Her sacrfice part 2

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Bon? Yea. Do you think we should go move the body? Yea lets go ahead we don't want her to rot in there. They proceed to walk in the room. What they didn't know is that  they were in for a big surprise. They enter the room. What was that Damon asked? What was what responded Bonnie? That murmur sound I know you heard it, I'm not crazy. Damon I don't know what you're talking about maybe you should go rest. No I don't need to rest, you're the one that needs to rest your ears aren't working. What's up guys? I see you're back to your normal antics. Blair scolded. Bonnie screamed and hid behind Damon. Damon just tilted his head and stared at the girl who was just once dead. What's wrong guys? Then all of the sudden Blair felt a sharp pain in her head. Owwwww she screamed make it stop. Bonnie stop it! Please it's me Blair. I'm not doing anything Bonnie yelled. Then the pain just stopped. Oh My God Blair gasped. What Bonnie and Damon said in unison. I was dead! They nodded their heads. All the sudden something clicked in Damon's head that hadn't in Bonnie's. Shit! No no no it can't be. Blair i swear if this is true I'm going to kill you. What's wrong Damon? Shes transitioning Bon! Bonnie was silent. Transitioning to what Blair asked. To a vampire! Damon sneered.
Chapter 2.
How is she transitioning Damon? Did Katherine's blood get in her system or something? No. At least I don't think so he replied. That's nearly impossible. Blair rolled her eyes and said when I heard Bonnie entering my room earlier I was startled and wasted Damon's blood on me it must have got in my system. Damon! Where'd you get Damon's blood from! Bonnie screeched. I needed it for the spell that I used to find out who killed Lucy. Why didn't either of you two tell me about this? Bon I didn't think it was important i'm sorry. I- I just didn't think at all. Clearly, Bonnie stated. Bon calm down a little Blair is very sensitive right now and we don't need her running off. I'd hate to break up your moment and all but I'm a vampire... I can't be a vampire! I'm supposed to be a witch, a damn good witch at that! There has to be a way to reverse it. There isn't Damon said. I'll call Stefan and Caroline maybe they'll know what to do. Damon left the room. Bonnie crawled in the bed and layed next to her sister. She grabbed her hand it was cold. She wanted to let go but didn't want to offend Blair she was already going through so much. She hoped Blair didn't leave like Abby did. Bon? Yea. I'm scared. Me too Blair me too. Bonnie what do I do? Do I feed or do I die. It's all up to you sweetie I can't make that decision for you. This choice will affect the rest of your life. You already lost me once and I don't want you to lose me again. I think I'll feed. I know you'll be here for me. You have my word. Blair snuggled up closer to Bonnie. Is it cold in here to you? No but you are technically dead. Right maybe once this process is over I'll feel warmth again. Yea maybe. Bonnie just hoped Blair adjusted to vampire life well. She turned over to continue talking but Blair was fast asleep. So she kissed her forehead, tucked her in, turned the light out, shut the door and sighed. She headed to the cupboard for her usual. Bourbon. She had been doing that a lot lately. Right when she finished her drink and was about to pour another. Stefan and Caroline entered.
Bonnie? Caroline called out. I'm in here. Aww Bonnie you're a mess and you reek of bourbon! Damon smiled that's my girl! He said. Caroline rolled her eyes and said you're taking this harder than I thought. I've been having a lot of flashbacks of Abby lately. All of this is just bringing me into such a dark place. It's too much. I don't think I can do this. Bonnie you need a break why don't you stay at the boarding house. Stefan and I can take care of Blair. Are you sure? Yea we got this, when you get back she'll be under control. Okay I guess I'll go pack my bag. Bonnie returned shortly with her packed bag. You ready? Damon called out. Oh no Damon you're not going with her Caroline said with a smirk. And why not? He replied. Bonnie needs to heal and come at peace with herself which means she can't have distractions like you tagging along. Fine he grunted and how long am I supposed to be without her? I packed a bag for a week Damon. A week! An entire week you mean I'm supposed to be away from the woman I love for an entire week! Bonnie giggled and kissed Damon. Bonnie tried to pull away but Damon pulled her back in. He wanted to linger. He took his finger and slowly wiped some saliva off her lips. Something about the way he touched her made her feel like he wanted to do more than kiss her. It made her skin tingle. Damon then scooped her up in a loving hug. Bonnie breathed in his scent he smelled like sandalwood. The way he smelled calmed her. Being in Damon's arms made her feel safe, it made the world stop spinning around her, he made everything alright again. I love you she whispered. I love you too Bon. He replied with a smile. Damon closed his eyes and smiled he always did that when they hugged. Damon was no where near soft but Bonnie sure did make him seem like it. And that scared him but he liked scary, the rush he felt just being around her,how she filled him with joy. Bonnie made him feel alive again. They let go and the world started spinning again and Damon slowly but surely begin to feel like well Damon again. That's when they realized how much they needed each other. Damon watched from the window as Bonnie got in her car and drove off. He turned around and headed to their room. Where are you going Stefan asked. To write letters to Bonnie she'll be lonely there. Damon Bonnie needs her space. I won't go in I'll just slip them in the door and leave I promise. I just want her to know that even though I'm not there physically with her I'm still there. Stefan glanced at Caroline for approval she nodded her head. Alright Stefan said. You know I've never seen Damon so happy. I've never seen Bonnie so in love. This is a different kind of love for her. She's giving as much as she's receiving and I think it's a good healthy relationship for the both of them. Yea Stefan agreed. Well let's go see Blair, Caroline called out as she headed toward blair's room.
Chapter 3
Caroline entered Blair's room and Stefan came running in shortly after. Blair! Caroline screamed! Oww not so loud Caroline! Sorry I forgot, I was just so excited to see you. It's fine hey stef! Hey Blair how are you feeling? Hungry very hungry. Well we can fix that we brought some blood bags over here to sustain you  but eventually you'll have to feed or you'll die. I know Blair whispered. Caroline grabbed her hand. We'll help  you through it don't worry. Stefan pulled the blood bags out. Ew do I have to drink those? Blair wrinkled her nose. Unfortunately yes. Stefan said. This is your life now. Look we'll take a sip together okay? Okay Blair said. On three one, two, three. They both took a sip. She began to gag. Stefan looked worried. Are you okay Blair? She nodded her head. It's just disgusting. Blair drank the rest of it and a few more bags. With each sip a tear rolled down her face. She was disgusted at herself she couldn't believe she no longer had magic. Everything she had known her whole life. Her only constant, was taken from her. She didn't know who she was anymore. Not knowing who she was scared her more than anything. Damon came in to see Blair before dropping off his first letter. Hey salvatore Blair said as she wiped her tears. It's hard on you huh? Nothing i can't handle she said with a little optimism in her voice. Gosh you remind me so much of your sister even at her lowest points she still found a way to rise above it. That's exactly what you're doing. Speaking of your sister I have a letter to deliver. See you later. Damon closed the door to give her privacy. Once she was sure he was gone she cried herself to sleep. She needed Damon to think she was strong. Everyone was already worried enough about her. This was something she had to handle on her own.
Chapter 4
As Damon was walking back home to check on Blair he heard a girl scream. Stop! Get off me! I said no! Come on its no big deal. No. Somebody help me please! Shut up! The man then strikes the girl. Agggh she screams again but in pain this time. She begins to cry. Hey leave the girl alone. Stay out of this dude I don't want to have to hurt you. You hurt me? Damon begins to laugh, in your dreams. He punches the guy and knocks him out. The girl looks scared and has mascara running down her face. Th-th- thank you sir. No problem Damon says with a smile. Then he looks deep into her eyes and compels her. Now you listen to me I want you to run and don't stop until you're safe in your home. Okay? Okay. The girl says and then Damon picked up that sleaze of a guy and threw him over his shoulder. Blair could feed on him for all he cared. People like him didn't deserve to be free or live in his opinion. Once Damon got inside he threw the guy on the living room floor and called everyone to the living room. Once everyone arrived he said I found a guy for Blair to feed on. Damon!Caroline yelled you can't just go and kidnap innocent people! Don't worry blondie he's far from innocent he nearly raped a girl. Nevertheless he's still a person Blair spoke up and I can't kill someone,that's wrong. It's the only way to complete your transition. Look you only have to do it once and never again after that okay. You can go back to blood bags. Here hold my hand I'll walk you through it Caroline said. Okay will you do it with me please? I couldn't bear to do it myself. Ok I will we will do it on three okay? Okay. Caroline no! What about your diet Stefan asked. It's okay Stefan I'll be fine. I'm a big girl she said with a smile. One, two, three! They each bit into the side of the man's neck. Between each bite Blair said she was sorry with tears running down her face before draining the man of blood. Caroline gagged she hated every minute of it. It seemed like it was only yesterday when she promised never to hurt another human. It bothered her to break that promise, but she would do anything for Blair they were family. Once they finished Damon got rid of the body. Once Damon left Blair broke down crying. Are you okay Caroline said plopping down next to Blair. No I'm not okay i don't even feel like I'm apart of this world anymore. I'm lost. I don't know who I am. And for the first time I'm truly scared. I don't know what to do. I just need my family. I need you,Stefan, Damon, and most of all Bonnie. I need Bonnie she's my rock. I can't do this without her care. Stefan came and joined their hug. Neither of you can tell Salvatore about this you got it? Deal they said in unison. Good he has enough to worry about, I don't want to add on to it. What's going on in here? Asked Damon. Oh nothing just a little family time you want to join? Replied Blair. I hope you're not having too much fun without me. Bonnie! Blair screamed. She ran to her sister with the silliest grin on her face and tackled her to the ground. They rolled around on the ground laughing and tickling each other. Uh um Caroline cleared her throat. Oh you know I couldn't forget my care bear Bonnie says giving Caroline a tight hug. Thank you care. I needed that break. You're welcome Bon Caroline said with a smile. Bonnie. Stefan. Oh come here Stefan, bring it on in Bonnie said. Stefan smiled and gave her a bear hug. He was glad to see her happy and full of life again. Um can Damon get some love or is that too much to ask. No that's never too much to ask Bonnie says as she turns around kisses Damon. Well while you too have fun Stefan, Blair and I are going to pick up some pizza and soda, we are going to have movie night together. Yea and I'm picking the movie! Oh no they groaned not another chick flick! Shut up you guys Blair said while giggling. You guys know you like it when I pick the movie. Caroline rolled her eyes and said come on let's get the pizza. Bye Bonnie said. By- they replied but Damon kicked the door shut before they could finish. Damon! Bonnie rolled her eyes and giggled. Damon picked Bonnie up and she let out a gasp. He placed her down on the couch. And began to kiss her while he stroked her hair. Their kisses grew more passionate. They sped up then slowed down. They slowly grew more intense. Bonnie began to remove her top when Damon pulled away. What's wrong Bonnie said out of breath. Nothing it's just I want our first time to be special and not on the living room couch. Look at you being all romantic! So you're not mad? No! I absolutely agree. It means a lot that you care about this. Come on let's go make the popcorn. Shortly Caroline, Blair, and Stefan arrived with the pizza and soda. They all crowded on the couch watching the chick flick Blair picked out that they all secretly loved. Eating pizza straight out of the box and sharing a big bowl of popcorn. All of their cups of soda were next to each other on the table. They hoped that they didn't mix them up. Stefan and Caroline were holding hands. Bonnie and Damon were holding hands. And Blair well she was the most comfortable of them all. Her feet were stretched out and on Stefan and Caroline and her head was on Bonnie's lap. As she snuggled in closer to Bonnie, she doze off and Bonnie stroked her hair. It was at this moment that everyone was at their happiest. When they were all together.
