Her sacrifce

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Her Sacrifice
Written by Adrienne Miller

Chapter 1
Bonnie couldn't sleep, she tossed and turned all night for the past three days. She began to sweat and murmur in her sleep. These symptoms were things she knew all too well. She was having a nightmare. She has had plenty of nightmares before but these were different. These were about Damon. Dammit, she said to herself, why the fuck am I dreaming about Damon fucking Salvatore! She needed to clear her head so she headed to the kitchen for a drink of water. While walking she began to think why am I dreaming of Damon, I mean I know we are best friends and all but this is weird. Bonnie was relieved when she heard a knock at the door. She sat her glass on the counter and headed to the door. Who could be knocking at this hour? Must be Damon she thought while rolling her eyes with a grin on her face. Damn the thought of him made her smile even though he was a pain in the ass. But when she opened the door it wasn't Damon it was someone else. Standing outside of Bonnie Bennett's house was a little girl.
Blair was pacing back and forth outside of bonnie's house. She was nervous and she had every right to be. Behind that door was her only family left, her sister bonnie. After five minutes of working herself up she finally convinced herself to knock on the door. As she knocked and waited on her sister's arrival she took three deep breaths. The door opened and the girl was absolutely stunning she couldn't believe someone related to her could look that good. I mean Lucy was pretty but bonnie was beautiful. She shook her head she had some important business to share with her. Bonnie took one look at her and said sorry I'm not interested in buying anything. This infuriated blair her sister was not going to close the door in her face! So she may or may not have used her magic to keep the door from closing. You're a witch bonnie said. Blair nodded and said and I have some important stuff to tell you. The look blair received was priceless, she smiled at her triumph she had over her older sister. Um I don't know how to tell you this so I'm just going to say it. She took a deep breath. Go on retorted bonnie. My sister may be gorgeous but she can be a real bitch blair thought. Well I'm your sister...
Bonnie was speechless not only was this girl a witch but she claimed to be her sister! There is no way you could be my sister I'm an only child bonnie responded. I am bonnie! Lucy told me she's the one who sent me here. She wasn't surprised the girl knew her name. Hell it seemed like everyone knew her especially since she was the last bennett witch. But the mention of her cousin Lucy made her tingle she could still remember the connection she felt after she touched her. A feeling she felt until a couple of days ago. Lucy she whispered, blair nodded. Where is she, let me see her! Lucy! Bonnie began to call out. She's not here bonnie she's dead. She was supposed to come back! Look I'm as disappointed as you are, lucy raised me when our mother abandoned me. Our mother abandoned me too, she replied softly. She sympathized with the girl because she knew what it was like to grow up without a mother, luckily she had elena, caroline, and grams. Both elena and grams were dead and her and caroline kind of drifted apart. Now she only had her best friend, Damon. Maybe having a sister wouldn't be bad after all. Still how could she trust her this could all be a trap. Her disbelief must have shown on her face because blair responded, look I wouldn't believe me either but I'm not lying, look I have a note from lucy to prove it. And sure enough the note read:
Dear Blair,
If you're reading this note this means I'm dead. Just know that I love you with all my heart, even though I wasn't your mother biologically, you will always be my daughter. I have a cousin in mystic falls, her name is bonnie. She's your sister tell her who you are and what happened she will take you in and care for you I am trusting her with you and I am telling you to trust her. I'm hoping the two of you will see eye to eye and build a strong bond. After all you are family.
Love Lucy
Bonnie knew this note was real she could feel Lucy's presence as she read the note. Come in blair I'm sure your journey here wasn't easy. Would you like some tea? "sure!" ok, umm where's your stuff? Bonnie asked while preparing two cups of tea. "I had to leave it behind." Ok well I'm sure you want to get settled in so go ahead and take a shower and you can borrow some of my clothes for the night. "ok" blair replied. Once blair returned she looked more relaxed, less scared, more like a teen. How old are you? I'm sixteen blair said while sipping her tea. Mmm this is really good, what about you? Oh, me I'm twenty-two! Bonnie had one question that would prove if this was her sister. Blair what's your middle name? It's Abagail, my name is Blair Abagail Bennett. Abagail as in abby? Yep I was named after her which makes no sense because she had no interest in being in my life. That was all she needed to know, it was a bennett tradition to be named after someone else in the family. She watched as her alleged sister's eyes began to get heavy. Bonnie I'm getting kind of tired. "oh, you can sleep in my room tonight and we'll make sleeping arrangements tomorrow. As her sister staggered into the bedroom she felt bad that she drugged her. She seemed like a nice girl, but she had to be sure. At this moment she thought of grams and what she would do, oh how she wished grams was still here. " grams I don't know what to do I need your help." As much as she hated to admit it, bonnie needed someone. She needed help. So she picked up her phone and dialed the one person that would be there for her. Damon Salvatore.
