Secret A-gent-ile Man And THe FBI Terror "X" Files

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    Announcing the press release of the self-published ebook by Michael R. Meade called, "Secret A-Gent-le Man And The FBI Terror “X” Files.

 C L A S S I F I E D   S E C R E T    F O R    N A T I O N A L   S E C U R I T Y

Secret A-gent-le-Man deep undercover Investigation, Make Contact and Continue Mission at all cost.

Hello and welcome to the Airborne Special Forces training my name is Sir Michael Knight coming from the Higher Headquarters, the Archer Angel with my Saber in Hand, (Tu Sabe, Saber is knowledge) that will cut through thousands of years of darkness to enlighten you and he is an Officer and Secret "A-gent"-le man, a Kind man, mankind, the lead instructor, the leader of the Airborne Special Forces. He is Airborne or born in the Air, coming from above, the upper air, the Ether, or the Netherlands. He serves in the Special Air Services (SAS) or the Airborne Special Forces and his mission is to free the oppressed, De Oppresso Liber, liberate the oppressed Angels and his primary mission is training and advising indigenous forces on how to defeat the evil forces of darkness. He is a counter-insurgent, an Angel, fighting against the insurgents, the internal dissenters, those dark evil forces that are rebelling against the rule of law and trying to bring down the U-Knighted States, the U-Knighted Kingdom, Europe and the World. These dark evil forces with Barak Obama at the helm along with his wife Michelle are trying to “Overcome” “Overwhelm” and overthrow the rule of law in the United States and install the dark evil forces that are intent on annihilating the Angels in America, Canada, Europe, New Zealand and Australia. He has been sent here as the “Leader “of the “Airborne Special Forces”, the “Liberator” with the primary tasks of unconventional warfare, foreign internal defense, special reconnaissance, direct action, counter-terrorism, to include counter-pro-life-ration, information operations and humanitarian missions. He has literally come down to this lower physical Planet, Plantation, from the Perfect immaterial world to save the Angels from being destroyed by these Free Radicals. He is the force multiplier sent here to fight against and destroy all of those evil philosophies that the governments are using to kill innocent human beings.

                                                   “AIRBORNE ALL THE WAY”

The writer asks the reader do you want to know about a real life Third Degree "Burn Victim" both figuratively and literally speaking. He then states here he is, Michael R. Meade, just read this book. He goes on to state he just wanted you to know about this “USA Movie”, this “Act", called “Burn Notice” now made into a series because you haven’t seen the not so glamorous side of life intimidating art. In real life it is not an adventure, it is not a thrill and it is not as glamorous or as fun as it appears in the “Movies.

It is true in one sense; once you have been burned you cannot do anything to make your situation better. But when you read the excerpts from the FBI reports he states you will know what it feels like to get burned and insists you don’t blindly believe all of the FBI rhetoric for one second because he was never a Spy, terrorist or part of the IRA or KKK. Actually he states he was never in the game but the FBI-CIC told him they put him in the game whether he liked it or not. YADA YADA YADA. 

The writer states you can do absolutely nothing to convince them you are innocent and the more you try and stand up to their lies to protect yourself and maintain your innocence the more they attack you because he has been there and done that. You can scream and holler, cry and complain, write your Senator, Congressman, the White House, the United Nations, and Interpol but once you are burned nobody will talk to you anymore and you take what you can get.

The writer states it took him many years to obtain the Secret files from the FBI after a five year FOIA fight and then he had to take them to trial in Federal Court in Orlando, Florida to get them released because they were still classified Secret for National Security. The FBI refused to cooperate and to follow the Court Order from the Federal Judge and only then after going through the ISCAP did the White House release some of these files that were already declassified. The FBI wished they had “Burned” many of the pages in this secret file that they were forced to release to him. The writer states don’t think this doesn’t happen because he is a prime example that it does and he has the papers to prove it if anybody disputes their authenticity.

The writer states this movie called the “Burn Notice” is kind of weird because they use the name Michael and that he is living here in Florida and that is exactly where he lives. The setting and background is also similar being that he had to live with his mother 20 years ago once he was burnt because he had no other choice. He states he was just grateful that he had a place to stay. The writer states it looks like someone took his real life story and after dramatizing it significantly; made it into a “Movie”, made a lot of money and he got burned on this Movie deal too.

He goes on to state the Government is satisfied because there is nothing else to take or steal from him now because his identity is not worth anything in this country however he does have several very powerful books that he wrote and self-published as eBooks which deals with all these gritty details and what is actually going on behind the “Scenes” in America and the world today as the people of this planet are getting “Burned”.

The writer hopes you read his book so you can see his Secret FBI files and will have no doubt that this Burn Notice is eerily similar to his own life; although he admits he was never a spy, terrorist, or member of any Radical Group and he never met, associated with or dealt with terrorist.

Much of this TV drama on the USA Channel is a real stretch of the truth and imagination. The show was clearly changed, altered and embellished to sell advertising and make ratings.

The writer points out that just like in the “Movie” “Burn Notice” even after twenty-five years the United States government still won’t acknowledge and admit what they have done to him was wrong and are not interested in bringing an end to his nightmare that they created.  He states he has lived this nightmare as the FBI and others are hell-bent on trying to set him up again to possibly try and kill him or imprison him for life because they know once the American people find out it will be a real media nightmare for them.  Check out the Movie “Burn Notice” to see if he is telling the truth.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2013 ⏰

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