*chapter 5*
Stefan and Caroline went back to the boarding house and Bonnie and Damon went to bed. Blair woke up on the couch the next morning. I guess the magic of you always waking up in your bed the next day really goes away when you grow up she muttered to herself. She sat up stretched her back and went to take a shower. Shortly Bonnie and Damon came out. Are you sure she's gone Bonnie asked while plopping down on the couch. Yea I hear the shower running Damon replied. Okay so I was thinking we just throw her a party here and invite everyone. Sounds good to me. Caroline can plan and decorate it, Stefan and I can make the food, and you can keep Blair distracted. Plus everyone is responsible for bringing a gift Bonnie chimed. We Make a great team Bon. Damon said while high fiving her. We do she replied sweetly. I was also thinking about telling her that she's going to school that day too, so we could you know ease it in. I don't know Bon she might not take it that well and it is her birthday you know. Well birthday or not I'm telling her. Ooh fiesty he said kissing her cheek. Shut up! Damon she said while laughing. As much as I would love to chat it up with you I have to go! I have a party to plan, and you have to distract Blair. Okay mr bossy pants Bonnie responded. Crap! What Bonnie asked? Blair just turned the shower off. Ok shoo shoo, go Damon you have a party to plan remember! Alright alright he said kissing her forehead and rushing out the door. Hey Bon! Hey! Uh Blair! Blair frowned, what's going on? Why are you acting so weird? Oh nothing Bonnie replied. You hungry? She asked. No um where's Damon? Oh he's out. Out huh? That's very descriptive she said sarcastically. Well since you're not hungry hurry up and get dressed we're going shopping. Really! Blair screeched. If you hurry up! We don't want to miss all the good sales. Alright, alright I'm coming let me just go get my jacket. The girls returned with shopping bags in their hands. Why are all the lights off, I don't remember turning them off Blair wondered. Bonnie flicked the switch on. Surprise everyone shouted. Blair just stared at them in awe. She hated surprises but she wasn't about to tell them that, it seemed as if they worked really hard on this party. So she put on her best poker face and pretended to be excited. Omg! Thanks you guys how did you know it was my birthday! We have our ways replied Caroline with a smirk on her face. Oh wow thanks you guys I don't know what to say. Well why don't we eat I made your favorite foods. Blair heard Stefan whisper to Damon, I thought you were cooking. I was until you decided not to help so Bonnie picked up the slack. Blair chuckled to herself she didn't understand why everyone hated Bonnie's cooking she liked it. Blair I have one more surprise for you Bonnie said. Damon groaned and Blair fought the urge to roll her eyes. Stefan and Caroline sat there looking clueless. Starting next week you're going to go to school. That's it, ok that's fine Lucy homeschooled me too! No Blair I don't think you understand we aren't homeschooling you, we are sending you to school. What?! Are you crazy I can't go to school I'm a vampire. Both Caroline and I went to school as vampires Stefan said. And! What does that have to do with me I don't know if you noticed but I'm not you or Caroline! Blair, Damon warned. No I'm tired of stuff being sprung on me! I'm starting to think I made the wrong choice when I chose to feed! Don't say that Blair you don't mean it! Caroline yelled. Stefan just watched with a worried look on his face. Stef and care sorry for the outburst don't worry about me I'm fine I'm not going to hurt myself. Are you going to apologize to us Damon asked. No why would I do that, I'm not sorry. Caroline wondered what was going on with Blair she hasn't had an outburst like that in months. Look guys I just need some fresh air so I'm going for a walk. Oh and by the way Bonnie I hate surprises. Caroline just gaped she couldn't believe she put all her hard work in a party and Blair didn't even like it. Blair slammed the door on her way out she couldn't believe the nerve of them. Damon turned to Bonnie before he could say anything Bonnie cut him off. I know Damon you were right. Actually I was going to say I would go after her. Oh well I'll take her presents to her room and wait for her in there. Damon found Blair shortly. Hey mini-me wait up. Are you here to lecture me because if you are you might as well go on back home. Actually I came to see if you're alright. Oh. You and your sister have a bad about trying to guess what I'm about to say and so far you've both been wrong. Believe it
or not I'm on your side. I told Bonnie to wait until after your birthday but she just had to break the news to you now. But you think I should go to school don't you. I do but only because you deserve to have friends your own age. You never got to live your life like a normal teen. You've missed out on so much and I think school can give you that. That's the problem Salvatore! I'm not a normal teen. Stop trying to force the life of one on me! That's not right, it won't work, that just not who I am. And who are you exactly Blair? Um... Hmm? I-I don't know. Exactly so once you find yourself then you can determine whether or not school is for you, until then you're going point blank period. Fine! That's it no arguments. Nope. Wait a second this is too easy he thought. Blair slap yourself. Oww she said after slapping herself. Now run around in circles. She began to run around. Salvatore un compel me right now! I'm not playing with you! I didn't compel you stupid! Well you better make me stop running or else! Okay okay stop running. Blair stopped. Damon what's going on? I don't know he said with a puzzled look on his face. Fuck! He yelled out while throwing a large rock into the creek nearby. What?! Blair asked. You're sired to me! What do you mean sired to you. It means you do whatever I say. Bonnie is going to freak. Bonnie! What about me! I'm sired to a psycho. Blair not now okay! Let's get home and figure this out. Fine Blair huffed. Bonnie! What. I'm sired to your asshole of a boyfriend and I need you to fix it. Blair you and your smart mouth are testing me Damon growled. Caroline pulled Blair to the side and told her to sit by her and Stefan. What do you mean you're sired to Damon. Just what I said! Okay look Caroline cut in, how about this Blair can stay at the boarding house while Bonnie breaks the sire. Maybe once this is over the bad blood will be gone between you guys. Blair came back with a suit case full of clothes. Why'd you pack so much stuff Bonnie asked. Because I'm still pissed at you guys and I'm going to need more than one day away from you. Well the feeling is mutual Damon responded. Bonnie rubbed her temples and said alright Blair I'll see you in a few days while kissing her forehead and giving her hand a loving squeeze. Come on Blair Caroline said grabbing blairs hand lets go sweetie. Alright adios salvatore! Adios fea. Blair rolled her eyes! Bonnie playfully hit Damon and he chuckled. You know what we need Bonnie. What? A date night. Yea. When? tonight! I don't think we have time Damon. We do all you have to do is take one of your hour long baths and I'll take it from there. While Bonnie went to draw her bath Damon begin setting things up. He was running around like crazy. Bonnie came out in an hour just like Damon had said. So she said what are we doing ? Well if you must know we are about to eat he said while sitting two plates of spaghetti on the table. What no pancakes? So Bon Bon has jokes huh? I was just surprised you made something other than your specialty she said between giggles. Well no one said anything when you made the food for the party when I remember saying Stefan and I were in charge of that. Bonnie rolled her eyes and got up from the table. Bon I didn't mean it come back and sit down please. Bonnie returned five minutes later with a bowl of pancake batter in her hand. Damon when will you learn to stop being such an asshole. I may be an asshole but I'm your asshole. You are she said with a smile. You know what my assholes get? What he said with a mischievous grin. This! She said as she poured the batter all over Damon. Damon laughed and said Bon you are so going to get it.  Bonnie tried to run away but she was too busy laughing. All the sudden she felt water. Damon! She screamed. Don't worry I got you one too. Bonnie smiled as he handed her the water gun and said good because I'm about to kick your ass! After 20 minutes of spraying each other Damon gave up. Alright alright Bon you win. I what? She said cuffing her left ear. You win Damon said chuckling. I hope you heard it because I'm not saying it again. Bonnie laughed and began dancing around Damon. He grabbed her wrist twirled her around and kissed her. It continued to the bedroom where they sealed the deal. The whole experience for Damon was surreal. He had plenty of sex before but none of it amounted to what he had with Bonnie. Theirs was full of love and passion so much that he actually shed a tear or two. The experience was magical. No woman had ever made him feel this way. Nothing was fast or rushed it was all slow and passionate. It wasn't even the fact that Bonnie was still in someway human though that had nothing to do with it he hadn't thought about being rough or aggressive with her. She was his Bon Bon. It was the first time he had ever been gentle with someone and it had been amazing. Bonnie enjoyed not having to be in charge for once. Damon was very soft and gentle with her. And for the first time in a while she felt safe. Being with him in that form of intimacy made her feel safe, invincible, like nothing could harm her. He was her safe haven. Just as Bonnie was about to fall asleep Damon stroked her hair and said not so fast our date night isn't over yet. Bonnie looked at the clock on the nightstand and said what could you possibly have planned for us to do at two a.m. You'll see he said as he picked her up and threw her over his shoulder. Bonnie laughed as he ran around the house. Damon put her down once they reached the kitchen. He turned on the radio and held out his hand. My lady he said. Bonnie rolled her eyes with a big sloppy grin on her face. Damon what are you doing. Asking you to slow dance with me isn't it obvious. Well in that case sir you may. Damon smiled as they began to dance. I believe the last time we danced together you were in high school. I think I was she replied. Yea and you weren't that good of a dancer than either. I was too Bonnie said while laughing. Nope you kept stepping on my feet I remember because you had those awfully high heels on and I remember thinking boy I hope she doesn't fall. Shut up Damon! You weren't complaining. That's because for the first time we weren't fighting and I thought you were going to die that night. Bonnie playfully hit Damon's shoulder. I'm just kidding Bon you were an amazing dancer and you still are one now. You didn't step on my foot once. In fact I remember thinking about how weird it was because we were in sync and it was our first time dancing together. I just made that story up to see your reaction. Damon twirled Bonnie around and then dipped her. Then kissed her as he brought her back up. Then the song was over. He then sat her on the counter and said I have one more surprise. He then pulled out two big packages of cookie dough. What's this for? Well I know how much you like cookie dough and I figured we could talk. We've been worried about Blair and everything else that we haven't had time to talk. So let's talk. And that's just what they did sat there and talked all night long.
