School show

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Sup. I have no idea where this story is going so if it is weird do not judge me. It will probably turn into complete shit later on. Anyway on with the story.

Normal (POV)

It was Monday and Lucy stayed at Natsu's house again. But she went to her house to get a change of clothes. Natsu finally persuaded her to wear clothes that she likes.

Lucy wore a black crop top with strings hanging in the front. She had camouflage jeans the were ripped horizontally heading down the leg. Golden skull earrings with a black spiked bracelet and a black beanie. Also she had black high tops. (Second media page)

Lucy came out of the bathroom and stretched. She had a smile and though 'it's been a while since I wore what I love to school'.

Natsu and his family braver saw her clothes yet. She smirked and went downstairs. They all went and arts while she was changing.

Lucy: "Natsu what's for breakfast"!

Natsu: "oh we're having French toast why do yo..."

Natsu was looking at Lucy with wide eyes. Everyone else was confused on why he stopped and looked in his direction. When they saw Lucy standing there they had the same reaction.

Lucy: "the fuck. Why are you all staring at me"?

Natsu was the first one brought back in reality. He went up to her and kneeled down. He saw a huge scar going across her stomach and her arms. There was a small one on her neck but it was completely disco lord so it was noticeable.(ha you probably thought it was the outfit well ya thought wrong)

He traced her scar with his finger. She winced a little at the memory. Natsu took his finger off her stomach and stood up. He looked her in the eyes.

Out of no where he hugged Lucy and she was surprised but hugged back. Once they let go Natsu and Lucy looked at each other.

Natsu: "Luce I love the clothes but are you sure you want to go to school with your scars being shown"?

Lucy: "yea it fine anyway my last performance showed more scars than this".

Natsu nodded then grabbed Lucy's hand and brought her the table. Lucy didn't even bother getting a fork and neither did Natsu. They just picked up the toast and shoved it in their mouth.

Igneel, Grandine, and Wendy started to laugh. Natsu and Lucy stopped eating with food hanging out of their mouths. They looked at each other and shrugged and kept on eating.

Once they finished Natsu, Lucy, and Wendy went to school. They walked and on the way guys were staring a t Lucy with lust filled looks. Natsu didn't like that one bit and gave then a death glare that made them shake in fear and look away.

He smiled and kept on walking. They reached the entrance of the school. Girls were squealing because they saw Lucy.

All of A sudden Lisanna came gunning up with paper and a pen. She had this bus smile on her face.

Lisanna: "OMG you're 'The Fairy'! Can I have your autograph"?!

All three of them start to laugh and Lisanna is looking at them confused with a hint of anger.

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