*Chapter 2*
Calling so soon, I thought it would be much longer before you wanted a booty call! Classic damon bonnie said while rolling her eyes. Hey bon-bon damon said as he placed a kiss on her cheek. The kiss took them both by surprise. Bonnie jolted back and damon looked confused. I mean damon's kissed her on the forehead before but never on the cheek, they've held hands, and even hugged on certain occasions, but never has damon kissed bonnie casually. They both decided that pretending that kiss never happened was what was best for them both. "so what's going on?" well I just found out I have a sister. A what? A sister damon! Well where has she been the past seven years? She was with lucy and she didn't know about me either.  "well why is she here now?" Lucy's dead. And? Damon! Lucy raised her and sent her here when she died. "well let me see her." She's asleep. "Wake her up!" I can't I drugged her. "you did what!" I didn't know what else to do I was scared! " that doesn't mean you drug the poor kid!" by the way how old is she? Bonnie gave him a questioning look. Not like that bonnie I promise. "she's sixteen." That means she was born when you were six. "yep." I hate abby. "Hey! Even though she made poor choices she's still my mother. You wanna know what's worse? "what?" she's named after her. "her first name is Abby?"  no her middle name is Abagail just like mine is Sheila.
"Bonnie Sheila Bennett"
Blair Abagail Bennett"
I like it said damon. I hear footsteps looks like blair is up.  Bonnie grinned she just hoped that blair hadn't figured out she was drugged or there was going to be trouble in paradise.
Blair woke up with an excruciating headache. She must have been drugged. Bonnie must have used the tea spell. No wonder she hadn't touched her tea! The little Bi...! Before she could finish she smelled something. It was death. A vampire was in the house. The first thing that came to mind was bonnie and that she had to protect her even though she didn't like her right now. They were bennett's and bennett's stuck together. She entered the living room and watched with a smile as the vampire sunk to his knees and began to rub his temples. Stop! Bonnie screamed as she ran to the vampires side. "damon are you ok!" Damon that's a nice name she thought. What do you think you're doing! Screamed bonnie. " I thought I was saving you blair yelled as tears streamed her face. That's how lucy died vampires killed her. They -they killed her! So when I woke up and smelled a vampire I panicked ok! I thought they were going to kill you too! Bonnie ran to her sister and hugged her even though she wanted to kill her, she knew what it felt lime to not be able to trust vampires. Damon's a good guy blair. He's my best friend you can trust him I promise. You may hate him at first but you'll grow to love him I promise. " yea blair, lucy may have raised you but she wasn't as good of a person as you think. Maybe there was a reason she was killed. Excuse me! How dare you talk about lucy like that as she thrusted her hand forward and began twisting damon's heart. Bon- bonnie damon grunted. Stop it now! Right now! Blair I don't want to have to use my magic but I will. " listen to your sister witchy I don't want to have to kill you." Shut up damon! You're making it worse! Damon's remark only caused him to get a pencil wedged in his back. He began to choke on blood. "Next time I won't miss and that's a promise!" bonnie had enough it was obvious blair was going to kill damon if she didn't stop her. So even though she didn't want to hurt her sister, she extended her hand and threw blair across the room. Damon got up and had bonnie remove the pencil, once he could breathe he said that's it witchy you're dead. Blair scrambled to her feet ready to kill damon if it came to it. The only person in the room she cared about was bonnie she didn't give a crap about damon. Bonnie and damon may be best friends but that didn't mean he could kill blair, she didn't care what she did blair was not to be touched.  Bonnie stood in front of blair blocking damon, "don't" bonnie said I'm warning you. Damon stopped no matter how much wanted to wring the little witch's neck, he would never harm a hair on bon-bon's head he loved her. Fine, he said but you're lucky bonnie's here to save the day. "no you're lucky" blair replied, let's be clear on one thing don't think I won't kill you vampire. The name's Damon Salvatore. Blair turns to bonnie and says you were right about one thing I do hate him! Oh and tell your buddy "Salvatore" here that if he comes near me again I will kill him! Defeated damon says look blair bonnie is my best friend and she means the world to me I'll never hurt her. And for some odd reason you obviously mean something to her so what do you say about a truce! "bite me, said blair" oh I won't hesistate! And with that blair stormed into bonnie's room and slammed the door. Your sister is something else! Tell me about it, I'm sorry damon. Its fine, I actually like her she has your fire and passion, your love, your selflessness, she's like a mini you but much more feisty. I know lucy had something to do with that  but most importantly there's a little bit of me in her. Wow I've never seen you so calm about someone who tried to kill you. Ehh she was hurt and besides I don't blame her I blame lucy. Damon! Don't start. What!, bonnie we all knew lucy worked for Katherine it's no secret. Remember that you're talking about my cousin damon! Look I've never liked lucy and I'm not about to pretend now! Maybe I should of let blair kick your ass a little more! Look bonnie I don't want to argue with you and I have dried blood on my shirt, so im going to change. I'll be back later to help you with blair, we'll figure it out don't worry. And with that damon and bonnie embraced and he planted a nice, soft kiss on her forehead. Neither of them cared because they needed it. They were so caught up they hadn't noticed blair watching. Blair decided if bonnie cared about him that she would tolerate him. She then returned to bonnie's room before she was caught.  Damon left and bonnie rubbed her temples. How could a sixteen year old cause so much trouble it was like elena all over again she thought aloud. "who's elena?" blair wondered. If there was one thing bonnoe was sure of. It was that she needed a drink. And with that she poured herself a nice glass of bourbon.