*chapter 6*
Blair woke up miserable. Just thinking about her going to school made her shiver. She decided while she was going to school she was going to give both bonnie and Damon the silent treatment. I'll show them she thought. She walked into the living room as soon as she entered they instantly looked at her. She opened up the closet to get her backpack. It was black and filled with school supplies. Black really she mumbled to herself. Damon heard her. Yea we got it to match your soul. Blair rolled her eyes and stormed out of the house what no goodbye Bonnie called out. Blair turned around, went back inside and gave her sister a short hug. Bye Bon she said coldly. And you I just don't like you Damon. You love me. He replied. In your dreams she retorted and just like that she was gone. You think she hates us? Bonnie asked. Of course she hates us she's a teenager Damon replied smiling. What are you so happy about over there smiley. She may hate us right now but this is the closest she's acted to a real teenager in a while. You're right Bonnie said. Just wait until she gets home Bon, she'll be talking about all those cute, good for nothing boys she's swooning over. Yea hopefully by then she'll be the happy loving Blair that we all miss and love. Yea hopefully Damon replied but I'm fine with her hating me for right now. Blair finally made it to school and she was miserable. She could hear everything. Every little laugh, every crack of a smile, she could even hear people blinking. The sounds can be overwhelming huh? Oh my gosh! You scared me. I'm Edmund. Edmund Clarke also a fellow vampire may I add he said with a smirk. How-how'd you know I was a vampire? I just know it's a hunch, don't worry the humans can't detect you, you'll be fine. Here I'll help you. Give me your hands. Blair placed her hands in his. They were warm. It was the first time she felt warmth since she was a vampire. She gasped. Are you okay? Oh um yeah I'm fine but go on, so how can you help me exactly? Oh yea um just focus on one thing, one thing that makes you feel at home and you will be able to tune out all of those sounds and function. On my count think, 1-2-3! Blair closed her eyes and breathed in and out. Edmund stared at her intently. Her beauty was overwhelming. Beautiful. He thought aloud. What? Blair said. Oh um I said your eyes are beautiful they match your complexion perfectly. Oh um thanks I think I'll um head to class now. Thanks again I really appreciate the help. Edmund could smell his sisters scent when an idea popped in his head. Wait um- um sorry I never got your name. It's Blair. Well Blair my sister can help you find your way around school. Hey lyssa can you help Blair find her way around she's new. Sure thing Ed! Hi Blair I'm Alyssa welcome to mystic falls high, you'll love it here I promise. We'll see about that she mumbled. What was that? Oh nothing um here's my schedule I have ms. Allair for homeroom. Oh that's perfect so do I. Well ms allairs room is right down that hallway. I have to go to the restroom do you think you can make it to her classroom by yourself? Yea I'm a big girl Blair said. I like you Alyssa said we are going to be good friends. I can see it. Blair just grinned a silly goofy grin. Well i like the way you think she said with a wink. She then turned and headed down the hall. Alyssa shook her head and chuckled Blair was something else. She turned and entered the bathroom. Good morning class ms. Allair said in a sing song voice. Good morning ms. Allair they responded. Oh I see we have a new student what's your name sweetie? It's Blair. Blair Bennett. Blair saw a flicker of excitement in her teachers eyes, but it only lasted a second. Bennett did you say? Yes Blair replied confused. Okay Blair you can sit anywhere there's an open seat. We are just having class discussions right now so feel free to add in on them if you want. Okay. That was weird she thought. Just then Alyssa walked in. I see we are late again ms. Clarke. Well you see I was in the restroom handling business and it was an emergency so I shouldn't be marked late. What kind of business a boy in the class replied with a smirk. Blair caught on to what he was in insinuating, turned around and said hey idiot shut it, I think we can all go without hearing some stupidity this early in the morning. The class laughed and ms. Allair stifled a giggle. Hey new girl I'm going let you pass because you're new and all but no one talks to me that way! Got it? No I don't got it because I'm not everyone else and I'm damn sure not afraid of you. If anything you should be worried about testing me! The boy pushed her and said "what are you going to do" . Clifford, ms. Allair warned. It's fine Blair said while slowly walking over to the boy. Clifford is it she said grabbing his hand and breaking a couple of his bones. He winced in pain he wanted to scream but no way was he letting a girl show him up. Just so you know my name is Blair not new girl, then she flipped him over onto the floor and you could hear his back crack. She placed her foot on his chest and began to press down. Clifford fought for air. Everyone in the class looked worried. Alyssa ran over and said thank you Blair for demonstrating self defense everyone give Clifford a round of applause for being the test dummy. Blair released him, and Alyssa said a quick spell under her breath that healed the poor boy. Clifford got up and the class began to slowly clap with confused looks on their faces. Are you sure it was staged man a football player said. Yea man you think I would let a girl show me up like that? They shared a laugh. Blair rolled her eyes. Are you sure you're okay ms. Allair asked? Yea ms. I'm just a little sore that's all but I'm fine. Alright well let's get started. Blair! Alyssa hissed. What he was a jerk! You almost killed him! But I didn't. Yea only because I intervened! The point is he's still alive that's all that matters she replied with a smirk. Besides if you weren't late this wouldn't have happened. Oh so this is my fault Alyssa replied half laughing. No I'm just saying you should be a little more timely to class Blair replied with a giggle. The girls looked at each other with smiles on their faces. Did we just have our first fight Blair? I think we did she said smiling and giving Alyssa's arm a gentle squeeze. Vampires real or a myth? Ms. Allair asked. Blair's breaths became shallow. Myth the class called out. Why Jeremy? Ms. Allair asked. Because they just are everyone knows they aren't real. What about all of the books and movies about them? Don't you think there is a little bit of truth in everything? Well yea but they were created for our entertainment. I think someone saw something that looked similar to a vampire and with the help of their imagination there came the birth of vampires.
Okay interesting conclusion does everyone agree. No Blair called out. Okay Blair so what do you think? I think vampires are real. A couple of kids snickered. Ms. Allair shot them a glare. What's your reasoning behind that Blair? Well we all know mystic falls past with animal attacks I mean come on you can't actually believe that those were animals right? That's what the police said spoke up a shy girl. Yea but the police are incompetent and do you really think they would tell us if they knew otherwise that would send a fury through the town and they have to keep order somehow. I honestly don't care what you think the police said they were animal attacks and that's final replied Jeremy. Well if they are so called animal attacks why haven't they caught the animal? Because they are the police not fucking animal control. Jeremy language ms. Allair shouted. Sorry but my father is the sheriff and I feel like she is insulting him and his team. I understand Jeremy but you have to find a better approach other then cursing at your classmates. But they haven't even identified the animal yet, Blair cut in don't you think that's a little odd. Don't you think it's weird that they can catch murderers and rapists but not a mysterious animal. I honestly think you people in mystic falls are afraid of the truth. You guys believe anything the police tell you because you're afraid. I think you're afraid of there being other beings out there other than humans. Because you can't understand them and you're afraid of what you can't understand.
And how do you you know this Jeremy asked? Because I just do. You just do? He repeated. Yea the same way your father just knows there aren't any vampires and that there's just an animal out there that's killing people only problem is he just doesn't know what it is. Jeremy winced. See it doesn't sound so good out loud does it? No he said I see where you're coming from but I'm still sticking with my father sorry. It's okay I'm glad you can see my reasoning now, I totally understand. Family is everything she said thinking about how mean she had been treating Bonnie and Damon lately and all they've done was love her. She had to apologize when she got home. Just then a boy entered the room he had a Carmel complexion like her, messy dark brown hair and piercing green eyes that looked like they held the stars. He's cute she thought aloud. Yea but he's weird Alyssa responded. I could deal with weird I mean look at him. What was she thinking she had to get to know him first I mean come on he could be a serial killer. You're late mr. Martin snapped ms. Allair. Sorry my car broke down on the way here and triple A just took forever. He's lying Blair thought she could hear his heart racing. What could he have possibly been doing? Ms. Allair's voice snapped blair out of her train of thought. Alright I guess you can have a seat but I already marked you absent. That's fine who's this he said pointing at Blair. I'm Blair she said shyly. The class looked at her confused because she wasn't shy at all.  Well Blair welcome to mystic falls high, he said while smiling. God his teeth are perfect everything about him is perfect she thought while biting her lip. Crap if I keep biting my lip he's going to think I like him, breathe Blair breathe he's just a boy. She quickly turned to Alyssa and asked her a question about getting around school. Out of the corner of her eye she saw him chuckle, shake his head and turn back around. No name intimidated her and she liked it. She's was so used to being in control she didn't know what it felt like to just feel with no sense of control but it was amazing. Plus he was hot. *the bell rang* alright class everyone research some of the animal attacks so that we can all develop an opinion on the possibility of vampires for next class. Blair can I see you. Um sure? Do you want me to wait for you Alyssa called out. No I'm fine but thanks! Blair I don't know how you became a vampire but you need to keep your impulses under control in class. Got it? Blair tensed up and nodded um how did you know was I that obvious? No but one I've known your family since before you were born, and I very sorry to find out you're no longer a witch. Blair sucked in her breath. Sorry is that a touchy subject? Yea I'm not quite done coping yet. If I may ask how do you know my family? Oh I was Lucy's best friend growing up. How is she doing? She's dead Blair said with tears in her eye. Oh wow I knew about Sheila dying but not Lucy wow! Oh my god I'm so sorry. Ms. Allair looked distraught. Well who's taking care of you Blair. Bonnie is she's my sister. Bonnie Bennett! I haven't seen her since she was eight wow she said while wiping away a few tears. Sorry hearing about Lucy really got to me. Well I'll let you get home now I'm sure you're eager to go home to Bonnie I'm sure she turned into a remarkable young woman. She did Blair said with a smile as she left the class. As soon as she turned the corner she bumped into this kid. Shit! She thought that's the last thing she needed was to get into another fight on her first day. The kid sent her papers flying everywhere including her schedule. Blair Bennett huh? That's weird you're a witch? I could've sworn I got a vampire vibe from you. I am a vampire. Ah ha so I was right. But how? Bennetts have been witches forever? It's a long story. I have the time. Okay well my cousin who raised me was killed by a vampire. I then went to go stay with my long lost sister who I'd never even heard of up until that point. Well I figured out who the killer was and she killed me and somehow a vampire that was a friend of mines blood got into my system. And I awoke as a vampire I was given the choice to die if I wanted but I couldn't leave my sister again so I stayed and now I'm a vampire. Wow. Yep. Well I normally don't like vampires but I guess I can make an exception considering your circumstances. Is that so Blair asked with a flirty smirk on her face. She stepped closer to him. Indeed it is he said filling the gap between them. They stared into each other's eyes for an entire minute Blair counted. She thought his eyes held stars in them before but now that she had a better look she could tell that they held the Galaxy in them. They were so beautiful just like him. I don't think I caught your name she said staring up at him. He towered over her and she liked it, it made her feel safe. Its Blake he replied softly just barely over a whisper. His voice made her swoon. Blake she repeated. She began to think of how cute Blake and Blair sounded together. She was so distracted she tripped and almost fell. Blake caught her. One hand gripping hers and the other on the small of her back. If it had been any lower she would have had to kick his ass, but there he was fine. His touch sent vibrations through her back. She shivered. Blake noticed. Well I guess I'll see you around he said handing her papers to her. Yea ill see you she whispered. She took a deep breath and headed outside where she found Alyssa and Edmund waiting for her. You guys waited for me? Yea we couldn't exactly leave you here Edmund replied with a grin. Thanks. Hey guys you know that kid named Blake? Yea they both said. Well I think he likes me! Oh my god Alyssa screeched that's so weird how you were swooning over him in class and now he likes you! Tell me everything every little detail! The girls talked amongst themselves when Edmund said I have to make a phone call. Ok Alyssa said waving him off. Hello. Hello? Blake lay off Blair I like her and you can't have her so back off. Woah woah woah nothing happened between us calm down. Well why is she telling my sister that you like her and that she likes you! Well because I do her personality is amazing and she's cute. Wait did you say she likes me? Yes. Awesome! Sorry dude but if you like her tell her and simply have her choose its not that big of a deal. Fine may the best man win! Look I'm sorry I know you like her but Blair's amazing I've never met someone like her before. Yea whatever Edmund said hanging up. Hello hello? Blake asked. He felt bad but Blair was gorgeous and she really was amazing. Her eyes were beautiful he couldn't exactly tell if they were green or hazel. He loved the way they lit up when she talked about something she loved. It was like there was always a hint of sparkle in her eyes. She was a strong girl he could tell. He could also tell she'd been through a lot she had built up a wall and he intended to break it.
