Chapter 2 - A Deal

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As I am standing at my locker on the second day of school, Jenny and Nina come up to me.

"You are so lucky," Nina says.

"Why?" I ask.

"The principal isn't expelling you!"


"The boys got detention," Jenny informs me.

"Good," I reply again.

She shakes her head. "Not good. Bad."

Then Nina says, "you got detention too."

I groan, "this is not fair. I was helping someone!"

"No way..." Nina says.

I just look at her. "Yes. Yes I was helping-"

"Not that!" Nina shakes her head and points down the hall where the four most "popular" boys are. They are walking towards us.

As they approach, Nina and Jenny take a few steps back but I stay in place. I'm not showing them they scare me. I can take down these losers any day. Christian is leading the pack and to the right of him is Derrick... with a purple bruise on his face.

"Ooh, Derrick. That bruise looks pretty bad. Where'd you get it from?" I smirk while Nina gasps.

"Look, bitch," Derrick walks uncomfortably close to me with an angry face. "You must be new here because-"

I stare at him blankly.

He stares back.

I blink.

He blinks.

"Wha- why are you not scared?" He asks.

I laugh, "excuse me?"

By now we have drawn a huge crowd of teenagers.

"You should be shaking with fear," he informs me.

"No I shouldn't. It's not like you're going to hurt me. Or are you?" I ask and smile.

He takes a step closer but Christian pulls him back.

"You don't need to defend me," I yell at Christian. "This is ridiculous! I have to get to class."

With that, I walk away.

"I'd watch your back!" Derrick shouts after me.

I just keep walking and head to class: Canadian history. What fun.

I'm actually early so I take a seat five rows back and listen to some music while I wait. Little by little the room becomes more crowded until all the seats but two are taken up. The teacher finally walks in and starts the lesson. Five minutes into the lesson, the door swings open and stands Matt. One of the "populars" as my
friends like to call them.

"Sorry I'm late sir," he fake apologizes.

"Yeah yeah," Mr. Kritz says, "just don't do it again."

Wow. How does he get off so easily?

Of course out of the two seats he can sit in, Matt smirks and decides to come sit by the empty one next to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2016 ⏰

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