*Chapter 3*
Blair woke up to the beautiful smell of bacon. Once she got in the kitchen she heard bonnie singing. Her voice was beautiful, she was glad she was able to live with her sister. Even though they barely knew each other, she knew bonnie cared for her. Bonnie was so caught up in making breakfast that she hadn't heard blair come in. Damon was coming he was going to take blair shopping in an attempt for a truce. But she had an even bigger surprise. Damon came back last night as promised and he fixed up blair's room. He had bonnie make it girly. He even went as far as to put a few of lucy's possessions in the room, he was sure the little witch would love it. "why are you making three plates bonnie?" ummm because damon's coming she replied nervously. "oh good!" blair exclaimed. Good, you're not mad bonnie asked. Nah I've been wanting to apologize to the Salvatore anyway. Bonnie was taken aback never in a million years would she think her sister would forgive damon that easily. So bonnie um who's elena? Elena bonnie asked with a confused look on her face. Why are you asking about her? Well I overheard you say I was like elena all over again last night. Bonnie sighed. Elena is someone near and dear to my heart she was my best friend. "was?" yea she's technically dead it's a long story but we got linked together. So when I die she'll wake back up. "woah". Yep. Well not to sound inconsiderate or anything but what does that have to do with me? It doesn't but this does, when we were sixteen is when everything started. Elena caused a lot of drama, she put my life in danger many times, and I even died twice. Now don't get me wrong I love her to death, but she brought a lot of unwanted chaos in my life. Ok, so basically I remind you of a selfish girl who used you for her benefit, put you in danger, and who you're secretly glad is dead because your life has been peaceful. Blair I didn't say that! You didn't have to, I read in between the lines. Blair believe it or not I care about you. How can you! We just met. When you thought I was in danger you tried to save me. And we had just met the night before and I know you know that you were drugged. That's not the point bonnie! The point is that I have nothing but positive things to say about you and I remind you of someone who was a terrible friend to you! Blair look – don't worry about  it bonnie you're not the first person to disappoint me and you won't be the last. Bonnie was stunned. Look I'm not hungry anymore let me know when Salvatore gets here. Look I'm sorry blair ok? I know bonnie me too, I'm sorry that I bring so much "unwanted chaos" in your life. And with that she left. Bonnie made a grunting noise and threw herself on the couch. Who knew having a sister would be so difficult. Bonnie screamed into the pillow. I can hear you, blair shouted. I don't care bonnie screamed back. Shortly after damon arrived when he saw bonnie the first thought was wow when did bonnie become so sexy? Woah, woah they were best friends he shouldn't be thinking about her in that way. What was going on with him lately. First the kiss now this? I mean he couldn't help it though look at her. I mean she was drop dead gorgeous. Everything about her was perfect, her beautiful green eyes, her sexy curves, the way her hair blew in the wind, her beautiful carmel skin, the way she would roll her eyes when he annoyed her, the way her lips curved up when she smiled, the way she said his name, he always thought the way damon rolled off her tongue was sexy. Oh my goodness he could go on and on about her. It was at this moment when damon realized he had fallen for Bonnie Sheila Bennett. He just didn't know how to tell her. When he looked up he noticed his beautiful bon-bon on the verge of tears. What's wrong bon? Blair and I had a fight bonnie responded. She heard me say she was like elena all over again and she took offense to it. Wait! You told her about elena! I had to damon, I don't want to keep any secrets from her. Okay bon don't worry, I'll fix it. Thanks damon you're the best! I know, alright mini-me let's go! And with one last wink he was out the door. Good bye blair love you! Yea whatever she retorted. Bonnie's face fell, why is she still mad at me but she forgave damon? All bonnie knew was that she needed a drink.

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