Where'd Edmund go? Asked Alyssa. I don't know last time I heard he was talking on the phone. He probably just went home. I'll text you tomorrow. Okay! See you tomorrow. Alyssa made it home. Edmund why'd you just leave me like that? Sorry I was mad. About what? Because I like Blair and Blake is trying to steal her away! You like Blair? Yes why is that so hard to understand, what you don't think I have a chance do you? No of course you have a chance I'm just surprised. Well what do I do will you convince her to date me? Oh no I'm not getting into this. I'm her friend who she dates is her choice and I'm not going to try to influence her in any way, shape, or form. But I'll say this if you want her man up and get her. Show her that you're the one she deserves to be with. If you can't do that then maybe she deserves to be with Blake after all. Come on Lyssa you know Blake is bad news. People can change Ed and you of all people should know that. That's a low blow. Sorry. Whatever. You changed didn't you? But you see the difference between me and him is I'm not apart of the Petrova bloodline. I mean Nadia Petrova is his mother. Katherine Pierce, the bitch in vein is his grandmother! Ed people can't choose what family they are born into and who his family is has nothing to do with him. Look I'm not having this conversation with you! I'm telling her tomorrow! Don't you think that's something Blake should tell her she shouted! Edmund just walked off. You know what fuck it! She shouted and fuck you Ed! You get on my last nerve! Alyssa stormed into her room and slammed the door. Blair stared at her phone on the way home Alyssa still hasn't texted her and she wanted to finish their conversation. Bonnie and Damon were waiting outside with their arms crossed. Blair rolled her eyes and her smile faded. What had she done now? Blair Abagail Bennett! Yes? She said wincing. You were supposed to be home at 3 not 5 Damon added in. She looked at her phone. Shit she thought. Omg guys I'm really sorry I just got caught up. Doing what? Damon questioned. Well um my teacher asked to see me after class because she knew Bonnie, grams, and Lucy. Then I talked to my two friends that I somehow made today. Then I ran into this really cute boy I like that's a warlock and we kind of had a moment. Then I hung out with my friends again, then I walked home. You made friends Damon asked with a confused look on his face. Yes Blair replied. Who would want to be friends with you. The same people who would want to be friends you, I mean somehow you managed to get Bonnie to fall in love with you. Touché Damon said. Hey! Bonnie jumped in. Damon is a great guy okay plus he's very charming. Well I guess I'm charming then replied Blair with a smile. But anyway who's the teacher that said she knew me? Um ms. Allair she was Lucy's best friend and she said the last time she saw you, you were a little girl. Hmm I think I kind of remember her. We should catch up sometime. Well come on kiddo lets eat dinner, Damon said putting Blair in a headlock. You're a jerk Blair said laughing struggling to get out of the headlock. Bonnie just laughed. She was glad they were getting along again. They sat at the table eating chicken, rice and broccoli. So um guys I was wondering if I was allowed to um you know date? Bonnie grinned and Damon dropped his fork. Absolutely not! Damon shouted. What'd I tell you Bon I told you she'd be swooning over those boys. Damon hear her out. Fine but only because your sister said so. I know I haven't been acting exactly ideal lately. That's an understatement Damon retorted. Bonnie shot him a look, he shut up. I met this kid that I really like and he's a warlock and he is just so amazing. He understands me. I'd love to be able to go out on a date sometime with him. So am I allowed? Of course! What?! Damon she's 17. You're right I'm sorry Blair I guess I keep picturing you as this little girl that I have to protect. You're my buddy, my mini-me and it's hard imagining you dating. Aww Salvatore I love you too and don't worry I'll always be your mini me. You'll probably always have to protect me too because boy do I have a mouth on me! They shared a laugh. We should play a game Blair said. How about don't touch the floor! They cleared the table and entered the living room. Okay first off Bon you can't levitate! Blair called out. Well then you and Damon can't use your vampire super powers either she shot back. Fine then we'll play the human way Damon concluded. They ran around jumping from couch to couch and chair to chair. You're out! No you're out! I win! Blair shouted. All three of them fell out laughing. Alright it's getting kind of late goodnight Blair. Goodnight! Damon gave Bonnie a piggy back ride to their room. Blair entered her room. Bonnie and Damon got in the bed. Babe? What? I think I want to have a baby...
Chapter 7
Bon I can't procreate. So if you really want a baby we have to look at our options. There's adoption, foster care, a surrogate, insemination ,or we could always kidnap someone else's kid. Bonnie burst out laughing. Okay okay maybe we can scratch that last one off. Bonnie kissed Damon's forehead and said I love you. I love you too he responded. So what do you want to do bon? Neither. None of them? No I was kidding, I just wanted to see what you would say. Damon playfully smacked her with his pillow. Bon you are something else. I know she smirked. On that note I'm glad you were kidding because I don't need 2 blairs running around here. Yea Blair is enough for me right now. Now? Yea well Blair is leaving in about a year or so and I might want a child then but not now Blair is enough for me. They looked at each other and burst into fits of laughter. Alright goodnight bon. Night. Blair could hear them laughing in the other room she thought it was cute until she heard them say that they didn't need two of her. She rolled her eyes with a smile on her face. If and when they had a child together he/she would never even be close to being a Blair. She was glad to be able focus on Blake again, but for some reason Edmund kept popping into her head. Edmund and his warm hands, he made her feel normal again he taught her how to be able to focus on one thing at a time. He also seemed mad when she brought up Blake. Did he like her? Did she like him? Then she thought about Blake, his eyes were so beautiful, he was so beautiful, his touch sent chills to her spine, Blake was who she liked Blake was the guy for her she just knew it. She reached over and turned her lamp off. She then drifted off to sleep with the biggest grin on her face. Blair awoke to the smell of cookies. Bonnie and Damon were in her room smiling at her. What do you guys want Blair asked rolling her eyes. We came to wake you up mini me! You're going to be late. You don't want miss seeing your boyfriend! Bonnie smirked. First off he's not my boyfriend! Blair responded. Yet! She said while stealing two cookies off the plate in Bonnie's hand. She then ran to the bathroom to take her shower. Crap! I forgot my shower cap! Oh well she thought either he likes all of me or none of me,curly hair and all. She got out dried herself off put on some of Bonnie's perfume she found and threw on a graphic tee with ripped jeans, converse, and her leather jacket. She even put on a little makeup. Damn! I'm hot she said looking at herself in the mirror. She headed out into the kitchen running her hand through her hair. Bonnie looked up and tears formed in her eyes. Blair was actually taking pride in her appearance for once. Aww Blair you look so pretty! Blair just grinned she was kind of embarrassed to be dressing for a guy. Damon however was livid. Is that perfume I smell? Yea why? Look I love you mini me and I don't want to see you get hurt. You don't even know Blake! All I'm saying is you shouldn't have to change the way you look for him, you were fine the way you were. If you feel like you're losing yourself to be with this guy then it isn't worth it. How could I possibly lose myself when I don't even know who I am? Deep down Blair you know who you are, you're just not searching hard enough. Look Salvatore I have to go but thanks for the advice, she said while hugging him and running out the door. You look beautiful by the way! He called out. Yea yea Salvatore! Blair replied with a grin. Bonnie and Damon intertwined their fingers as they watched Blair hop in the car with Alyssa and Edmund. She was really growing up. Nice hair Blair, Edmund said. Blair's stomach growled. You're hungry huh? Yea Blair said sheepishly here he said passing her a blood bag. Help yourself. Blair took one look at the bag and grimaced. Edmund noticed and pulled over. Why are you stopping yelled lyssa. Edmund got out and slid next to Blair in the back. Lyssa you can drive the rest of the way. Really!? She shouted. Yea and if you mess up my car I will kill you! Okay okay I won't geez! He turned to Blair, let me help you with that. I want you to imagine something you want really bad. Blair closed her eyes and thought about Lucy being with her Bonnie and Damon, Damon struggling to impress Lucy, and Lucy acting like she hated Damon when she secretly loved him. A giggle escaped from blair's lips. Ed stared at her intently. Okay now I want you to drink from the blood bag and pretend that's your only way to access whatever you were imagining. Blair looked up with an uneasy look on her face. Trust me I know it's hard but it'll work I promise. Take a deep breath if you need to. Blair took a deep breath then sipped from the bag. Will you hold my hand? She asked he grabbed her hand she felt that same warmth only this time his palms were a little sweaty. She didn't mind though she thought it was cute. Blair finished her last sip. A tear rolled down her cheek. Are you okay? No I'm not but that's okay because even the strong people break sometimes. Look you don't have to be strong all the time Blair at least not around me. She was about to ask what he meant when Alyssa called out. Alright lovebirds we're here. Blair practically jumped out of the car. What was that moment and what had it meant to her? She couldn't think about this right now she had to get to first period. Alyssa teased Blair all the way to class. You guys looked so cute! Thank you for the tenth time Lyssa!Blair said rolling her eyes. What I can't help that I'm the captain of you guys' ship. You're forgetting one important thing. What?! I like Blake! Hot sexy ass Blake! It's possible to like more than one person at the same time she replied with a wink. Come on Blair said giggling we don't want to be late for class! The girls scurried to their seats just as the bell rang. Alyssa tripped on a chair leg causing both of the girls to fall into fits of laughter. Blair shushed Alyssa. Lyssa if you don't shut up I swear to god I'm going to kick your ass! Ladies! Both their heads shot up. Since you have so much to say today you can start us off in discussion. Yes ms allair they mumbled. alright class so witches real or a myth? Girls? Real they said in unison. Why? Ms. allair questions with a twinkle in her eye. It took everything in Blair not to yell out because your dumb ass is one. But she decided against it and instead said, there are so many examples in the media. There are books and movies and there were even the Salem witch trials and both Alyssa and I have lost family during that time period due to being accused of being a witch. I guess they are going to hell right along with you then huh? Jeremy what's your problem? Blair asked. My problem is that witch craft is against the lord. Religion has nothing to do with this Jeremy, Alyssa said. So you agree witches are real asked ms allair asked? Yes. But not vampires? Yea. So you believe in one but not the other? The Bible talks about witchcraft and it is a sin. The Bible does not speak on vampires therefore in my book they don't exist. My family has always been Christian even in the Salem witch trials and I don't appreciate you saying we are going to hell simply because of what god blessed us with shouted Alyssa. So you're saying you're a witch he replied laughing. Alyssa's breath hitched and her voice shook I-I what I meant was... tears started forming in her eyes and her classmates snickered. Blair grabbed her hand under the table and caressed it with her thumb. It's okay she said I'll handle it, her voice barely over a whisper. Her hand finally rested on the inside of her thigh. What Lyssa is saying is that her family has always been Christian regardless of having ties to witches and witchcraft and she would like it if you wouldn't say stuff like that to her because it is a sensitive topic. Kind of like your dad and his incompetence is to you. Now does anyone else have something they want to add? No? Okay great we are done for the day ms allair she said glaring at her. Ms allair mouthed sorry and said alright class that concludes the lesson for today. Alyssa looked down Blairs hand still rested in between her thigh. Blair noticed it and moved it but went back to holding her hand under the table. It was weird but Alyssa liked it, it was very comforting for her. They left class hand and hand and went on with their day.
