only indulge myself in her all the more. However, as our kiss continues, I suddenly get the sense that she is not telling me something. I can feel a slight resistance in her touch as her arms wrap around my neck and pulls me into her. I take a tight hold of her waist before forcing her mouth away from me.

"Christine, what is wrong?" Her eyes remain closed for a few lingering moments before she opens them once again. And as she does, my suspicion is confirmed. For I see that they are now filled with withheld tears. My every sense is heightened with alarm as her expression takes on that of pure sadness.

"Has something happened?" I ask, taking a hold of her face with one of my hands. She shakes her head before hiding her eyes from me. But I do not allow for her to keep them concealed. I curl my fingers around her warm cheek before forcing her to return her gaze back up to me.

"Please tell me, my Dove. What has happened? Has someone hurt you?" As I ask this, the muscles within her jaw tense beneath my grasp.

"No, no one has hurt me," she barely breathes in reply.

"Then why do you cry?" I ask. She scoffs just before a hint of a smile lingers on one of the corners of her mouth. This leaves me feeling all the more confused.

"It is nothing, Daegan. I am just......" What?

"I told..." she goes on to say. But before she can finish, I notice a shadow moving over her shoulder from behind. As I look up, I see that Zena is making her way towards us. As she reaches her Queen's side, she nods to me whilst curtsying.

"Good evening, Sire."

I return her nod politely.

"Good evening, Zena." She offers me a timid smile before turning to face Christine. As she does, her smile grows wider and more relaxed.

Overcoming the Darkness (A Loki Love Story) Book 4 of Darkness SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now