The truth and pass

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Ok. Do not blame me if I upload more than one chap a day. I am up all night reading and writing fanfics. So I may upload more than one. K hope you enjoy. Also sorry if it sucks. WARNING: this chap has some parent abuse in it!

Normal (POV)

Lucy started to wake up from loud talking outside the door. She opened her eyes and wondered. She whispered to her self but she didn't know the people outside could hear her.

Lucy: "where am I this isn't my room? All I remember is being beaten and then Natsu came and helped me then it all went dark".

The door opened and Natsu walked in with his mother. Lucy saw Natsu sigh in relief and Grandine smiling sadly.

Natsu: "hello nice to meet you. How did you know my name and may I ask what's yours"?

Lucy: "oh sorry my name is Lucy and I met you so I know your name".

Natsu looked confused and was about to ask until his mother cut him off.

Grandine: "hi Lucy my name is Grandine and can I ask you a question"?

Lucy: "hi mov to meet you too and of course".

Lucy know what was coming because she realized she wasn't in the same clothe as last time.

Grandine: "I don't mean to intrude on your personal life but why do you so many scars. Some look like they are from knives but the majority of them look from shattered bottles".

Lucy giggles sadly abut and then smiles. She gave them a thumbs up which made them confused she started to tell a story about one of the scars.

Flashback- Lucy is 3 years old
Lucy (POV)

I ran downstairs to the kitchen. I wasn't really sad about my mother's death since I really didn't know her. It did effect Jude though. Too much I would say.

He beat me when ever he was angry, sad or just for the joy of it. It was terrible for me. I had scars all over my body. Jude did use knives here and there but mostly tequila bottles. He would sometimes drink vodka and beer.

I made it to the dinner table and sat down quietly. I didn't want to let Jude know I was down here already.

That backfired because right when I sat down Jude walked in the room. He smirked while taking another sip of tequila. He came up to me and lifted me up by my hair.

Jude: "Lucy...".


I never liked calling him my father. So I called him by his real name. He didn't like it one bit. His smirked turned into a heated glare and he pulled my hair harder.

I didn't scream because i knew he enjoyed my screams. I kept shut so he didn't get the pleasure he wanted. He let go of me and I crumpled to the floor. He looked me straight in the eyes.

Jude: "you are a worthless bitch who only cares about her self! You disgust me! You should be the one dead instead of Layla"!

With that he slammed the bottle on my stomach. The bottle shattered and went into my skin. It was bleeding endlessly and I knew it was going to be the worst scar I had yet. I cringed but I still didn't make a sound.

He then grabbed the glass bits and shoved them further in my skin. He was done and finally left. I ran to my room for the first aid kit that I keep in there. I learned how to treat my wounds from doing it for about a year.

A lot of people would say I'm talented for a three year old but Jude thinks I'm just a disgraceful whore. Who would have a thought a father can say such crude language to his three year old daughter.

Once I cleaned it and put bandages over it I thought. 'I have a feeling this is going to be one out of many'. After that I feel asleep.

Flashback end-

Normal (POV)

Lucy was still smiling. It wasn't even a fake smile though. It was a true one. Grandine covered her mouth with her hands and cried a bit. Natsu was jaw dropped and wide eyed. Lucy saw the pity in his eyes and smiled even more.

What Lucy didn't expect to happen was Natsu hugged her. One arm around her back and the other around her should with his head in the crook of her neck.

Natsu: "how could you bring that up with a smile. You smile like nothing ever happened. If I had to bring up that type of past I would have been crying in the middle of the explanation".

Lucy giggle a bit more which made Natsu look up at her. Lucy just sat there and thought about how the other scars got there.

Lucy: "the funny thing is that was only an explanation for one scar. I have many more that i have".

Natsu hugged he again and let go. A thought came to his mind.

Natsu: "hey Luce how did ya know me again"?

Lucy: "oh, you know the singer 'The Fairy'? Well I'm her and i came to your house yesterday".

Natsu looked at Lucy in disbelief. Then a realization came to his mind.

Natsu: "that explains why you had so many scars when you performed. That outfit showed many of them." (Sorry I didn't add that in the first chap)

Lucy: "yip and I was wondering Natsu would you and Wendy like to be my friends"?

Natsu: "sure but Wendy never met the school you so...".

Lucy: "I'll just dress in the same outfit and ask. I want to make friends who like me for me".

Natsu smiled and am gave Lucy thumbs up.

Natsu: "way to go Luce"!

They laughed and went downstairs after Lucy got a nerdy type outfit. She kept her glasses on though. She actually needs them for far distances.

They laughed and had a great time while eating dinner together. Natsu and Lucy became the best of friends. By the way the act you would think there're a couple.(wink 😉 wink)

Done with this chap. Hoped y'all liked it. Also sorry about making her father a sadist but it went with the story line. I am weird but I like the stories when Jude is a sadist and hurts Lucy. That just proves how messed up I am. I would never approve of it in real life though. NEVER DO ABUSE!!! Maybe next chap will be better.

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