*chapter 8*
While roaming the halls during lunch they ran into Blake. Hey Blair! Oh hey Blake um whats up? I was just heading to grab a bite to eat and was wondering did you want to come along. Oh sure but only if Alyssa can come because I always eat lunch with her. Um okay he said while running his hand through his hair. Why don't we just invite Edmund too he mumbled under his breath. That's perfect! I'll text him to see if he has lunch this period. Wait you have his number Blake asked while Blair was texting Edmund. Yea I've had it for a while Blair said confused. How come he had your number but I didn't. Blake chill ed is one of my best friends and besides he asked for it. If you want my number just ask for it. She said while biting her lip. Her phone went off. Guys it's ed he said to meet him outside. So where are we going Alyssa asked. I was thinking the mystic grill at first but I changed my mind. That still doesn't answer my question Alyssa said rolling her eyes. I don't know yet but I'll figure it out okay. How about we try that new pizzeria. Sounds good Blake and Alyssa said in unison. They shared a quick glance. Ed! Blair called out running and giving him a hug. Woah what's going on with you? He asked. Nothing just go with it she whispered back. He clenched up his fists realizing what she was doing but went along with it to please her. Blake cleared his throat. Edmund. Blake. How about we head to the pizzeria now Alyssa said attempting to break up the tension. Yea why don't we do that Blake said grabbing blair's hand and walking her to his car. Alyssa and Edmund followed closely behind them. I see your car is working again Blair said trying to start a conversation. Oh yea I kind of lied so I wouldn't be marked late he said nervously running his hand through his hair. Turns out my car never messed up I just over slept. Yea I kind of knew that already. Hmm he said looking over at her. I'm a vampire I can hear your heartbeat and tell whether or not you're lying. I don't know if that's creepy or cool Blake replied. I think it's a little bit of both she said while staring at him. What do I have something in my teeth. No I was just looking at your eyes they're beautiful. Really? Most people think they're creepy because they can't tell if they are blue or green and then it doesn't help they have all those speckles in them. I like them she said they're perfect. I wish I had colored eyes. She said while getting in the car. Why? Well my sister Bonnie has green eyes, and my cousin Lucy had hazel eyes and sometimes they would turn green. I don't know about my parents because I never met my dad and my mom left me when I was a baby. You and Bonnie don't have the same dad? We do put he passed away before I met him. Oh well you don't need colored eyes to be beautiful because you already are. Your dark brown eyes are so calming and I always get lost in them whenever I look at you. You know what the best part about them is he asked? What she whispered. Whenever you talk about something that are passionate about your eyes turn hazel. So I guess your eyes are colored after all he said in a smirk. Wow was all she said. Before she could say anything else Edmund butted in. Can we head to the pizzeria now or was this whole meet up thing pointless. Blake glared at Edmund started the car and drove to the pizzeria. The whole ride there Blake told Blair jokes while Edmund sat in the back complaining to Alyssa. Ed! If you don't stop your whining already why don't you try talking to Blair. She looks pretty busy talking to Blake. Oh please she adores you and you're one of her closest friends. That's the problem I don't want to be her friend I want to be her boyfriend. Well right now you're her best guy friend and if there's one thing I know it's that friendship is very important to her. She didn't agree to this lunch date until Blake said I could come. So suck it up, deal with it and talk to her already. They didn't know it but Blair heard their entire conversation. She felt bad that Edmund felt that way but she can't help who she likes. We are here Blake said snapping her out of her daze. Everyone got out the car and she lingered behind a little to get herself together. She saw ed heading her direction. Oh god what is he doing she thought. She rolled her eyes once she realized he was opening the door. He opened the door and helped Blair get out. Thanks ed. No problem. Alyssa stood off to the side smiling since her brother finally grew a pair. They walked in and sat in the booth. Wow this place is nice Blair called out. Yea maybe we'll come back here by ourselves another time. Yea maybe Blair said with a grin on her face. Everyone went to the buffet. Blake was standing behind Blair checking her out. Blair you look smoking and I'm loving your hair. Umm thanks. Just a piece of advice girls don't like it when you say stuff like that to them Alyssa whispered. Blair stifled a giggle when Edmund said you look very beautiful today. Thanks ed! Blake shook his head and sat down in the booth. I can't believe you like pineapple pizza! Alyssa called out. There is nothing wrong with pineapple pizza. Blair pineapples don't belong on pizza that's just wrong Blake said scrunching up his face. You and Edmund are weird, you guys ruin pizza. Blairs face lit up.Ed you like pineapple on your pizza too! Yea he answered shyly. Omg I thought I was the only one who ate it she said holding her hand out for a high five. He gave her one and smiled. Nope I've always liked it ever since I was a little kid. Of course you have mumbled Blake. I'm going to go to the ladies room um Alyssa come with me? Sure! Before she left Blair whispered I'm going to let that last comment slide since you're so cute when you're jealous but ease up on Edmund okay in blake's ear. She kissed his cheek and said you're the guy I like before turning around and heading to the bathroom. Lyssa what do I do there's so much tension out there. You seemed to be handling it pretty well with the high fives, whispering in the ears, and the kisses on the cheek. Lyssa I'm serious! I am too! Look I know you  want me to date ed but I'm your best friend and you're supposed to help me out remember? Alyssa rolled her eyes and scoffed. Fine when we go back out there try to include everyone in the conversation that way neither boy will feel left out. Lyssa you are a life saver remind me thank you later. Oh I will Alyssa said with a wink. Lyssa you are such a mess! Come on let's get back out there. Oh my gosh Blair your sister and her boyfriend are here. Here as in the diner here! Duh! Omg what do I do. I don't know! Maybe go say hi? Hi! Are you serious, sure I'll go say hi I'm totally not skipping school to go on a date with a guy oh and by the way my two best friends are here and I promise they aren't a bad influence on me. Yea that'll work out great! All the sudden they heard two guys fighting. Great what two idiots are fighting. Blair those are our idiots. What?! She looked over to see Edmund punching Blake in the face. Edmund get off of him now! He looked up before he could do anything else Blake gave him an aneurysm. Ed screamed in pain. Blake stop! Alyssa ran over and thrusted her hand forward throwing Blake back to the other side of the pizzeria. Ed! Are you okay. Yea but Blake won't be in a minute! Blake got up and charged over to Edmund. Edmund picked Blake up by the neck and began choking him. In between coughs Blake threatened to kill ed. Edmund laughed and said how are you going to do that. Blake used telekinesis to stab ed right under his heart. Ed! Both Blair and Alyssa screamed out. Are you okay Blair asked. I'm fine he just missed my heart. Alyssa stood up and Blair knew what she was about to do. She used her vamp speed to beat her to the punch. Blair move! No! I said move dammit! I'm stopping you from making a decision you'll regret Alyssa said. Blair don't make me hurt you I don't want to. You won't. Blair please move Alyssa said with tears in her eyes. Blair felt a stinging in her throat. She looked up at Alyssa. I can't believe you she croaked out. I'm sorry Blair but Edmund is my brother and I need to protect him. With tears streaming her face she gave Blair an aneurysm. Blair let out a piercing scream. Blake used what was left of his strength and put a portal around Blair to protect her. Blair got up and said Alyssa listen to me if you want to salvage what's left of this friendship you will stop now, you will turn around and you will help your brother who's still having trouble breathing by the way. Alyssa ran over and pulled the chair leg out of Edmund. Once he healed he walked over to Blake but Blair blocked him. Stop what were you fighting about in the first place. I was talking about my family and ed just attacked me out of nowhere. Ed is that true yes but only because he told me his grandmother is Katherine. What? His grandmother is Katherine pierce. Is that true Blake? Really ed I thought you said you were going to look past it! Wait a minute you knew about this lyssa! Blair I tried to tell you Blake wasn't a good idea. No! You tried convincing me to date your brother there's a difference! I can't even look at anyone of you right now! Blair wait Blake called out. No especially you, you don't get to speak to me! She turned around and ran into Damon. Hey watch it ass-, his face softened. Hey mini me what's wrong. I don't want to talk about it. Okay well it's not safe here some morons were just fighting. I was one of those morons she said choking on her tears. Okay Bonnie's in that booth over there have her take you home. I'll get this pizza to go and I'll meet you guys there okay he said kissing her forehead. She nodded her head. Bon- Bonnie. Blair! Bonnie said instantly giving her a hug. What's wrong sweetie? Can we just go home? Of course. Let's go. The whole drive home Blair is silent. She clears her threat and speaks for the first time. Bon I know that I should've been at school but I promise my... uh friends aren't bad people. Are they your friends because friends don't fight each other? I honestly don't know what they are to me anymore. All I know is that I still care about them even after they betrayed me and I don't think that'll ever change. That's scary Blair whispered but Bonnie heard. What's scary? I've opened myself up to these people, have grown to love these people, they betrayed me and I still love them. They have the power to break me literally, and that's the scariest thing ever. Alright kiddo we're here why don't you head to the couch so that we can finish this talk. Blair gave her a small smile and entered their house. Bonnie sent out a text to Damon to make sure he got pineapple pizza, popcorn, and a chick flick. She entered the house and sat on the couch next to Blair. Channel talk? Yea Blair said with a grin. How's this going to work since I'm not a witch anymore. Blair you are still my sister and I love you more than anything I don't need your magic to feel a connection with you we are forever connected. Even more than Damon? What? Bonnie's asked. You said you loved me more than anything does that mean Damon too! Bonnie smiled and said yes even more than Damon but don't tell him that! It's okay I'm sure he loves me more than you too! Bonnie scoffed and hit Blair with a pillow. Both sisters giggled and joined hands. Blair began telling what happened starting off with Alyssa. She hurt me the most she used her magic against me because I wouldn't let her hurt Blake for hurting ed and that hurt the most. I wasn't that mad at ed and Blake for fighting but I couldn't believe lyssa would do that to me! If I was there and and ed hurt me wouldn't you use your vampire abilities against lyssa if she was protecting ed? Well yea, bon I would die for you, kill for you, and do everything in my power to ensure your safety because you are my sister and I love you. The same goes for Alyssa. Okay so maybe I was a little harsh on her. Ed got in a fight with Blake and he knew this was like a first date to us! Maybe because he likes you? How'd you know? Please I know when someone likes my sister! Well he knew a big secret and let it out to throw in blake's face with complete disregard to my feelings and lyssa knew about it to and neither of them told me! What was the secret? Blake is Katherine's grandson. What!? I know right I can't believe someone I like is related to HER! That's a big deal and you need to make a decision on whether or not you want to deal with him after finding this out. What no sisterly advice? That was it I can't make that decision for you. You're 17 now, some stuff you're going to have to start doing on your own okay. Okay. I'm going to go in my room and think maybe figure out what I'm going to do. Okay Blair and while you're in there maybe open up your birthday presents? Yea I will I promise. Blair enters her room and eyes the three gifts in the corner. She picks them up and places them on her bed. She opens the first one and it's a necklace. A locket to be exact and it's in the shape of a B on the inside is a picture of Bonnie and her shortly after they met. Blair laughs at how young she looked in the picture she looked so scared. Little did she know that she was hugging the most loving woman in the world. She closed it and noticed a message on the back. She flipped it over and it had together always and forever engraved in it. She looked in the bag and there was a crumpled up note in there it read: dear Blair, even though you aren't a witch anymore I want you to know our connection isn't lost. You may not be able to feel me through magic anymore but you can always feel me through your heart. That's why I got you this, because no matter what you are still a Bennett. I love you,
She folded the note back up and went to the next bag. It was purple Lucy's favorite color. She looked in the bag and found a bunch of books. She dumped them out, they were journals. Lucy's journals. She dusted them off they were brown, leather, and worn out. She flipped through them and they were full of stories. Stories about her, Bonnie, Grams, her mother, and her father. She placed them to the side and looked in the bag again found another note it read: dear mini-me, it's your birthday and you're 17 now, I don't know how I feel about that yet, you're growing old on me. I found these journals when you first moved in when I went back to get things for your room. I didn't want to give them to you right away, I figured you needed time to grieve and when I felt you were ready I'd present them to you. You've matured over the past few months and I'm so proud of you. I love you more than you will ever know. No matter how old you get you'll always be my mini-me
Love, Damon
Blair looked over to the third bag, the gift was from Stefan and Caroline. She looked inside and found a candle it had a sticky note on it that said, "just in case you need a reminder of who you are" she teared up that quote meant so much to her she missed her magic. It was hard being a vampire it was dark and lonely and she felt dead inside. Magic made her feel alive. The only people who distracted her were Alyssa and ed, they were her best friends they knew her story and they still loved her like her family did. That's why when it felt like she lost them today it scared her. As much as she hated them right now, deep down she knew their friendship was far from over. She placed the candle on her nightstand and picked up one of Lucy's journals. It was titled my love she looked over and notice they were all titled. She turned to the first page and a picture of her and Lucy fell out. She was Lucy's love. Tears began rolling down her cheeks, she began to read the journal entry: Abby stopped by today and she brought a baby with her. Her name is Blair, as soon as I laid eyes on her I fell in love she was the cutest thing. Next thing I know Abby tells me she can't take care of a baby, that it's too much and she runs off. I looked at Blair she looks so helpless and innocent. Her lip began to tremble even though she was just a baby she knew her mother was gone and wasn't coming back. I picked her up caressed her check and told her I loved her and not to worry because I would take care of her. She just looked at me with big scared eyes and fell asleep. I've always wanted to be a mother and now I have the chance.
