Chapter 21: Hot Stuff

Start from the beginning

“Why are you asking, you idiot. You know. You have seen my mind!” I snapped.

“Is there something going on between you two?”

“I think that is none of your business.”

We stared at each other.

He huffed and returned to his seat. And I made the ship jump.

I glanced at him. Creep.

Komar’s POV

“Are you sure?” I asked Gerald.

He nodded. “We lost all communication with the fleet, Your Majesty. How do we proceed?”

I paced the floor, thinking deeply.

What could have happened to them? We obviously weren’t aware of the presence of an alien fleet. How could our informants have missed something that big?

I was worried about Zea. Please, don’t let her be dead. All this work and sacrifice would have been for nothing.

She is the only vampire who could make new fledglings since Chloe’s spell on Noah. Without her we are lost.

I paced back and forwards, fiddling with the fabric of my gown.

It was stupid to sent her. I thought this would restore her confidence and get her together with Kieran to make grandbabies. Being vampires they wouldn’t think of using protection, so we would know right away whether Chloe’s spell had worked.

And now somebody now fooled my plan and denied me my grandbabies.


I slowly breathed in and out. Okay, I need to keep the insane in check. Times are too severe for me going cuckoo.

I turned to Gerald.

“Send two of the new recon ships to Roke to check out what has happened. Both fully cloaked at all times even during the jump.”

“Find a replacement for Magnus. I suggest Zed Reinier. Order him to distribute the remaining troops among the space station, the palace and the gate.”

Gerald nodded and made some notes.

“Prepare for moving my inner court circle to the space station. That is more easily defended and if any survivors manage to get back I am more easily accessible.”

He nodded and I dismissed him.

I walked over to the windows. It was so quiet outside. Half of the court was missing and probably dead by now.

How could we have not known about such a force?

Who were they? And what did they want?

I put my hands on my waist and stretched my back.

My spine cracked.

I guess we will found out soon enough. The new recon ships didn’t have to recharge between jumps. In an hour they should have reached Roke.

I called for a manservant and instructed him to pack and prepared myself for the travel.

Anastasia’s POV

After our latest incident, Peter had decided to ignore me. He refused to look or speak to me over the past fourteen days,

Our only contact was when he gave me the antidote. And instead of kissing me, he now spit it in a container that he had found in some compartment and simply handed it over.

He sat in his seat for days on end and watched endless reruns of his bad SF.

I grew so incredibly bored that I was starting to hallucinate. Sometimes I heard my mother commenting on my current situation and I could swear that I saw flashes of a mini blueberry hopping across panels in the back of the cockpit.

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