*chapter 9*
Bonnie heard a knock on the door and rolled her eyes. Looks like Damon forgot his keys again she muttered to herself. Her lips curved as she began to think of him oh Damon she thought. She loved him so much. She opened the door to find a nervous Alyssa. Hi she said with a small smile. Hi is it ok if I come and speak to Blair. She noticed her with a backpack on and said you're not planning on going back home? No I needed to get out of the house and away from my brother. Where are you going to stay? Um I don't know I'll figure it out. Why don't you stay here? Are you sure Bonnie? Yea and come in you must be freezing. Alyssa stepped in and looked around you have a nice home. Thanks blair's room is two doors down to your left good luck! As if on cue Damon came rushing in the house. Okay so I've got pineapple pizza, popcorn, her favorite movie, a stuffed animal and some chocolate, because all girls like chocolate right?! Bonnie giggled. What's so funny bon bon. You're cute that's all. I don't see what's funny about our daughter having her first heartbreak. Did you say daughter? Well yea we both agreed that she was enough for us and we are raising her. So I figured it was only right if I considered her to be my daughter, if that's okay with you of course. Damon it's perfect Bonnie said before kissing him. Damon would you like to adopt Blair? I would love to. Bonnie and Damon kissed again and again and eventually ended up in the bedroom. Alyssa knocked on Blair's door. She heard a faint come in and she entered the room and placed her bag on the floor. She looked around.Blair's room was beautiful it was warm, cozy and full of vintage stuff. Everything was in place and it matched. Nice room Alyssa called out not knowing what to say. It was then that Blair looked up and saw who was there. Lyssa? In the flesh she replied with a grin. Sit Blair demanded we need to talk. I know baby I know she said as she sat in front of Blair. I'm sorry I shouldn't have hurt you I was just trying to protect ed that's all the last thing I want is for you to be hurt Blair and I'll never hurt you again okay? I promise. Lyssa if I were in your position I would have done the same thing I forgive you. Oh I got you something she pulled out a ring. Lyssa are you about to propose! No silly it's a promise ring to let you know how much I value our friendship. Blair examined the ring it was gold and had their initials engraved in it. Will you put it on for me. Alyssa nodded and slipped it on her ring finger. Blair threw her arms around Alyssa. I love you lyssa, I love you more Blair. Bonnie said I could spend the night so I'm going to get changed. Lyssa went in her bag and pulled out a big t-shirt. She removed her clothes and revealed a black lace bra and panty set. Blair just stared admiring the beauty. Alyssa was beautiful and she had a banging body. Alyssa removed her bra and put the t-shirt on she then threw her hair into a messy bun and crawled in the bed next to Blair. Blair got up and decided to put on a sports bra and some spanks . She felt brave so she called Alyssa over to unhook her bra for her. Lyssa traced her back slowly then unhooked her bra. She then proceeded to remove the straps and tossed it across the room. She then whispered I wouldn't mind you going to bed like this. Blair's breath hitched and she rushed to put the sports bra on. Alyssa smirked. They both got in the bed. Blair you wanna cuddle? Blair nodded and scooted in closer to her. Lyssa? Hmm. What are we? We're friends what are you talking about. Do friends do this? They can, how about this we can be whatever you want us to be whether that's friends or something else. Blair nodded her head. Moments later both were sound asleep in the the comfort of each other. The next morning Bonnie headed to Blair's room to wake up the girls while Damon cooked breakfast for everyone. Bon cracked the door open and stuck her head in, "girls" she called out. Both of them stuck their heads up from under the covers. Time to get up Bonnie said. Ugh can we get five more minutes please bon? Okay I'll give you until Damon finishes breakfast and then I want you up and getting ready. The girls nodded their heads in response and went back to sleep Bonnie watched them puzzled as Blair snuggled back up to Alyssa. Was she missing something? She closed the door and headed to the kitchen to talk to Damon. Babe? Yea bon? Can you stop what you're doing for a second I need to talk to you. Okay hold on let me finish the eggs first and then I'm all yours he said with a playful smirk. Damon I'm serious! Okay sorry I'm coming. Shortly after Damon rushed to the table. What's going on? It's about Blair. What?! Do you think it's possible she's bi, that you know her and Alyssa like each other? Damon was silent. Hello! Oh sorry um it's possible bon and if it's true we have to trust her to tell us in her own time. She's probably confused, once she figures it out and she's comfortable she'll tell us. She tells us everything. It's also possible that you're reading too much into this and they're just really good friends give her time to come to us okay? Okay Bonnie said with a smile. Good he said getting up from the table and giving Bonnie a quick peck on the lips. In the mean time I'm going to finish breakfast and shouldn't the girls be up getting ready right now? Yea I'll go get them she responded. Bonnie opened the door. She smiled at the sight of Blair sleeping she looked so peaceful it warmed her heart. She loved her so much, she wanted Blair to be comfortable to tell her everything maybe she needed to be more supportive. Bonnie walked over to Blair and kissed her forehead. Wakey wakey Blair she said while running her hands through her hair. Blair's eyes fluttered open and a smile appeared on her face when she saw Bonnie. Morning bon. Morning sweetie wake up Alyssa and you two girls go ahead and start getting ready. Okay Blair said will do. She turned to her side and shook Alyssa. Bonnie smiled and left the room. Alyssa wouldn't budge. So Blair climbed on top of her and straddled her she then began to bounce up and down singing the theme song to Zoey 101. Alyssa immediately opened her eyes and sat up throwing Blair off the bed in the process. Blair clutched her stomach in between laughs. Alyssa glared and whispered Blair what the hell! Sorry I needed to wake you up, it's not my fault you're so hard to wake up! You could have done something else she whisper shouted. Like what wake you up with a kiss like you're sleeping beauty! I'm not opposed to that she said with a grin. Blair rolled her eyes and chunked a pillow at her come on we need to get ready. They both grabbed their clothes and went in the bathroom at the same time. Bonnie and Damon shared a look. Hey Blair do you have an extra toothbrush? Yea it's in the cabinet she said while turning on the shower water. She got in the shower and bathed her body. She started singing her favorite song." Don't go and waste your precious time with all the nonsense on your mind ", "don't criticize yourself no more you've got a smile worth fighting for" Alyssa chimed. Together they sang " girl you've got everything with your perfect porcelain ain't no one compare to it you just gotta remind yourself that you're amazing babe you break down in every way you just gotta remind yourself..." Blair turned the shower off. Hey can you hand me my towel please? She asked sticking her hand outside of the curtain. Yea Alyssa responded handing the towel to her. She stepped out with the towel wrapped around her and Alyssa was brushing her teeth. Lyssa do you mind getting in the shower so that I can get dressed? Um sure!... no problem. She turned on the shower undressed and got in. Once Blair was sure Alyssa was bathing she removed her towel and quickly put on her clothes. Alyssa watched Blair's silhouette through the curtain she wished Blair would be comfortable around her after she finished bathing she turned the shower off. Blair was in the middle of doing her makeup when she stepped out, she looked over and said I can get out if you want. No you're fine Alyssa responded I'm comfortable around you. Blair rolled her eyes it's not that I'm not comfortable around you lyssa I've just never changed in front of anyone before last night let alone been naked in front of them. Neither have I, but there's a first time for everything. I'm not mad and I'm not trying to pressure you or anything I just don't want you to be nervous around me okay. Blair nodded her head and turned to finish her makeup. Alyssa removed her towel and got dressed, Blair watched out of the corner of her eye why was Alyssa so perfect. Hey I'm done getting ready so I'm going to head to the table. Okay responded Alyssa. Hey Blair how'd you sleep? Good. Thanks for letting Alyssa stay over guys, Blair said with a smile. Oh no problem she's always welcome Damon responded. Alyssa joined the table and began to eat breakfast. Bonnie cleared her throat um- Alyssa how'd you sleep? Good, better than I've slept in a long time she said with a smile. Damon and Blair eyed each other. Bonnie was acting weird. The table became awkwardly silent everyone began to eat their food to have an excuse not to talk. Finally Bonnie broke the silence "so Alyssa when are you leaving" Blair nearly choked on the orange juice she was drinking. Bon!Damon grunted. Oh sorry Alyssa that came out wrong! No it's fine I'm going home today I just needed a small break and that's what I got. Thank you again for welcoming me into your home. Um Blair I think we should head to school. Yea okay I'll be outside in a few I need to talk to Bonnie and Damon really quick. Bonnie watched Alyssa leave and waited until she was out of ear shot before speaking. Bonnie what is up with you! I don't know I'm sorry. Sorry doesn't cut it! You practically begged me to make friends and now you're acting all weird! Hey lay off a little mini me. Why do you always pick her side Damon! She's in the wrong not me! Ugh I just can't with the two of you! Blair left slamming the door behind her. Bon get yourself together Damon said before locking himself in the room. Bonnie went to the living room and called Caroline.
*chapter 10*
Hello? Care? I'm here bon whats up Caroline said as she sat up from her bed careful not to wake up Stefan. I think Blair's bi care and I don't know what to do! What?! I mean why do you say that bon. Well one of her friends came over to spend the night and when I went to wake them up they were all cuddled up together and then they got ready together in the bathroom like showers and all! They took a shower together Caroline whisper yelled. No they took two separate showers but they were in the bathroom at the same time getting ready. They probably saw each other naked! Okay calm down bon they could just be really good friends and if she is actually bi she will come to you when she's ready. She's probably trying to understand her own sexuality herself! Yea that's what Damon said Bonnie said while rolling her eyes. Wow something came out of Damon's mouth that was actually smart Caroline joked. Bonnie laughed and said we need to hang out I miss you. How about I come over right now and we can have our girl time and then when Blair gets home I can take her for ice cream and I can find out about this mystery girl. Sounds good and I'll have pizza, popcorn, a chick flick, and chocolate waiting on you. Alright I'll be there in five minutes.
*chapter 11*
Blair how are we going to get to school on time? It's hot and I'm tired Alyssa whined. I have an idea Blair said wiggling her eyebrows. How about I pick you up and then I use my vamp speed to gets us there. Ooh I've always wanted to ride a vampire! Blair shot her a knowing glare. Not like that geez! Well you can ride me anytime you want Blair said as she scooped Alyssa up and within a flash they were at school. Blair put Alyssa down and fixed her hair all the sudden she felt weak. Alyssa sensed something was wrong and asked if Blair was okay. Yea i just feel weak that's all. Have you been feeding Alyssa whispered. No not really Blair admitted. Blair that is dangerous. I know but it's just so nasty and I hate it! Well here feed on me. But what if I hurt you or take too much? You won't I trust you Alyssa said while holding out her arm. Blair bit into her arm and Alyssa gasped and closed her eyes. Blair began sucking her blood and she could taste the magic in it then when she had enough to sustain herself for the day she stopped. Alyssa opened her eyes and stared at Blair, did you get enough she asked. Blair nodded her head and said thank you. Just then Blake walked up. Hey Blair can I talk to you? Blair looked to Alyssa for approval go ahead she said. I see Edmund anyway. So Blake and Blair scurried off. Hey Ed. Hey lyssa where's Blair I have some blood for her. No need she fed off me already. That's impossible you have magic running through your veins her body should have rejected it. Well she didn't so does that mean she's both witch and vampire? I don't know we need to tell her sister maybe she'll know what to do. Blake and Blair walked up holding hands. So guys um Blake and I are dating now. Blair said sheepishly while eyeing her best friends for their reactions. Lyssa! Ed! Did you hear what I just said? Yea they said in unison. Look we have to go said Edmund we'll see you around Blair. Both Edmund and Alyssa kissed Blair on the cheek and left. They were going to Bonnie. Alyssa knocks on the door and within seconds Bonnie answers. Oh she says disappointed once she realizes that's not Caroline at the door. Hey Alyssa spoke this is my brother Edmund. Hey Bonnie's said in a weird tone is everything okay did something happen to Blair! She said with panic. No Blair's fine a little delusional Edmund mumbled under is breath in which Alyssa elbowed him. We wanted to tell you that Blair drank some of my blood and she shouldn't have been able to considering I'm a witch. Um wow thank you guys for telling me I'll see you two later Bonnie says before shutting the door and calling Damon. He'll know what to do she thought. Damon rushed home after he got off the phone with Bonnie. Stefan! Caroline! Let's go it's an emergency. They speed over to Bamon's house. What is it Damon yells as he barges in the house. The three of them stare puzzled at Bonnie as she paces back and forth not answering damon. Bon? Caroline calls out. Bonnie looks up and in a shaky voice she says I think Blair is a witch vampire. How is that possible Stefan questioned. I don't know Bonnie responded but she fed on Alyssa and she's a witch. She did what Caroline yelled! How! I don't know Bonnie yelled back! Hey calm down guys Damon said in a soft voice. When Blair gets home we'll see if she can do magic and if not then as of right now she can only absorb it. Which this is good news by the way because it means there may be a way to reverse her being a vampire. Stefan and I are going to do some research care stay her with bon will ya? You got it Caroline replied with a smile. Come on bon let's have our girl time. Bonnie nodded and snuggled into Caroline as they watched the movie waiting on Blair to get home.
*Blairs point of view*
Hey babe I want to pick where we go for our date I have an idea. That's fine by me Blake replied. What do you have in mind? I was thinking we could go to an art museum and then maybe get some food from the food truck and take a walk in the park together Blair said shyly. Blake noticed her shyness and thought it was cute. He smiled and caressed her face. Babe you don't ever have to be nervous around me anything you come up with is perfect he said to her softly. Blair nodded her head and said okay well let's go. The couple walked through the museum holding hands giggling as they pointed at the different paintings they found amusing. Which one was your favorite Blake asked. The starry night one Blair replied. I loved it because it reminded me of your eyes. When I look into them I always get lost in them they are so beautiful and they look like they hold the galaxy in them. Blake smiled and said you know I'm supposed to be saying the corny lines like that. Blair laughed and let out a snort she groaned embarrassed but her embarrassment was short lived because out of nowhere Blake kissed her. He tasted like magic. The kiss filled her with warmth something she hadn't felt in a while and she felt a connection to Blake almost as if she could channel him. She pushed away the funny feeling and kissed Blake back. Blair pulled away and smiled. Wow was all she could muster out. Come on let's go find that food truck Blake said while smirking. The couple got street tacos and walked around the park talking about everything. Blair finally told Blake about how she became a vampire in the first place. Blake apologized for his grandmother I'm so sorry Blair I can't believe she caused you so much pain. I wish there was something I could do. Hey hey Blair said to Blake you are not responsible for her, that had nothing to do with you okay? Blake nodded his head. He looked at his phone it was nine o'clock let's get you home it's getting late. Blair sighed yeah you're right I was having so much fun though Blair pouted. Blake pecked her on the lips and said I'll call you tonight? Blair nodded her head and then got into her boyfriend's car. They pulled into the driveway. That's weird Blair thought why is everyone here. She said as she noticed not only Stefan and Caroline's car but Ed and Lyssa's as well. Babe I gotta go but I'll call you later Blair said rushing inside. Blake just shook his head and drove off Blair was something else. What's up Blair asks to no one in particular with a puzzled look on her face. Everyone looks at her worried they all talk at once bombarding her with questions. "Where were you? Are you okay? Did something happen! Do you feel weird! Why are you getting home so late?" One at a time Blair said while chuckling. If you must know I was out on a date and yes I'm fine Blair said rolling her eyes. Is that okay? Everyone nodded. Bonnie broke the silence. Sweetie we think you may be both a witch and a vampire... Blair didn't know what to say to say she was shocked was an understatement. How she finally croaked out. We're not really sure Stefan replied however it is completely possible. You shouldn't have been able to feed on Lyssa this morning Edmund stated that's how we figured it out. Yea your body should have rejected my magic Alyssa chimed in. That makes so much sense when I kissed Blake tonight he tasted like magic! And I felt a connection almost like I could channel him if I wanted to! Bonnie I can channel! I can feel you again Blair said with tears in her eyes. Bonnie crashed into her sister giving her a hug I love you so much Blair. I love you too. Wait you kissed Blake Alyssa asked? Edmund looked between his sister and Blair was something going on between the two? Blair turned around and said oh um well he is my boyfriend now. Blair's words stung Alyssa. Um I have some homework to do see you tomorrow Blair, let's go ed. Alright goodnight guys Ed called out and with that the twins left. So can I do spells Blair said brushing off that awkward encounter. So far we think you can only absorb magic but this give us hope that there is a way for your full powers to return mini me. Blair nodded at least I can channel that's all that matters to me right now Bonnie squeezes Blair's hand. Caroline walked over and said come on Blair let's go for ice cream to celebrate. Blair smiled and ran out the door. Damon, Stefan, and Bonnie shared a laugh they loved Blair so much. Caroline winked at Bonnie before leaving. So tell me about this Alyssa girl. Blair raised her eyebrows well she's my best friend there's not much else to say really Blair shrugged. So you don't have a crush one her Caroline pryed? I don't know all I know is that she just does something to me and it's weird. So you're bi Caroline responded. No I prefer not to use labels she's the first girl I actually like in a romantic way. Caroline nodded so what's next for you two. Right now we're just friends I mean I'm with Blake so it kinda has to be that way. Caroline hummed okay and what about Ed she said with a smirk. Fuck Ed Blair said and I mean that in the nicest way. Caroline burst into laughter omg you're heartless! I mean he's my guy best friend and I love him but that's all he'll ever be to me is a friend. No no I get it believe me Caroline responded. Come girly let's get you back to the house. Blair turns to Caroline with a mischievous grin on her face. What Caroline exclaimed. Race? Blair asked. Caroline grins and says alright on 3. 1-2- thr and before she could finish Blair ran trying to get a head start. You little bitch Caroline said laughing and she ran to catch up. She ended up beating Blair to the house. How'd you beat me I had a head start Blair whined! I'm older remember? I'll always be faster. Caroline responded kissing Blair's forehead. They enter the house. Stefan let's go Caroline calls out. Blair hugs steroline as they leave. She locks the door behind them and turns to see Bonnie. Hey she says with a smile. Sit let's channel each other and talk Bonnie says eager to find out what's going on between her sister and Alyssa. Blair sits down and takes her sisters hands immediately she feels warmth as the magic travels through her connecting her and her sister together. So Bonnie says tell me about Alyssa. Blair smiles at her sisters nosiness and says she's my best friend and I sort of have a crush on her but nothing can happen between us right now because I'm with Blake. Bonnie nods so are you Bi? Um I prefer not to use labels right now all I know is that I like her and I like Blake. Bonnie nods again and says does she like you back? I think so we haven't really talked about our feelings. Bonnie nods again and says thanks for sharing love you and goodnight. Goodnight love you too. Blair replied as she watches Bonnie get up and go to her room. Almost immediately Blair calls Blake to tell him about her new discovery. They talk on the phone until Blair gets tired. Alright babe goodnight I'll see you tomorrow. Alright goodnight! Blair enters her room and sees Alyssa waiting on her bed. Creepy much Blair says with a smile. Sorry Alyssa says can we talk? Blair nods her head an sits on the bed.
Chapter 12:
Blair I like you a lot. I like you so much that I think about you all the time. So when you said you and Blake kissed that hurt because I want to be the only one you kiss. Blair was speechless what about Ed? Alyssa rolled her eyes he and I talked and he's okay with it he kind of got over you already he moves on fast she said with a shrug. Blair blinked um okay. I like you too lyssa and the thought of being with you scares me because I can't control myself around you and I- Alyssa cut Blair off with a kiss. This kiss felt different than Blake's it felt warmer and was full of passion and familiarity. She felt at ease and it was as if time was still for a second. Blair's hands roamed Alyssa's body. Alyssa began to lift Blair's shirt up when Blair suddenly pulled away. What's wrong Alyssa said. This is what I mean when I said I can't control myself around you, you do something to me and I can't help myself. We need to take things slow okay. I'm still with Blake and that's not going to change. Alyssa nodded her head and went to gather her things. Wait don't go Blair said. Stay please just stay. Alyssa nodded and got in the bed. The two girls cuddled. Blair. Hmm she hummed. Is kissing included in going slow? Yea Blair whispered. Alyssa turned to face the brown girl and softly kissed her before turning back around to her cuddling position. You know I always sleep better with you Blair whispered so do I Alyssa whispered back and with that the two girls went to sleep. Alyssa woke up early so that she could sneak back out of the house before Bonnie and Damon woke up. She wrote a note out and put it on her pillow kissed Blair's forehead and quickly but quietly left. Blair woke up to the coldness of Alyssa being gone. She turned and saw the note on her pillow she read it and stuck it in her drawer. She sighed and flopped back in her bed. What was she going to do she knew she couldn't string both of them along she was going to have to make a choice and it had to be soon. Blake to her felt like wonder and excitement he made her feel like what could be. Whereas Alyssa made her feel loved and safe she was full of passion and warmth and when it came to her she knew exactly what she wanted. She didn't want to hurt either one of them. She wished Lucy was here to hold her and tell her it was okay. She cried for a second and then got up to get ready for school. Bonnie came in just as Blair was making her bed. Oh! You're already up normally you're still asleep. What's got you up so early? Blair flops on the bed and groans I have too much on my mind to sleep. Talk to me Bonnie said softly. Blair lays her head in her sisters lap. Bonnie begins to rub her back ready to listen to what has her sister so worked up. Bon I'm so confused I like two people and I don't know who to choose she huffed. Well how do they make you feel? Good! I mean I feel different feelings with both so I don't know. With Blake I feel wonder and excitement. He's sweet and handsome and I know he'll treat me well. But with Alyssa it's like I'm in this other world. With her I feel warmth and passion. I feel safe and at peace. I know what I want with her it's like whenever I'm around her I can't control myself. With Blake I see a possible future like I can imagine what we could be and with lyssa I see the present because I know what we could be. Bonnie waited to see if her sister would say something else. She didn't. Well sweet pea those feelings you have with Alyssa aren't just going to go away. They are very powerful and hard to come by. You're very lucky to find someone who made you feel that way. As for Blake you seem to want to explore with him to see what you could be. Blair nodded. I would suggest talking to Alyssa and explaining how you would like to explore with Blake to see if there's something there. Thanks bon you're the best Blair said rushing out the door. Ed's here Blair explained Bonnie nodded and said see you when you get home. As soon as he was sure Blair was gone Damon popped his head into to the room so he said what's going on with mini-me. Bonnie giggled and patted a spot on the bed next to her. As soon as damon sat down she spilled everything to him. Sounds to me like she needs to choose Alyssa. She may not ever find someone that makes her feel that way again. Bonnie nodded that's what I said but she wants to explore her feelings with Blake a little more before she chooses. Damon rolled his eyes and said teenagers. Well I'm team Alyssa he states while getting up she loves Blair, she can't get Blair pregnant, oh and she's not related to an evil bitch Damon added. Bonnie rolled her eyes and said how do you know she loves Blair I figured that out when I saw how hurt she was when she found out about Blair kissing Blake. Come on Bon step your game up. Bonnie whispered a spell that gave damon a wedgie. Is my game stepped up now she asked playfully. Yea bon Damon grunted. She laughed as she ended the spell. You know how Blair planned to get us together yea Damon replied. Well let's return the favor Bonnie said with a sly smile. I like the way you think bon bon. Hey guys Blair says as she enters the car. I'm over you ed blurts out from the driver seat. okay thanks? Blair replies and Alyssa stifles a giggle. Also I'm completely fine with you dating my sister I promise we're better off as friends anyway. Alyssa flares at Edmund. Um well right now Alyssa and I are taking things slow. And I'm still with Blake as of now. Blair I love you and I'll always watch out for you but don't hurt my sister like you hurt me. You're a heartbreaker. I'm sorry Ed I really am but that's not fair because I never had feelings for you and I was always 100% honest with you about my feelings towards you. I can't help that you felt differently than me. What's going on between your sister and I is different there are feelings involved on both sides. And I would never purposely hurt her. Alyssa looks over at Blair have you eaten? She asks. Blair shakes her head no and Alyssa sticks her arm out. Blair looks and says lyssa no I can't keep feeding off you. Yes you can! Ed what do you think? Well Blair lyssa and I talked about it and her blood is the only blood you'll drink without throwing it up. And if you don't feed you'll die so I think it's a good idea. But what if I lose control. You won't replies Ed. How do you know that Blair asked worriedly. We don't Alyssa said but I trust that you would never hurt me and that your self control will kick in when it comes to me. Now feed. Blair reluctantly looks down but obeys and bites into her friends arm. Taking just enough to sustain her for a week. See Alyssa breathes out you didn't hurt me. She says a quick spell to heal herself and then gets out of the car since they just arrived at mystic falls high. Blair gets out and almost immediately runs into Blake. He catches her. We have got to stop running into each other like this Blair says with a smile. Alyssa rolls her eyes why was Blair so corny. Blake gives a small smile and says I want to take you out tonight. Where to Blair asks. um my secret place so we'll head there as soon as school lets out okay? Yea sure let me just tell Bonnie so she'll know. Just as she pulls out her phone Alyssa snakes her hand around her waist and runs her hands up and down Blair's side. I'm going to head to class see you there? She asks in a seductive manner. Uh um yea I'll be there soon. Oh hey Blake didn't see you there. Hey Alyssa he replied dryly. What's her problem he said after she left. Um you did try to kill her brother Blair said in a duh tone also she may or may not like me she mumbled. Wait what?! Blake said. She may or may not like me and I may or may not like her back Blair repeated with a little more confidence. Blake just nodded and said I'll see you after school and walked to class. Uh navigating relationships is so hard Blair mumbled as she headed to class. When she gets there she gives Alyssa the silent treatment for that stunt she pulled with Blake. Baby I'm sorry Alyssa whined. Please forgive me I can't help it I don't want to share you I want you to be mine and only mine. Blair looked at the olive skinned girl and said fine but don't ever do that again that wasn't cool. Witches honor she said while putting her hands over her heart. Both girls laughed and then paid attention to the lesson mrs Allair was giving. The school day was over and Blair rushed to meet Blake she was ready for their date. She got a weird feeling in her stomach as she saw him but she wrote it off. You ready? He asks Blair nods and gets in the car. They pull up at an HEB. Blair laughs this is your secret place she asks clearly amused. No silly we're here to get fruit and water so we can have a picnic. They play around in the store and almost get kicked out. They laugh and buy strawberries, and mangoes, and two bottles of water. They leave and head to Blake's secret place. This is the longest drive of my life Blair whines. Blake just smiles and says just be patient. It'll be worth it I promise he says grabbing Blair's hand putting her at ease. They finally arrive to this beautiful lake. Woah Blair says. Woah is correct Blake says getting the fruit and water out of the car. Come on let's sit at that table over there. They began eating and drinking. So Blake finally speaks up I brought you here because it was our last date and I wanted to share something with you that I haven't shared with anyone else. Last date Blair questioned. Blake nodded his head. My mother doesn't want us to be together there's too much bad blood between our families. My grandmother hurt your family a lot and I'm sorry about that but my mom can't get past you guys killing her. Blair nodded she didn't know what she was thinking involving herself with Petrova's Blake was right there was too much bad blood. I was going to fight my mom on it at first but then you told me about Alyssa and it put things into perspective. I see the way she looks at you and how you look at her. You don't look at me like that. Blake I'm sorry. It's fine I understand I come bearing gifts he says softly. He hands her a journal titled dates with the hazel eyed girl. She opened to the first page where there were pictures of them together from the museum, the food truck, and the walk around the park. Blake then takes a Polaroid of them and sticks the picture on the last page titled our last date. What about all the blank pages in between Blair asked. Write our story in it. From beginning to end. I'd like us to be friends Blair. You're amazing and beautiful but we just can't be together. Blair nodded I'd like that too. She hugged Blake. Wait I have one more gift. This is from my mom. He pulls out a vial. This should restore your powers. You'll still have your vampire abilities but you will be able to do magic. You can eat regular food now and this will require to only feed once a month now. I don't know what to say Blair said. Say thank you it's a truce from our family to yours. Blair nodded her head and took the vial. She looked at Blake and kissed him one last time. It didn't feel like last time she didn't feel anything anymore. This cleared up everything for her. She knew what she wanted. Let's get you home Blake said. Wait can we look at the stars. Blake nodded. Blair took a Polaroid of the night sky and of Blake's eyes. You know your eyes still look like they hold the galaxy in them she said softly. Blake smiled and said you're still corny. The two of them sat in silence looking at the stars feeling content in knowing they had to go their separate ways. Blair sighed I'm ready to go now. Blake nodded and they headed to the car. The drive home was much shorter. Blake pulled into Blair's driveway. Blair got out and looked at Blake why does this feel like a goodbye and not a see you later. Because I'm leaving mystic falls for a while Blake admitted. Blair nodded sadly. Hey don't be sad Blair we will see each other again. Even if it's another lifetime and maybe our love story will end differently. Yea maybe Blair replied. Well can I at least hug you again. Blake got out of the car and hugged Blair she breathed in his scent he smelled like sandalwood. Goodbye Blake she said see you in another lifetime. See you in another life time he replied softly. He watched Blair enter her home and sighed. What Blair didn't know was that she wouldn't see him in another lifetime. That was his magic in that vial. He was now going to live a human life along with his mother. He sighed and drove off.
Chapter 13:
As soon as Blair got close to the front door she smelled a flowery scent and knew it was Alyssa she smiled just the girl she wanted to see. She entered her home and smiled at the sight of her sister and her soon to be girlfriend talking and laughing with each other. Hey guys. They turned and smiled at Blair she joined them on the couch putting her feet in both of their laps. She told both of them about her date and the vial. She kept the journal to herself that was just for her and Blake to know about especially with him being gone now. Both Bonnie and Alyssa widened their eyes when they heard about the vial they knew what that meant for Blake but neither of them dared to tell Blair. Also Blake is leaving mystic falls with his mother so we won't be seeing him anytime soon. Blair sighed well I guess I'll drink the vial now. She pulls it out and drinks it. She feels the magic coursing through her veins. She feels a sharp pain in her head as all the memories she's had since transitioning flood through her. Bonnie holds Blair as she screams out in pain. Alyssa looks worriedly and Damon runs in the living room to help. What's going on he yells with a worried look on his face. Blair is getting her full magic back Alyssa replies. Finally Blair stops screaming and she just lays on Bonnie's chest breathing hard. How do you feel mini me? Like I can do magic she says with a tried smile. Everyone's face floods with relief. So what's up with you two Damon asks pointing to the teens. Um were just taking it day by day Blair replied not wanting to let Bonnie and Damon in on her relationship with Alyssa. Bamon nodded their heads and smiled at each other glad that the two were working towards getting together. Alyssa can you come in my room I want to talk to you in private. Alyssa nodded and followed Blair to her room closing the door behind her. We're going to Stefan's Damon called out to Blair. Okay Blair shouted back. She turned to the olive skinned beauty remember how you said this could be whatever I wanted. Alyssa nodded well what if I wanted you to be my girlfriend. Alyssa looked up and said I'd love that. She patted the bed signaling Blair to join her. Once Blair sat down Alyssa pulled her in for a kiss. It was like electricity shot up blairs spine. She was on cloud nine. What now Alyssa asked. Now we go to bed I'm tired Blair said getting up to put on night clothes. Alyssa watched Blair change. I feel you staring Blair said laughing. I know Alyssa replied. Since we're officially together I figure I'd show you something Blair says as she gets completely naked. Alyssa's eyes roam the brown girls body you know you can go to bed like that if you want I wouldn't mind Alyssa shrugs. I'm sure you wouldn't Blair says as she puts on her pajamas. Besides you wouldn't be able to control yourself if I did. Tienes razón, te haría el amor toda la noche Alyssa replied with a smirk. I have no idea what you just said but I'm positive it was dirty Blair said laughing. It was, shrugged The olive girl but I meant it. What'd you say Blair said lowly. I said You're right because I'd make love to you all night long. Blair's breath hitched and she kissed Alyssa slowly then the the kisses sped up their hands roamed each other's bodies. Alyssa pinned Blair down and said may I? Blair nodded her head and Alyssa wasted no time removing Blair's clothing. Staring hungrily at her girlfriends body. The two began kissing again and their bodies moved in sync. And just as Alyssa said they made love all night long.

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